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DanaC 01-14-2012 07:13 AM

No. I think there are pressures on men. But I don't think they are subject to the same level of constant scrutiny and analysis as a gender as women are.

There isn't the same level of cultural anxiety around what makes a man as there is around what makes a woman. Though there is now some anxiety around what is a man, and that makes it seem like a very big question. But the reality is that the question of what is a woman is neverending, always present and only really waxes and wanes in terms of the levels of anxiety and prescription.

glatt 01-14-2012 07:14 AM


Well, maybe about careers.

Clodfobble 01-14-2012 07:16 AM

Yeah, I was going to say that men are under pressure to provide an ever-increasing salary, be very handy with tools, and maybe play baseball outside with their kid every afternoon. But I don't think they have to deal with image pressure at all. If anything, they get anti-image pressure, because if you care too much about your image, it's implied that you must be gay.

DanaC 01-14-2012 07:16 AM

Think about the sexualising children debate. Is it really a debate about children? or is it actually a debate about sexualising girls? There is absolutely no corresponding debate about sexualising boys.

The question of what is a girl is fundamentally more important to us as a culture than the question what is a boy? That's one of the reasons boys who don't fit the picture become so culturally downgraded. because by not being like a boy they are being 'like a girl'. The emphasis is not on what a boy should be, but what he should not be: ie, like a girl. The core definition involved is ....what makes a girl.

TheMercenary 01-14-2012 08:16 AM

The bigger woman looks more healthy and generally sexy but I wouldn't turn either one away.

Griff 01-14-2012 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 787914)
No. I think there are pressures on men. But I don't think they are subject to the same level of constant scrutiny and analysis as a gender as women are.

If you refer to the same "men's" magazines that idealize unattainable body types, you'll find plenty of paranoia about hairlines, pecs, and abs. Thing is those are magazines for early twenty somethings, hardly men yet, who are really lost about their place in the world, not having figured out what is truly important to them and are easily swayed by advertising as they come out of the teenage fog of testosterone induced irrationality. The media blitz continues against women though, well past the age they seem to give up on men, Cialis not with-standing.

DanaC 01-14-2012 08:47 AM

I don't think those magazines play as prominent a role in young male culture as the equivalent do in young female culture. It's also less all encompassing. It's in the lads mags. But it isn't everywhere they look all the time from their toddler years onwards.

Griff 01-14-2012 08:53 AM

It is hard, but we have to teach our girls to be skeptical of media images. That is just another reason to turn off the tv if you're raising kids.

HungLikeJesus 01-14-2012 09:14 AM

Don't just turn it off. Throw it out the window.

Griff 01-14-2012 09:16 AM

... and shoot it twice before it hits the ground.

Undertoad 01-14-2012 09:31 AM

It's OK. Kids are rejecting TV in spades.


Millennials aged 16-34:

Watch much less TV than other Americans (26 percent v. 47 percent).

footfootfoot 01-14-2012 09:42 AM

What's TV? Do they still have that?

Women are viewed by men as potential breeding partners (Sex Objects)
Men are viewed by women as potential providers (Success Objects)

Or as my friend's step dad says:

"There's two things that make the world go 'round, money and pussy. The money is chasing after the pussy and the pussy is chasing after the money."

Now you can go get an advanced degree in gender studies at some fancy university and put that simple truth in all sorts of fancy terms or you can just acknowledge it and put that bit of wisdom to work in your favor.

Women, that means use your pussy to its highest purpose to find the money to make you comfortable.
Men use your money to its highest purpose to find the pussy that makes you happiest.

Clodfobble 01-14-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
It's OK. Kids are rejecting TV in spades.

I dunno...


•But watch many more TV shows on laptops (42 percent v. 18 percent), and other devices.
•Like to check out brands on social media sites more than older Americans (53 percent v. 36 percent).
I think they're just getting their ads in different places. And beyond that, some of the differences are just age:


•Are much more likely to be influenced by their friends about where to shop, etc. (70 percent v. 45 percent).
They're comparing young kids to adults, not young kids to an earlier generation when they were also young. Hippies thought they weren't going to let "the man" tell them where to shop either, but now they walk into Target just like everyone else.

TheMercenary 01-14-2012 09:47 AM

Women are view by women as competition.
Men are viewed as men as just another dude.

Clodfobble 01-14-2012 09:50 AM

The women are comparing themselves to the other women... but the men are comparing their woman to the other women, too.

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