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monster 01-28-2010 03:28 PM

I think you should fight her for custody of the paragraph breaks. Did she pack the enter key when she left?

Cicero 01-28-2010 11:46 PM

You are right ThatGuy. Don't get too close to the phone. (Once I hid my phone from myself knowing I would forget where I put it) You are probably still in shock. They are right, as you don't have any kids together there is nothing preventing you from moving on at all. All of these rationalizations probably don't help with the utter pain you are going through. That sucks. That hurts. Ow!

Removing yourself to a new situation if you have that advantage is a great idea. Go make new memories.

Berating her doesn't even help. She wasn't ready for a great relationship obviously. Go through your shock, grief, and pain. Vent if you want to. But don't blame this on yourself. Don't make the mistake of trying to rationalize her behavior and dwelling. It won't make since because it doesn't. Move on when you can. I suck at relationships. I am the worst. But I can tell you for damned sure that at times, when we try to rationalize the insanity of petty human behavior we are fall deeper into it (sheer insanity). Don't blame anyone just walk off.

Madman 01-29-2010 11:36 AM

Well, try not to get drunk anymore. It just adds to the depression. Go out on a date. You need companionship. Got an old girlfriend or acquaintance you can hang out with?

You should probably decide if you want her back or not. If you don't, then move on. The sooner the better. If you do, well... then you have a problem because she has to feel the same way.

Well, whatever happens, I wish you the best.

SamIam 01-29-2010 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 630659)
I think you should fight her for custody of the paragraph breaks. Did she pack the enter key when she left?

Paragraph breaks would be nice. When I see TG's posts my eyes start to cross. :3_eyes:

ThatGuy 02-01-2010 08:02 AM

Sorry about there being no paragraph breaks lol. I just started typing and this juts keeps coming to my head. I'm talking to myself and typing and forget. But i cant do the whole dating thing just yet. I am not ready for it yet. Saturday night went out with the boys and had a few beers at a bar/nightclub it was cool meeting other women but besides conversation im not good for anything else i just cant do it yet....I'm being a bit of a puss i know.

But two great things came from this weekend though. I did get myself a sweet condo on friday/saturday and called up her friend so she could let her know that i am all done with that house and all my stuff is gone so she can go home i left my key underneath the front door mat and told her to change the code on the garage door so she would feel safe that i would not be able to get in at all in case thats what she was worried about..........and i finally ditched my SUV(baby car) and got me a sonic blue 04 cobra!!!!!!!! Which i have always wanted. To hell with her i will have my new baby to keep me company.

classicman 02-01-2010 08:41 AM

Wow - lotta activity there Guy. Don't sweat the dating thing. Take your time and relax. There is NO rush.

Just be careful drivin that new car of yours

limey 02-01-2010 08:41 AM

Good for you TG! Keep moving forwards ... the new car sounds like a babe magnet (when you're ready for that ...) ;)!

SamIam 02-01-2010 10:24 AM

Yeah, TG. Don't sweat the dating scene until you are ready. You know what they say about rebound relationships. ;)

It sounds like you are taking some positive steps. A new condo, a new car - moving toward a new life. Good for you!

jujuwwhite 02-02-2010 12:20 PM

Congrats TG! I'm proud to see you are moving forward and doing some things to make yourself happy. I agree with everyone else who has said not to rush the dating thing...never a good idea jumping from the frying pan into the fire!

Besides, sometimes it's wonderful to just have a night out with the guys/girls. Despite what people believe, it's not always a 'fishing trip for the opposite sex.' Sometimes, it's just a night out with no expectations for sex, just a good night out to let your hair down and relax. So all that being said, enjoy the hell out of yourself and be careful out there. The dating scene is a true war zone now days anyway!!

richlevy 02-02-2010 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 630619)
OH no, you misunderstand - drunk posting is a virtual requirement

Well, it's certainly an accepted practice. Otherwise we'd never hear from Lumberjim.:cool:

lumberjim 02-02-2010 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by richlevy (Post 631860)
Well, it's certainly an accepted practice. Otherwise we'd never hear from Lumberjim.:cool:

don't capitalize's looks wrong.

you, as my biggest fan, should know this.

monster 02-02-2010 09:41 PM


at least no-one calls you Lummie....

limey 02-02-2010 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 631902)

at least no-one calls you Lummie....

Which reminds me of the Scots blessing "Lang may yer lum reek!" ...

bbro 02-04-2010 10:05 AM

I just have to interject and agree to not rushing the dating thing.

Not to hijack the thread, but my experience: The last guy I was with rushed it and became completely attached over night. It was supposed to be a one night stand/friends with benefits thing that we BOTH agreed on in the beginning. He kept trying to take it further and have a regular relationship with me. Since I kept saying no, he got passive-aggressive and tried controlling me through threats, insults and apologizes. Our friendship deteriorated so bad that I had to basically stop being his friend. I also had to block him from my phone because he just wouldn't leave me alone.

I think it was due to the fact that he never gave himself enough time to get over what was going on. He couldn't handle being alone and wasn't trying to get used to it.

That is probably the hardest thing, but you need to be able to be comfortable being with just yourself before trying to date. That way, you won't need to be with the other person 24/7.

Sundae 02-04-2010 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 631902)
at least no-one calls you Lummie....

You love it Monnie.

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