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busterb 08-25-2007 08:45 PM

Hardee's hand scooped ice cream. Perhaps other places use feet?
Help me out. Can anyone think of another way to scoop?

Clodfobble 08-25-2007 09:16 PM

An excavator?

That would be a lot of ice cream...

HungLikeJesus 08-31-2007 05:29 PM

It's amazing how many errors and nonsensical statements appear in newspapers (including electronic ones). I just saw this in an article about the growth of the Canadian wind industry:


Neil Levine, an EPCOR spokesman, told Reuters there were several delays, and that the project faced opposition from "some people who are not in favor of the project."

Sundae 07-25-2009 08:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I wanted to put this in the Dwellar's IRL thread, or whatever it was called.
That's the problem - I can't remember what it's called!

So tis here instead.
Because it would make Jebus cry.

TheMercenary 07-25-2009 08:44 AM


Juniper 07-25-2009 09:04 AM

One of my current clients has "Outside Basement Entry's" on his website -- a website that *I* wrote the copy for, mostly. I did not put the text on the tabs, therefore this is not my error, but it is humiliating. I'm fighting to get it changed but the website guys are awfully stubborn. :(

Glinda 07-25-2009 11:14 AM

Couple of years ago, I nearly drove off the road after seeing the following gigantic signs in every window of a huge furniture store:


Then there was the brochure I received which advertised a secretarial seminar dedicated to writing better, more professional letters. Not only did it have scare quotes around things that had no reason for quotation marks at all, it also had all the punctuation outside the quotation marks. ARGH.

I wrote them a very polite letter informing them that because they clearly did not know what the fork they were talking about, I would not be attending their seminar. Future secretarial seminar brochures were corrected.


My mother insists she's never going to write anything to me again, because of my serious mental illness about spelling/grammar/punctuation errors. *

* Any errors in this post are directly attributable to the hijinx of intarwebz pixies.

Happy Monkey 07-25-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 583841)
I wanted to put this in the Dwellar's IRL thread, or whatever it was called.
That's the problem - I can't remember what it's called!


xoxoxoBruce 07-25-2009 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 380908)
It's amazing how many errors and nonsensical statements appear in newspapers (including electronic ones). I just saw this in an article about the growth of the Canadian wind industry:

HTML Code:

Neil Levine, an EPCOR spokesman, told Reuters there were several delays, and that the project faced opposition from "some people who are not in favor of the project."
As opposed to opposition from people who are in favor of the project, but object to details like density, location, or something?

SteveDallas 07-25-2009 12:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Not a mistake, but I found it amusing. From a restaurant in Ocean City, MD.

There was no such limit on any other drink. Perhaps they thought the Long Island Iced Tea made for particularly troublesome customers.

xoxoxoBruce 07-25-2009 12:06 PM

I've seen a limit on Zombies, also.

Shawnee123 07-25-2009 12:07 PM

No no no. Take out tequila (years ago when I learned to make them no one used tequila) and replace trip sec with Cointreau. Oh, and COCA COLA. And lemon, not lime.

Oh, sorry, didn't mean to critique the drink. Old bartenders never die...

SteveDallas 07-25-2009 12:36 PM

Why no tequila??

I personally don't have a problem substituting cointreau <-> triplesec. Close enough for my purposes.

Sundae 07-25-2009 12:45 PM

Cheers Happy Monkey :)

Re cocktail wars - I'm fighting a losing battle re real Black Russians.
Even more so now I'm not drinking (ie I can't vote with my wallet).

VODKA AND KAHLUA, people. Get your coke in the toilets if you need it.

Clodfobble 07-25-2009 04:57 PM

I am by no means an expert on anything remotely related to alcohol... but I thought Vodka and Kahlua was a White Russian, thus the substitution of Coke making it a Black Russian...?

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