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hackhelios 08-27-2009 09:06 AM

Danke! I couldn't find a newbie thread, so I just sorta jumped in. Thanks for letting me crash the party. :D

monster 08-27-2009 09:19 AM

Bite. That's just the sort of newb we like :D

(That was supposed to be Bitte, but I decided I liked the typo better! :lol:)

glatt 08-27-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by hackhelios (Post 590454)
The ritual sounds brutal, but it was all about the camaraderie and sense of belonging that came after. You really get to know people when you go through hell together.

I would never survive in that environment.

hackhelios 08-27-2009 01:46 PM

It sounds rougher than it is--at the end of the day, it's a job.

Unless you mean the camaraderie would kill you. In which case, my sympathies. I hear we're approaching 7 billion people now.

capnhowdy 08-27-2009 07:33 PM

Don't worry swabby... we'll call you if we need a ride to the fight. And you can take us all back home when we've won.

Welcome to the Cellar. Ooh Rah. As you were.

BrianR 08-28-2009 12:07 AM

Hackhelios, I must take exception to your description of the Shellback initiation.

On my second ship, the Captain was a 'wog too, and he was required to go through the initiation just liked the rest of us. King Neptune was played by the fattest Shellback we had. We were all required to crawl through rotting garbage along the starboard side, all the way to the King, who sat at the aft end (approx 200 ft) with a cherry in his navel, which we were required to eat sans hands. He "helped" by grinding our faces in deep so we didn't miss the cherry.
Captain included. But all did remember that afterwards he put on his charlie oscar hat and payback is a bitch!

No one is excluded from that initiation, even officers. And this was after the "crackdown". We did skip the Bluenose initiation and the Order of the Rock and the Sandbox were gimees.

Also, no one has the balls to mess with the Chiefs' Initiation. No one.

Brian "USN, ret. Shellback" R

zippyt 08-28-2009 01:06 AM

I got my shell back and blue nose , full on , cept we didnt let the squids cut our hair when we shell backed

hackhelios 08-28-2009 09:43 AM

BrianR, sounds like you had a blast. Officers underwent shellbacking on my ship, as well--didn't mean to imply otherwise. When I said the captain lorded around, I literally meant he was treated like a god for the day, not that he was above the ceremony (although they DID have him in full costume on the freight elevator, a couple dozen feet above us 'wogs, who crawling around in the muck of the lower deck. That man had a voice that carried, and he used it).

The Chief's initiation remains a mystery to me to this day, as it should. One thing I quickly learned as a JO--even if you hear screams coming from the other side of the door, you trust your chiefs.

zippyt 08-28-2009 10:02 AM

Hack ,
We have to have our grocery's delivered by some body ,
oh and the squids used to HATE it when I would step on to one of their boats and say " HOME James !!!"

Guess that explaines 6 month deployments on ship with NO Hot water in the showers for the Marines

OhhhRaaah !!!!

Cloud 08-28-2009 10:10 AM

How can a head look like a jar?

zippyt 08-28-2009 10:24 AM

Marines used to starch their cover ( hats) some time useing a form , a jar of the correct size would help hold it in shape ,
I used other things , Aluminum cut outs that were adjustable .

Cloud 08-28-2009 10:25 AM

that makes more sense to me

zippyt 08-28-2009 10:27 AM

I used to starch my cover SO Hard you could break a glass with it ,
Once when I was in Iceland the cooks put our covers in the Pizza oven

Cloud 08-28-2009 10:30 AM

silly zippy!

Undertoad 08-28-2009 02:57 PM

This guy showed up with the development of a new meme on /b/.

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