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FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:12 PM


Originally posted by april
Do you mean condoms? If so he won't by them and I don't have the $$. Hey give me some credit I ahven't had sex in over 3 months.
Is it soooo hard to say "No!"

12??? WTF?!'re nuts. Where did you leave your straight jacket?

juju 11-18-2003 02:13 PM

Were you ever sexually abused as a child? And, I'm just curious... how old was the guy you first had sex with?

juju 11-18-2003 02:14 PM

Oh, I thought of another question. What are your parents like?

april 11-18-2003 02:15 PM

It was new years eve. He was drunk. I was young, stupid and curious, at first I said no, but he kept on. No I wasn't abused as a childd. Beleive me I regret it, alot. He was 19.

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:17 PM

You know...frankly I'm almost certain that you're a troll and that you're just making all this shit up.

Post a picture of yourself and your daugher holding up a sign saying : "I don't use condoms!" and I'll believe you.

That or of your "bf" holding up a sign: "I raped a 12 year old"

elSicomoro 11-18-2003 02:18 PM

A real man would care about you not getting HIV or pregnant, and would haul his happy ass to the free clinic (every city or county should have one, especially a city as large as Houston) to get condoms on the cheap or free. And if he doesn't wear one, don't give him any poontang.

Goddamnit, that kind of shit pisses me off to no end. "It doesn't feel right," "I'm clean," etc. Put a fucking rubber on that dick! Unless he's allergic to latex (which I doubt in this case).

For that matter, women should be on the protection tip at all times too.

FNF, tell me you're not referring to abstinence...

elSicomoro 11-18-2003 02:19 PM


Originally posted by april
It was new years eve. He was drunk. I was young, stupid and curious, at first I said no, but he kept on. No I wasn't abused as a childd. Beleive me I regret it, alot. He was 19.
That's called a felony in most states.

dave 11-18-2003 02:19 PM

Eh, it's believable enough. I've known girls in similar situations (including one that lost it at 11).

Try to do the right thing, April, and most of the time it'll end up okay.

april 11-18-2003 02:20 PM

I see what your saying. Yeah it is my fault. FNF yeah you have your opinion just calm down. I don't have a scanner but, I'll find a way.

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:22 PM

Your first mistake was not dragging that 19 year old asshole of to court on Jan 1st. It'd be a great start for a new year.

What has his new year resolution? " I will no longer rape little girls." ?

april 11-18-2003 02:24 PM

I wouldn't consider it rape. I didn't stop him like I should have.

Dagney 11-18-2003 02:26 PM

If you didn't want it, and he didn't stop it....

by definition, that's rape.

Pure and simple.

april 11-18-2003 02:27 PM

Well I figure if I didn't stop it its not rape. But whatever.

dave 11-18-2003 02:32 PM

Rape isn't one of those things a lot of people feel comfortable with reporting right away. It was a mistake perhaps, but she's dealing with it. Whatever.

I know you don't care, FileNotFound, but one thing you might consider is this: When you asked for help regarding your elbow, people were helpful and informative. Perhaps you might use your helpful and informative comments on people that need them (like April) and save your invective and sarcasm for those that are less impressionable and couldn't give a shit about your opinion (like me).

In other words, if you don't have something nice to say, maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.

tonksy 11-18-2003 02:33 PM

if you said no it is rape....unless you said no while flinging off your clothes....

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