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Dude111 04-20-2019 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by slang
Now maybe we can move on to more pressing matters like spying with no legal probable cause.

Thats been going on years and I doubt it will ever stop....

henry quirk 04-20-2019 03:16 PM


Don't know if you're laughin' at my presentation, content, or 'me', but: I'm glad to be the one bringin' joy to such a fine, up-standin' citizen... :thumbsup:


Exactly right: in light of the various clams made by so many ('the evidence for collusion is obvious'), claims not supported by The Report, seems 'we' need to dig a little into 'why' everyone was so certain Trump was a filthy traitor to Truth, Justice, & The American Way.

Let's investigate the hell out if it!

There's got to be at least two years of mileage we can squeeze outta some thing like that.

slang 04-20-2019 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dude111 (Post 1030818)
..Thats been going on years and I doubt it will ever stop....

Great, I'll just rip up my voter reg card and move out of the country.


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1030821)
Let's investigate the hell out if it!

There's got to be at least two years of mileage we can squeeze outta some thing like that.

Sure, pull everything into an active investigation and silence all those subpena'd by fear of obstruction of justice.

Undertoad 04-20-2019 03:35 PM

Oh I thought your point was made to me instead of to the average Facebook reader, sorry.

example russian ad from slate

henry quirk 04-20-2019 03:58 PM


I think we're well past obstruction with some of these folks...enough has been said and written by them that testimony would just be gravy on an already tasty bowl of rice.


I was talkin' to any one who cared to read.

The ad: that's an example of the vast subverting power of Russia? I can see 14 year olds gettin' all lathered up over it, but adults? C'mon, if that's viable 'interference' that actually moved anyone, then my low opinion of the average person is too damn high.

And: if such tame material actually motivates folks in large numbers then, all is lost (and probably has been for a long time).

If 'that' is sufficient to move folks then mebbe the commies are right: folks really and truly need to ruled and directed, cuz, plainly, the lot are too stupid to see after themselves.

xoxoxoBruce 04-20-2019 11:07 PM

Not that one ad, but similar ads, day after day, hundreds of them, have an effect. Not causing mobs in the street, that's not the intention, they are designed to keep picking at the scab over past racism grievances.

henry quirk 04-21-2019 08:31 PM

"hundreds of them"
hundreds, thousands, millions: makes no difference

stop watchin' commercials

xoxoxoBruce 04-22-2019 01:17 AM

It's not commercials to stop watching it's not that obvious.

Spexxvet 04-22-2019 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by slang (Post 1030816)
You wouldn't deny the American people transparency, would you?

Absolutely not. Investigate on. Benghazi the hell out of it. Just don't complain at the investigation of the people who started the Benghazi investigation. It's been tit-for-tat since Watergate.

DanaC 04-22-2019 12:24 PM

slang 04-22-2019 04:26 PM

Watergate's Woodward: FBI, CIA Handling Of Dossier "Needs To Be Investigated"

The Steele Dossier, which may have been ( read was ) used to trigger this whole witch hunt looks a bit like garbage. And everyone involved knew it was before the Mueller probe began.

Say it isn't so Bob. The FBI and the CIA might be weaponized against Trump? Looks like we may need another special council. :yesnod:

Looks like Mr. Schumer knows a bit about how things work if you aren't onboard with the government's agenda. Not the People's agenda, the government's

All sorts of things could happen to you

henry quirk 04-22-2019 06:56 PM

"It's not commercials to stop watching it's not that obvious."
It's ads, yeah?

Sounds like 'commercials' to me.

I don't do facebook but, seems to me, if it comes unbidden to your 'page' or 'feed' then it's advertising; and if it's sumthin' you subscribe to then, at least a little bit, it's on you for willy-nilly invitin' mind-screwers into your 'home'.

Any way: when I think 'interference', I think of muckin' around with actual voting (dead people votin', machines hacked, intentional miscounts, illegal aliens votin', the DNC riggin' the nomination so the guy most dems apparently want is pushed aside to give the nod to the gal most dems apparently don't want, etc.)

Whacky extremist me: I don't see how ads, commercials, etc. constitute interference.

henry quirk 04-22-2019 07:10 PM

"The Steele Dossier"
Yes, the great thorn, the grand embarrassment, the boil on don's tush: now it's being labled as russian misinformation.

If a russian fabrication: how was it supposed to hurt clinton and help trump?

Seems to me steele's book report was designed (mebbe by russia) to do the opposite.

henry quirk 04-22-2019 07:39 PM

So, if this...

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency "troll farm" creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017. According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities "spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general", for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump."

...was the case, and the steele novella was a russian fiction, then mebbe the point wasn't to generate favor for a candidate but merely to *wreck shit™.

If so: what does this say about americans that **our heads are so easily turned by shallow bamboozlement?

*always a good thing, even when the benefit to me is not up-front

**not me

xoxoxoBruce 04-23-2019 01:48 AM

Because you were looking for somebody to wreck shit while most Americans want someone who won't. That's a much harder quest.

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