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sexobon 03-13-2017 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mountain Mule (Post 984177)
... A) Hillary won the popular vote. Thanks to the unElectorial College, the Traitor seized power.

B) 15 separate US Government intelligence agencies agree that the election was hacked. At best, this calls into question the election of ANYONE. ...

I bet you post that everywhere you can. Your Mexican handlers must be applying the thumb screws IRL.

Mountain Mule 03-13-2017 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 984209)
I bet you post that everywhere you can. Your Mexican handlers must be applying the thumb screws IRL.

Excuse me? :eyebrow:

I pick only the most select handlers - in this case, the Russians. Their thumb screws have this really cool hammer and sickle design. It fits just... - OUCH GODDAMIT!

Griff 03-14-2017 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 984198)
Democrats have a muddled message. They do not have Fox News, Laura Engles, Breitbart, Hannity, etc throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.

Republicans discovered naive and uneducated anger about taxes and debt. Clinton (a Democrat) almost eliminated debt. Republicans love to increase spending and debts - especially to enrich the rich (ie George Jr's administration is a perfect example).

Republican message says one thing. Republican actions have been opposite. By throwing shit against the wall, Republicans discovered what is believed and what they do are completely unrelated. That contradiction is acceptable to their extremists.

All true, but running as "not the Republicans" does not get the votes to poll much over 25%. Ryan's likely ACA / Medicaid train wreck opens the door for a low turnout Democrat victory but doesn't do anything for the country.

tw 03-14-2017 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 984234)
All true, but running as "not the Republicans" does not get the votes to poll much over 25%.

Solution is moderates. Gerrymandering makes it impossible for the most patriotic people - the moderates - to get elected or represented in Congress.

Increased numbers of wacko extremists in government explains why infrastructure is failing, why this nation wastes itself on wars it has no business in (Mission Accomplished, Nam, the one Trump will create because he is dumb), why new tunnels, bridges, and rails cannot be created, why coal must keep destroying jobs, and why a 2007 recession was created. Extremists were so dumb as to even hate TARP. So dumb at to attack teachers. So dumb as to know global warming does not exist and is not created by mankind. So dumb as to hate network neutrality and innovation. So dumb as to destroy research and science in space, quantum physics, stem cell, and environmental. So dumb as to believe enriching the rich is good - and trickle down economics. So dumb as to think economies prosper by inventing new financial tools. So dumb as to even advocate putting Social Security in the stock market. So dumb as to hate globalization, TPP, and George Sr new world order. So dumb as to think a V-8 engine means a bigger penis. So dumb as to believe crime is rampant - we all need bigger guns. So dumb as to think stock brokers and business school trained executives are smart - can be trusted - deserve to be paid $millions annually. So dumb as to think 85% of all problems are directly traceable to others who don't look or talk like me.

Those are extremists who protect themselves by avoiding and attacking responsible news services, history, science, and the purpose of life. Those extremists love war; hate diplomacy. Some even think Putin is a good guy. We have too many Ted Cruz in government. Unfortunately their numbers are increasing. Not the number of extremists. The number of extremists now in government.

They may even put up a statue to honor Timothy McVeigh because he attacked evil government.

What creates gridlock in Congress? Some four or five dozen wacko extremists whose whole purpose in life is to blame government for all problems. They exist to subvert government - because they were educated by soundbytes - and therefore are extremists.

glatt 03-14-2017 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 984260)
Solution is moderates.

When you're right you're right. And you're right.

Sadly, there aren't so many moderates any more. Lots of partisans claiming to be moderate, but few actual moderates.

Mountain Mule 03-14-2017 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 984260)
Solution is moderates. Gerrymandering makes it impossible for the most patriotic people - the moderates - to get elected or represented in Congress.

Increased numbers of wacko extremists in government explains why infrastructure is failing, why this nation wastes itself on wars it has no business in (Mission Accomplished, Nam, the one Trump will create because he is dumb), why new tunnels, bridges, and rails cannot be created, why coal must keep destroying jobs, and why a 2007 recession was created. Extremists were so dumb as to even hate TARP. So dumb at to attack teachers. So dumb as to know global warming does not exist and is not created by mankind. So dumb as to hate network neutrality and innovation. So dumb as to destroy research and science in space, quantum physics, stem cell, and environmental. So dumb as to believe enriching the rich is good - and trickle down economics. So dumb as to think economies prosper by inventing new financial tools. So dumb as to even advocate putting Social Security in the stock market. So dumb as to hate globalization, TPP, and George Sr new world order. So dumb as to think a V-8 engine means a bigger penis. So dumb as to believe crime is rampant - we all need bigger guns. So dumb as to think stock brokers and business school trained executives are smart - can be trusted - deserve to be paid $millions annually. So dumb as to think 85% of all problems are directly traceable to others who don't look or talk like me.

Those are extremists who protect themselves by avoiding and attacking responsible news services, history, science, and the purpose of life. Those extremists love war; hate diplomacy. Some even think Putin is a good guy. We have too many Ted Cruz in government. Unfortunately their numbers are increasing. Not the number of extremists. The number of extremists now in government.

They may even put up a statue to honor Timothy McVeigh because he attacked evil government.

What creates gridlock in Congress? Some four or five dozen wacko extremists whose whole purpose in life is to blame government for all problems. They exist to subvert government - because they were educated by soundbytes - and therefore are extremists.

You call them "extremists," I call them oligarchs. Citizens United opened the floodgates, allowing billionaire CEO's to buy and sell the government of the United States. Look at 45 and look at his cabinet. Billionaire CEO's all. A government run by a select group of the extremely wealthy is defined as an oligarchy - NOT a democracy.

The rabble that mindlessly supports 45 are suckled by Fox. They hate everyone who is not exactly the same skin color and doesn't hold their identical religious beliefs. They'd rather their children drop out of high school and get a great job as a coal miner in WV or in a uranium mine in NM.

Good luck EVER finding common ground with these people.

sexobon 03-14-2017 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 984260)
Solution is moderates. Gerrymandering makes it impossible for the most patriotic people - the moderates - to get elected or represented in Congress.

Increased numbers of wacko extremists in government explains why infrastructure is failing, why this nation wastes itself on wars it has no business in (Mission Accomplished, ...

Senator Hillary Clinton broke with the Democrats and joined the Republicans in voting to support Bush's war.


Originally Posted by Mountain Mule (Post 984272)
... The rabble that mindlessly supports 45 are suckled by Fox. They hate everyone who is not exactly the same skin color and doesn't hold their identical religious beliefs. ...

Nawwwwwww. They're just punishing all those fake moderates who supported Clinton.


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 984266)
... Sadly, there aren't so many moderates any more. Lots of partisans claiming to be moderate, but few actual moderates.

Glatt - his eyes open.

xoxoxoBruce 03-14-2017 05:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And this is sexobon Cronkite stiri... uh, edumacating the masses. :haha:

sexobon 03-14-2017 05:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 59765

tw 03-14-2017 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mountain Mule (Post 984272)
Citizens United opened the floodgates, allowing billionaire CEO's to buy and sell the government of the United States.

Two types exist. For example, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and many billionaire friends have channeled their efforts into addressing these and other problems.

Don't confuse them with a different breed who believe the purpose of life is to enrich yourself - even at the expense of others. They routinely campaign (lobby) to manipulate laws for personal gain. For example, openly advocated destruction of Glass-Steagall. And now want to eliminate many laws created because the rich successfully created a 2008 meltdown. Where do they recruit supporters? From extremists. From people who only know what their emotions tell them to believe.

I took an all day trip to Philly to understand many outside a Democratic convention. Bernie Sanders supporters insisted the Federal Reserve was a private corporation that manipulated our currency. Then insisted it must be true even when confronted with facts. Extremists. People literally told what to think. No different from the so many who insisted stock markets must be liberated from evil regulation. Or that global warming does not exist. Or who knew Saddam was conspiring to attack America only because Cheney, et al said so.

Some call them ultra liberals or neo-conservatives. I call them extremists. They only know what they are told to believe. Never demand the always required reasons why. Ignore numbers. Insist responsible journalists lie. They know because they 'feel' it must be true. Emotional like a child. Often do not learn how to think through a problem.

They are easily manipulated by the others. Such as a different breed of rich who believe the purpose of life is profits - to enrich yourself.

Does Limbaugh really believe fiction he regurgitates? Or does he just do what keeps him in his private jet and oxycontin? Either way, he promotes extremism by telling the many (who do not think for themselves) what to believe. After all, how do you get so many to advocate the massacre of 5000 servicemen in Iraq? And then deny they advocated it? Did they want that? Or were they so easily manipulated into becoming an extremist?

Citizen United simply made it easier for the richest to literally tell adults who are still children what to believe - how to think.

John McCain personally watched verbal arguments in the Supreme Court for Citizen United. Then said he wished just one justice had once run for a political office - even dog catcher. Because they did not get it.

Citizen United simply made it easier to manipulate emotional - adults who are still children.

Happy Monkey 03-15-2017 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 984286)
Senator Hillary Clinton broke with the Democrats and joined the Republicans in voting to support Bush's war.

That's why it took years and years of constant FUD about her to get the Republicans to hate her. Politically, she's pretty much a Reagan-era Republican. I'm not sure how that doesn't count as moderate in today's environment.

xoxoxoBruce 03-15-2017 03:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Your opposition should be directed at Congress... :(

Undertoad 03-15-2017 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 984338)
I'm not sure how that doesn't count as moderate in today's environment.

It does; sexo is replying to tw and pointing out that tw's definition makes her extremist.

tw 03-15-2017 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 984354)
It does; sexo is replying to tw and pointing out that tw's definition makes her extremist.

Far from it. But my comments say why sexobon has extremist tendencies. He routtinely replies to everything I post with his emotions and insults.

Extremist - just like the Donald.

Undertoad 03-15-2017 05:59 PM

And like Hillary, by your definition.

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