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staceyv 02-13-2004 12:35 AM

these are the most recent, from last month:

january 12, 2004
Privet, Eva.
How are you?
Are you coming this year?
It would be fun to meet you again...
How's Slovakia???
I am working at the car dealership right now.
Its slow and i have a lot of time doing nothing.
Write me something about your life and Gruba dupa's.
Hope to hear from you soon, Arsen

january 13, 2004
ahoj Apcenko,
o.k. I will come.
your way is very hard for a conctract. damn
is it so hard to ask for a job somewhere or to take a
application form, send me information which u need and
i will send it to u.
dont be lasy, zasran.
my life is very good for this time. i have finished
exams i hope so. one more / easy one and i provoke all
my friends now. i think i am a first one. i drink a
beer with friend in study room in domitary etc. nice
girl. am i not?
he he
take care
i send u a kiss of friend.
please, try to help me to find a job.

jan 13, 2004
ty si gruba dupa, kurva
eva is much slimmer in this time. 51kg. he he
but its true.
Anyway, i was in Grand Canaria on the new year eve.
u know my roaming shoes.
So, da its true i am coming this year. i will have to.
I have promised u and Josy. But mayby i will stay 2
state farer from Rhode Island,it dependes on the job
or conctrat i will manage. can u help me and to my 2
friend / girls too?
anyway, just in case i will come to USA and i wont
stay in Newport for sure i will come to visit u. I
need to see druba dupa of kokotko.
i know u have a wife. i dont mean to be with u. dont
worry. but for sure i will make u drung for one
evening or more?
take care

reply: jan 13, 2004

Eva, slimmer does NOT nessesarily means better...
I like bigger girls :-)))
What do you need for job?
send me a copy by email, ill print it out fill it and
scan it and send it back to you.
Hows your life?
Im very good, i have a new job - i sell cars.
I am happy with my marriage.
Hope everything is good with you.
Let me know if you need something else.
Yes, you can make me drunk one nite - i like it.
Write to me.

staceyv 02-13-2004 12:39 AM

yeah, ok, so now you know.....when's the last email he sent her from? why is this an issue today

THAT is why it's an issue today!! even though he says he's happy in his marriage, he says he would like to let her take him out for drinks...what the hell is druba dupa of kokoto??

funny you should mention a song lumberjim, i have already written it, i posted it in entertainment section, check it out.

blue 02-13-2004 08:06 AM


I had a similar experience once when shelb and i were fighting,. she had discussed my faults with her friends(which she has every friggin right to do) and i stumbled accross it, followed the thread, and was dejected and depressed for about 3 days please? :)

FileNotFound 02-13-2004 08:33 AM

Bah the recent emails aren't so bad at all.

So he want's to screw her, whoop die doo, he still wants to be with you.

Let it go.

Riddil 02-13-2004 08:54 AM

Yup. Let it go. If he has a cheating heart, then there's nothing you can do and he'll run off. I haven't seen anything in the recent notes to make me think that he's plotting some devlish plan to fleece you.

People write differently when the conversation is private. And that's the point. Private. You shouldn't dive into that bees nest unless you're ready to be stung.

Anyhow. If you want the marriage to go on, then forget everything you read and go back to being a loving wife. But if you're looking for an excuse to dismantle your relationship, then own up to how you feel, instead of trying to justify it with inconclusive emails.

lumberjim 02-13-2004 09:10 AM


Originally posted by blue58 please? :)

there is no link. it was an email loop. and if i've learned my lesson about reading other's emails, do you think i'd post them for everyone to read? what am i some kind of an asshole?

blue 02-13-2004 09:30 AM

I don't think you're an asshole. I just think reading your wife & friends discussing your faults behind your back would be pure entertainment. Maybe I'm the asshole?

lumberjim 02-13-2004 09:47 AM

well, yeah, i could see that. sorry a link there is not.

besides, i've corrected all of my faults now, and am perfect in every way. plus I'm more humble now.

FileNotFound 02-13-2004 09:57 AM

I'm fairly sure that the emails were regarding LJ's whale penis, thats why he doesn't want to post them.

Undertoad 02-13-2004 10:10 AM

You know Stace, I think this last set of emails is excellent.

Look at it. She calls him a pet name but suggests that she doesn't want to hook up with him, just wants to drink with him. What does he do in return - well, he is businesslike and short. The first thing he does is tell her he doesn't prefer her new body type! Unless he's a moron, that's not the statement of a man trying to get in her pants.

And then he repeats that he is happy with his marriage. When you stop to think about it, if he was really kind of hopeful about hooking up with her, he wouldn't say that... even if it were the case. He'd suggest that the marriage wasn't working, and that he was unhappy and looking for something different.

A guy who is a serial cheater will be on the lookout for any opportunity, anything that seems promising. He sounds like he is trying to shut the door on this one. Maybe the tides have turned.

lumberjim 02-13-2004 10:12 AM

[evil] or ....maybe he knows stacy reads his email[/evil]

Undertoad 02-13-2004 10:15 AM

And when I said "the tides have turned", it was a subconscious thing in my mind, you know?

I was thinking about him going through a near-death experience on the ocean - in those tides - and finding you there at the end of it. I thought, you know, that is the kind of intense shared experience that really brings a couple together.

staceyv 02-13-2004 10:26 AM

actually, he is a moron when it comes to watching what comes out of his mouth.. also, 1 am 5'10 and 130 lbs. if he likes big women, i'm in trouble.

the part about him being happy with his marriage is the only thing that makes me feel better, but...

it still bugs me that he says she can take him out for a drink, "i like that :-)" how am i supposed to know what would happen between the two of them if they were drunk and alone? they would probably mess around. personally, i would NEVER go out for drinks with any guy, nevermind a guy who i was in love with. i am married. i wouldn't put myself in a situation like that. so now i don't trust him. i know you'll tell me to "get over it" but that's how i feel. he definitely lacks common sense and doesn't think before he acts. if this crap is coming up now, when we are at our happiest, when will he eventually cheat? yeah, now i'm worrying about hypothetical situations that never happened......this whole thing has just screwed my head up.

FileNotFound 02-13-2004 10:49 AM

So what did you expect him to say? "No I'd rather not get drunk and have sex with you because my balls got cut off."

Just because he'd "like" it doesn't mean he'll do it.

ladysycamore 02-13-2004 11:22 AM


Originally posted by staceyv
so, you mean i should just continue on with life, have sex with him tonight, bake him some muffins and smile? god, i wish i could. but i don't know anymore if his love is real or a stupid act. i don't know if he married me for a green card just so he could be with her and then changed his mind and decided to be with me,... i don't want that! i don't want to be his second choice and accept it and be nice to him and love him, because if that was the case, he would not deserve it.
But...if he realizes that he wants to be with you and only you, then I don't see what the problem is. Especially when you say he does all these little things for you. The grass isn't always greener...

good luck.

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