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Undertoad 04-06-2006 03:01 PM

Serving up your own ball, that was just meanness and empty-threadedness for its own sake, which I though was basically the main complaint.

Flint 04-06-2006 03:02 PM

lumberjim. Case in point, regarding how long it takes to get to know someone. At first people kept saying "where's LJ?" or "we need LJ" or "LJ is so funny" or "we love you LJ" and I was thinking I didn't know what was so great about him. After a while, though, he gets really funny, like now. I could have judged him right off the bat, but instead I took the time to get a grasp of his technique, and now I see he is really rather insightful, and funny.

lumberjim 04-06-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
Serving up your own ball, that was just meanness and empty-threadedness for its own sake, which I though was basically the main complaint.

oh yeah. right. of course it was. not too mean, tho, cuz everyone knows those are me. except the new guys, maybe. oh, and i was on my third rum and coke. nyuk nyuk nyuk.

Flint 04-06-2006 03:24 PM

The profiles indicated that their identity wasn't intended to be a secret.

SteveBsjb 04-06-2006 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim
oh yeah. right. of course it was. not too mean, tho, cuz everyone knows those are me. except the new guys, maybe. oh, and i was on my third rum and coke. nyuk nyuk nyuk.

Making bloody mary's here right now. STRONG. My posting may get interesting.

Flint 04-06-2006 03:39 PM

Lucky for you, Steve, it seems "drunken posting" is, in fact, allowed here.

Elspode 04-06-2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by mijsnomis
I'm quite sure Joch wanted to banned, that it was inevitable that he be banned, and that he wanted to make a point about this forum by being banned. The point was that he didn't want any of us to get too comfortable in a forum that has censorship in place.

If censorship means that I don't have to waste my time reading mindless pejorative drivel, great. Vive la censorship. I've used a lot of naughty words, written unpopular opinions and even levelled a few insults and unkind words at Cellarites in my time here, yet *never* have I been censored.

Who the hell is jochser to come in and give unsolicited censorship lessons? I don't need them. People who use online services make one critical error - they almost always assume that they can say and do anything they wish, but they can't...unless they own the service. Therefore, UT *can* say and do anything he wants. *I* cannot, and I accept this as a term of service here. If Jochser wants to conduct an Internet Freedom of PooPoo Speech course, let him/her/it damn well buy his/her/its own server and bandwidth, and go for it. Otherwise...piss off.

marichiko 04-06-2006 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Flint
Lucky for you, Steve, it seems "drunken posting" is, in fact, allowed here.

So is stoned posting, so is high on (insert drug of your choice) posting. So is sober posting.

Its not quite 3:00pm here in Colorado, but I just KNOW its 5:00 SOMEWHERE. (Now where did I stash that bottle of vodka?) :rolleyes:

Elspode 04-06-2006 03:53 PM

***TWEET!!!*** Foul! Quoting an overplayed country song, two beer penalty, your cooler. Play on.

SteveBsjb 04-06-2006 03:54 PM

You don't drink at 3:00 there?

Excellent bloody mary, btw. Love my recipe.

Flint 04-06-2006 04:02 PM

Sorry to be a party-pooper, but this thread is getting a little chatty. Please stop having fun.

Elspode 04-06-2006 04:08 PM

We're sorry...would it help if I threw in two or three paragraphs of profanity worthy of a Marine Drill Sargeant, or perhaps posted a picture or two of Goatse Man? :rolleyes:

marichiko 04-06-2006 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
***TWEET!!!*** Foul! Quoting an overplayed country song, two beer penalty, your cooler. Play on.

Heh! My give a damn's busted. Besides, I don't have any beer. Will vodka do? *Hands Patrick a tall citrus vodka and tonic* :lol:


Originally Posted by SteveBsjb
You don't drink at 3:00 there?

Remind me to tell you my Colorado joke, sometime. Say, you're not from Texas or Cali, are you? :p


Originally Posted by Flint
Sorry to be a party-pooper, but this thread is getting a little chatty. Please stop having fun.

Oh, you're just mad because we stopped talking about you. Here, have a vodka and tonic, and I'll turn up the country-western jukebox just for you. :rolleyes:

Flint 04-06-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by marichiko
Say, you're not from Texas or Cali, are you?

I'm from Texas. You wanna fight about it? Let me know, because I don't.

marichiko 04-06-2006 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Flint
I'm from Texas. You wanna fight about it? Let me know, because I don't.

PERFECT! No, I don't wanna fight about it. Wanna hear my joke?

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