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DanaC 08-10-2015 01:24 PM

I've been geeking out on Comic-Con panels (and Paleyfest and various roundtable discussions etc) lately, and I'm really liking the Arrow panels, Stephen Amell's Q&A sessions in particular (once I start watching show panels I tend to go back and see each year's panel in sequence). So - it's prompted me to rewatch Arrow. I'm 3 eps into the rewatch - really enjoying it. I saw the pilot a couple of times, but the other episodes I've generally only seen the once. I'm still blown away by those early fight sequences. And the acting is better than I remember - I wasn't keen on Det. Lance first time around - there was something about his performance that seemed off-kilter to me. I thought he sounded like he was slightly over-egging the New York cop voice. Knowing he's actually English puts a different slant on it - I had assumed he was American. It's a pretty impressive accent in that case, even in the pilot. I also think that might be what was causing a slight sense of disconnect - like maybe the actor was having to be too conscious of how he was speaking rather than completely focusing on the emotional content of the scene. Either way he bedded down faster than I remember him doing.

Thea is still a work in progress. The lass does well enough and I feel a certain affection for her character - but the clenched jaw school of acting is a little annoying.

Some of the dialogue in the first few eps is a tad clunky. But it has a certain charm to it. Feels very comicbook - they've really got that sensibility across.

it 08-11-2015 05:40 AM

I am currently into Fringe - over the last couple of weeks or so I've binge watched most of it, currently in the last season.


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 867054)
ha! Looking for Community clips (at 01:30 ....ffs...what is wrong with me??) and stumbled onto this fun little analysis of Community as a postmodern masterpiece :P

PBS idea channel is probably one of the best channels on youtube - Welcome to the fold. It's also one of the very few areas where the comment section is actually high quality - I don't mean that sarcastically "relatively to youtube" - but actually high quality posts. Even the the occasional discussion derails and flamewars come with awesome thoughts and research references.

it 08-14-2015 09:09 PM

Just finished with Fringe... Beyond been a generally awesome show - for it's story archs and setting and characters and a dozen other things - I don't think I've ever watched a show where I related so intensely to so many of it's emotional elements on so many levels and the need for the very meanings found behind the characters personal narratives and journeys. It was intense.

I highly recommend it - takes some energy getting into but worth while.

DanaC 08-15-2015 03:14 AM

It's on my list of must-see shows - never got into it at the time, but have recently become slightly obsessed with JJ Abrams.

it 08-18-2015 07:30 AM


That show is excellent, so... DON'T YOU FREAKING WATCH IT. the amount of suspense is brutal at times. I lost my chance... But you people can still do it. Wait until It's over and then watch the whole thing.

DanaC 08-21-2015 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by traceur (Post 936427)

That show is excellent, so... DON'T YOU FREAKING WATCH IT. the amount of suspense is brutal at times. I lost my chance... But you people can still do it. Wait until It's over and then watch the whole thing.

Noted, thanks :)

Not sure if buzzing is the right word - probably more fascinated by - but The Leftovers has really got under my skin now.

it 08-21-2015 02:34 PM


Shows that I really am just buzzing about, because they aren't on the air yet and I am not exactly sure what buzzing means so I am just going to interpret it to mean a range of responses from hype to mild excitement...

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert... Because:
- I never watched the late show without getting bored
- I never watched the colbert report and got bored
I want to watch it fight over my mental stimuli.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah... Because:
- It's the daily show
- Trevor Noah is hilarious
'nough said.

The Expanse... Because:

Reporting on the pilot screening, io9* '​s Lauren Davis declared herself "blown away" by The Expanse, appreciating its "incredible sense of scale" and its "deeply thought out future world that reflects on our present one, with high production values and characters who speak and act like real people". Max Nicholson of IGN characterized the pilot as a "grim and dramatic", and a "very dense hour of television", with the terminology and large cast sometimes difficult to follow for viewers unfamiliar with the novels, but highlighted the pilot's "gorgeous" visuals and effects reminiscent of Battlestar Galactica, Dune and Firefly.
Dark Matter and Killjoys aren't really doing it for me, I haven't had a good space opera in awhile, and the trailer to this thing - despite clearly having some strong high production values and visual effects - pays nearly no attention to them and tries to condense plot point after plot point instead, which in my mind makes it feel like it might be more of a sci-fi Game Of Thrones.

DanaC 08-21-2015 02:40 PM

The Expanse looks intriguing. I'll definitely give that a go.

re: buzzing - yeah, pretty much. It also carries drug connotations.

it 08-21-2015 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 936699)
The Expanse looks intriguing. I'll definitely give that a go.

Actually now that I think of it...

- They are both based on book series that are still been written.
- They are driven by intrigue and large scale politics.
- GoT is very low-fantasy, TE is pretty hard sci-fi (so.. Both low fantasy).

I know that syFy doesn't do sex and violence like HBO does, but if we can still have enough main characters dying...

DanaC 08-21-2015 03:21 PM

So = just watched ep 8 of Leftovers. I really wavered the first few eps, but since the midpoint of the series, it's been killing it. I found it really hard to connect with the characters for the first couple of eps, and a patchy connection up mid season, but I'm really invested in their individual stories now.

Spoilers in white:

The reveal, over the last couple of episodes, of just how unhinged Garvey has been really impressed me. I watched the scene where Patti is urging him to finish what he started and kill her. When he took out the knife, I was holding my breath, willing him not to do it, just to let her go. I had no idea which way it would fall.

Sundae 08-21-2015 03:59 PM

Or I'll set creepy dolls on you...

Just wondered if it was worth pre-ordering series 5 of The Walking Dead DVD?
I became minorly [majorly] obsessed with it when I had 4 series to watch. And extras. Seemed like it would stretch on forever.
But I gobbled up a lot of it in the nuthouse, so have been left with a long wait for series 5 DVD. Sold my 1-4 boxset in times of hardship.

Is good? Is okay? Has lost some momentum?

Deliberately have NOT read any reviews because you can't sic creepy dolls on random reviewers on Amazon and suchlike.
Also, I'm on probation after I killed a reviewer regarding Jon Snow. I only got a suspended sentence as the Judge agreed there were mitigating circumstances.

it 08-21-2015 08:43 PM

But maybe....

DanaC 08-23-2015 04:33 PM

Wow. I just finished The Leftovers. Really glad I stuck with it. Fantastic back half. And now I want to rewatch the first half of the series, knowing what I know about the characters.

DanaC 09-10-2015 02:12 PM

Ok - I am three episodes into Sense8 and am totally buzzing om this show. It is a wild ride.

DanaC 09-11-2015 02:17 PM

Just watched episode 4 - it's a long time since a priogramme has kept me so on the edge of my seat. There are sequences that are downright exhilarating - and then it'll flip it and I am close to tears.

So impressed. I really like the way they're delivering the story. It's a nice balance between their individual stories and the meta narrative - and the way they switch about between the different points of view and visual styles is great. Also, whoever does the musical and sound direction deserves an award, because it is beautifully done.

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