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ZenGum 11-11-2011 01:12 AM

Err, TW, "down here" referred to Australia, and my description was of Australian law.

Most Australian laws do not apply in America.

We have one which might, though - an Australian who goes abroad for child sex tourism has broken Australian law and gets prison when they get back. Even organising this gets prison.

There had been a problem with Australian pedophiles exploiting the very poor in South-East Asia, hence the laws.

Spexxvet 11-11-2011 08:00 AM

Note that Penn State security comes under Senior VIce President for Finanace and Business, Gary Schultz's jurisdiction. In other words, his is campus police.

Spexxvet 11-11-2011 08:07 AM

Sandusky is a monster. The only victims are the children. Paterno should have been allowed to finish the season.

From here

In 1998, the Penn State campus police and local law enforcement authorities investigated an allegation that Jerry Sandusky, then a prominent coach with the university’s football team, had engaged in inappropriate and perhaps sexual conduct with a boy in the football facility’s showers.

A lengthy police report was generated, state prosecutors said. The boy was interviewed. A second potential victim was identified. Child welfare authorities were brought in. Sandusky confessed to showering with one or both of the children. The local district attorney was given material to consider prosecution.

In the end, no prosecution was undertaken. The child welfare agency did not take action. And, according to prosecutors, the commander of the university’s campus police force told his detective, Ronald Schreffler, to close the case.

Joe "got rid of" Sandusky in May, 1999. The inaction around the 2002 incident was much more about McQueary, Curley, and Schultz.

Paterno should have been allowed to finish the season.

tw 11-16-2011 02:52 PM

Rather concerning is an investigation started by the Penn State Board of Trustees AFTER they took action.

This story is changing every day. It started with too many loose ends. Now law enforcement (State Police) might have been involved in a coverup or inaction. Police may have been notified, discussed Sandusky accusations with campus police, and did nothing.

Meanwhile we have a nearby high school called Pope John Paul II. Ironic that a pope that all but condoned pedophilia is now the name of a high school in his honor.

Had the Pope been under those Trustees, he also would have been fired.

classicman 11-16-2011 04:29 PM

You forgot about the possible murder to cover it all up.
Yeh this one is getting messier by the moment.
Still a lot more to come.

tw 11-16-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 773416)
Yeh this one is getting messier by the moment.

I did not even begin to discuss the so many loose ends.

Lynn Abraham was the Philadelphia DA who had enough balls to subpoena files from the Philadelphia Archdiocese. She discovers over 100 pedophiles knows to the church, protected by the church, and returned to duties that involved children.

Lyn Abraham is now the lawyer for Second Choice - the organization that Sandusky worked for when he (was accused of) sexually attacked kids.

Why did so many DAs would not subpoena files from all Catholic Church archdioceses? Philadelphia region has at least four archdioceses. But pedophilia by the hundreds only exists in one? Please. Thousands of pedophile priests and employees protected by the Catholic Church would be uncovered.

Symptoms exposed in this Penn State scandal should result in investigations throughout the American Catholic Church and other institutions. Because pedophilia apparently is that widespread and routinely ignored. Apparently law enforcement has a double standard when it comes to 'honored' institutions. The scandal should result in increasing investigations throughout America.

Maybe someone else would like to explain serious restrictions long ago imposed on Boy Scout leaders. Restrictions imposed long ago because pedophilia apparently is much more widespread than acknowledged. And because the Boy Scouts reacted pro-actively. That should be a lesson that expands well beyond Penn State. That is the lesson that suggests the Catholic Church still remains a protector of pedophiles.

This is not only about Penn State. Damning are how many DAs will not do what Lynn Abraham (and her predecessor) did. BTW, Philadelphia is trying to establish a foundation necessary to prosecute the Philadelphia Cardinal who knew about (that is not disputed) and apparently condoned pedophilia by his inaction.

Why would the same archdiocese name a high school after Pope John Paul II who all but protected pedophilia. Too many in law enforcement apparently refused to investigate or prosecute this even when the church was protecting pedophiles in nations all over the world. At what point does a trend become obvious?

classicman 11-16-2011 06:14 PM

You are drifting into your Catholic rant there big guy.
Lets keep this on topic and relevant to the PSU issue.
Ifyou want to go off and repost all the same shit from the past, feel free to do it here.

tw 11-16-2011 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 773471)
You are drifting into your Catholic rant there big guy.

Pedophilia is the topic. Penn State is simply one example. It is not a rant to suggest the Catholic Church acts (acted) like a mafia for pedophiles. Extremely relevant is what the Boy Scouts did long ago to avert these problems. Penn State only suggests a larger problem that includes many 'powers that be' who ignored it. This is not about Penn State. This is about the real problem. Why pedophilia is ongoing, apparently more widespread that we knew, and happens without prosecution. Pedophilia in another 'lily white' institution? (For those overseas, the Penn State program was considered a cleanest and most honest in sports.) How can this be?

Ironically to this thread, Joe Paterno is only a sidebar. Something in Chapter one to get your attention. This story keeps getting bigger including another Chapter: the NBC interview.

I see no difference between what Lynn Abraham did in Philadelphia, what the Catholic Church routinely did in Ireland, and what has happened in Penn State.

How many pedophiles are hiding out in Notre Dame? Once we would have never considered that possibility. Today, it might be possible. Too many loose ends are being exposed. If accusations are true, even the PA State Police were complicit in a cover up. So why did that DA disappear or die?

Do these scandals have an enemies list? Can anyone get on it?

Lamplighter 11-16-2011 06:50 PM

FWIW, this morning the (former ?) DA from New Jersey (?) was on TV.
OK, I don't know who he was,,,

But he gave some great advise to abused children, parents and organizations...

First, he gave a recommendation to "Darkness to Light"

This is an organization to end child sexual abuse.
For example they have specific plans and steps to follow:
Step 5: Make a Plan Learn Where to Go, Whom to Call, and How to React

Then he talked about a policy for parents and organizations to adopt:

Parents: Do not allow or else closely monitor all "one-to-one" adult-to-child situations.

Organizations: Policy Regarding One-Adult/One-Child


Clear guidelines should be established for one-adult/one-child situations.
Many organizations strictly prohibit one-on-one time under any circumstances.
However, for organizations that address the needs of children and adolescents,
one-on-one mentoring/tutoring/support is often considered important to a child’s development.
If this is the case for an organization, very specific guidelines
about such one-on-one time should be clearly articulated.

Risk Assessment

High and low risk situations in your organization should be clearly defined.
For example, a situation where one teacher is with a group of children
in an open classroom where other adults are walking in and out would be considered low risk.
A situation where an adult is alone with a child,
driving from one activity to another, would be high risk.

Lamplighter 11-16-2011 07:17 PM

This probably does not warrant posting, but what the...

Teri Thompson , Michael O'keeffe & Kevin Armstrong
November 15 2011, 1:59 PM

Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer, Joe Amendola,
got a 16-year-old client pregnant and later married her

Girl was seeking emancipation from her parents in 1996


Joe Amendola, the State College, Pa., attorney representing
accused child molester Jerry Sandusky, has an interesting back story himself:
He got a teen-age client pregnant during the mid-1990s.
Amendola, 63, married the girl several years after the birth of their child,
The Daily reported Monday night, citing documents filed at the Centre County, Pa., courthouse.

Amendola represented a 16-year-old girl then known as Mary Iavasile
when she filed an emancipation petition in September 1996.
The emancipation petition said the girl had graduated from high school
in two years with a 3.69 GPA and held a fulltime job at Amendola's law office.
The girl gave birth to Amendola's child when she was 17 years old,
her mother, Janet Iavasile, said.
Amendola would have been about 49 years old at the time.

The age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16.
Sandusky is not the only member of the Penn State football community
who was represented by Amendola after being accused of a sexual crime.

Amendola also represented Nittany Lions tailback, Austin Scott
after another student accused Scott of rape in 2007.
Centre County prosecutors dropped the case on the eve of trial in 2008
when a judge said the jury could be told that the alleged victim
had accused another man of a similar crime four years earlier.
The man in the earlier case was acquitted.

classicman 11-16-2011 07:35 PM

Good info Lamp. Words to live by for those with young kids or grandkids they watch.

ETA - referring to post #39.

Clodfobble 11-17-2011 07:51 AM

Because of all this, yesterday our Tae Kwon Do instructor felt that it was important to let all the parents of Kindergarteners know that he does go in the bathroom with them all to supervise when they are changing into their uniforms. Just in case they ever said anything, he wanted us to know that's what they were referring to.

Lamplighter 11-17-2011 08:53 AM

So what is going on here ?
Is this a matter of party politics, or CYOA, or what ?
Has the organization been accused of anything...
...Sanduskey has been gone from it for quite a while.

On the surface, I can't see how withholding $ from an organization that
is supposedly providing a needed service to kids is going to help them.

CBS News
November 17, 2011 8:55 AM

Pa. gov puts $3M Sandusky charity grant on hold

(AP)* PHILADELPHIA — A $3 million state grant that was earmarked
for a youth charity established by a former Penn State football assistant coach
at the heart of a child molestation scandal has been put on hold.

Gov. Tom Corbett said Wednesday he knew that The Second Mile's founder, Jerry Sandusky,
was gone from the organization when the grant was approved earlier this year.
Corbett, who said the funds were being withheld in light of the growing scandal,
defended the decision to approve the grant while knowing about the allegations against Sandusky.
The $3 million grant, initially approved under former Gov. Ed Rendell's administration
and approved again when Corbett took office in January,
was suspended "pending further review,"
Corbett spokesman Eric Shirk said Wednesday.

The grant would have helped pay for the first phase of a Learning Center project
at The Second Mile, adding classrooms, a gym, athletic fields and dormitory space.
The grant was structured to reimburse the organization as the project progressed,
and none of the money had been spent, Shirk said.

Spexxvet 11-17-2011 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 773589)
Pa. gov puts $3M Sandusky charity grant on hold

I heard that. I also heard that Governor Corbett was the Attorney General during some part of this, when charges were not filed. I'll look for documentation when I have more time, unless someone else gets to it first.

classicman 11-17-2011 11:14 AM

I read that as well spexx.
I think the name MUST change Anything associated with him has to have him purged.

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