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classicman 12-12-2011 08:14 PM

Although it is getting blown all out of proportion, it was a pretty idiotic thing to say.

ZenGum 12-13-2011 12:31 AM

Yeah, silly but trivial.

I've finally got around to having a look at Newt.

Holy #&%$ing terrifying shit, Batman. I don't know where to start so I won't bother.

But for a right-wing nutjob he doesn't know his bible history very well, does he?

infinite monkey 12-13-2011 07:49 AM

Michelle was her tyical ever-evasive soundbyte Queen on Face the Nation on Sunday. Bob (gawd I love Bob!) told her once to actually answer the question. She wouldn't. What a noodge.

But FtN is going to an hour. Bob said he had a very special announcement and I thought, if Bob is leaving then there really isn't any reason to live anymore (did I mention I love Bob?) but then he said due to increased viewership it's expanding to an hour!

I love Bob. :lol:

Stormieweather 12-13-2011 08:54 AM

Newt is a friggin joke.

Hypocrite, liar, and ethically bankrupt, not to mention a tyrant and a pompous, arrogant asshole.

classicman 12-13-2011 01:18 PM

Stormie - That was not as well written and as detailed as most of your posts, but I still gotta say that about sums it up.

Is it too early to ask if we really have a 2 party system anymore? Cuz if we look at what they are trotting out to run the US, its lookin kinda . . . . . .

regular.joe 12-13-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 779805)
Yeah, silly but trivial.

I've finally got around to having a look at Newt.

Holy #&%$ing terrifying shit, Batman. I don't know where to start so I won't bother.

But for a right-wing nutjob he doesn't know his bible history very well, does he?

Which right wing nut job knows bible history very well???????

TheMercenary 12-14-2011 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 779499)
Hey, Mitt! Bet ya ten grand you don't become president! :p:


BigV 12-15-2011 09:04 PM

the dogs are all fighting, now, live, on YouTube!

Lamplighter 12-17-2011 06:38 PM

A few talking heads are saying the time has come for the first real test of Romney's campaign organization.
Since Newt Gingrich (pronounced "Ging-rick", not "Ging-rich") has taken the lead in polls,
Romney's attention is on bringing down this next contender. But how could that happen ?

Have you noticed that in the recent GOP presidential candidate debates, Romney and
Paul are strikingly friendly and supportive of the other's attacks on Gingrich ?

Mitt's calvary-to-the-rescue may be lurking among his opponents and their supporters.

ABC News
Matt Negrin
Dec 9, 2011

In Texas, Romney’s Rich Fans Wait for Perry to Bow Out

Friends and associates of the Texas governor who want to support Mitt Romney for president
are living by a certain credo: Don’t mess with Rick Perry.

Major fundraisers for Romney’s campaign in the Lone Star State say that even though Perry
has fallen in national polls since entering the GOP primary, prominent lawmakers,
businesspeople and other Texans are afraid to sign a check for Romney
out of fear that Perry will turn on them when he returns as governor.

For these major donors, say the fundraisers, it’s a waiting game until Perry loses the contest
for the nomination — then they’ll be free to give to Romney without fear of repercussion.<snip>
There is a common thread of remarks among the fund-raisers who spoke to the reporter:


Leticia Van de Putte, a Democratic state senator, said Perry
has a “solid track record of finding disfavor with those who support his opponents” in elections.

“What is not tolerated, and he does exercise selective enforcement,
is when they give to another candidate who he’s running against,” she said.
And then there are the Ron Paul supporters...
San Francisco Chronicle
KASIE HUNT, Associated Press
December 9, 2011

Paul strength may help Romney in Iowa

The Texas congressman's allies and others say that he drains support from the rising Newt Gingrich,
and, if that turns out to be the case during the Jan. 3 caucuses and Paul manages to triumph here,
the theory is that Romney would benefit in the long-run.

"If Ron Paul can chip away at Gingrich just enough, he could conceivably win the caucuses,
but he doesn't have the longevity of Gingrich" because Paul has trouble expanding his support
beyond his libertarian-leaning base, said Tim Albrecht, an Iowa operative who worked for Romney
during his failed presidential bid four years ago.

Some Republicans say a victory by Paul — who many Republican operatives doubt can win the race
— could help curb the perception of a crushing loss for Romney, who has tried to tamp down expectations
that he'll do well here even as aides operate an under-the-radar Iowa campaign and TV ads
intended to help him are starting to flood the Iowa airwaves.<snip>

"The reality," said Steve Schmidt, who ran Sen. John McCain's campaign in 2008, "is that candidates
who are not going to win the nomination play a very important role in determining who does."
Paul, to be sure, is a factor in the race.

He raised $5 million between July and September, and supporters say Paul will be able to stay in the contest
as long as he wants because of a loyal following that sends him cash when he asks and new GOP rules
that award convention delegates proportionally.

And he's not being shy about trying to bloody his rivals
— particularly Romney's chief challenger.
This week, Paul's on the air with a blistering commercial hitting Gingrich for "serial hypocrisy."
And besides all that:

If anything, the TV show "Survivor" has shown
is that coalitions are two-headed snakes...

When Romney believes he is in control but holds only one head,
the other can turn to bite him, just when he least expects it or needs it most.


tw 12-18-2011 09:40 PM

All those polls and public debates were classic examples of money wasted. Serious nominees are not apparent until Iowa and New Hamspire. About that time, we will begin to see who was really running for president.

Well, so many also waste their time watching Barabara Walter's celebrity interviews, People Magazine, and Entertainment Tonight as if it was entertaining, informative, or relevant. Same for that Republican campaign this past year while they wasted bandwidth and made themselves all look silly. Why did Sarah Palin have better integrity to not be associated with them?

In the next few months, we will learn who among that rabble really has integrity.

ZenGum 12-19-2011 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 781213)
Serious nominees are not apparent

Not at all, I'd say.


In the next few months, we will learn who among that rabble really has integrity.
... and a new bike, and a toy racing car, and a tree-house ... what? this wasn't your Christmas wish list?

Lamplighter 12-19-2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 781213)
All those polls and public debates were classic examples of money wasted. Serious nominees are not apparent until Iowa and New Hamspire. About that time, we will begin to see who was really running for president. <snip>

Unfortunately, the polls are a major part of the way people vote.

"Vote for front runner, and I'll be a winner", or
"Vote for last place, cause I'm against everything"

Then come the litmus tests that are most persuasive, such as:
abortion, race, party, religion, age, gender, spouce's hair style, veteran, sense of humor, etc.

Last, and often least... the candidate's stand on important political and economic issues, such as:
the candidate's hair style, ability to debate, family values, place of birth, number of children, style and color of underwear, etc.

classicman 12-19-2011 01:38 PM

Huntsman’s Tax Proposal Gets Think Tank’s Highest Grade

Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, who has focused his campaign strategy on the New Hampshire primary, received top marks in a scorecard rating the tax plans offered by each of the Republican candidates.

The Tax Foundation, a Washington-based think tank, said Huntsman’s plan rated a B+ grade for its “wipe the slate clean” approach to tax expenditures, which “knocks out preferential taxation in one fell swoop,” according to the report, which will be released today.

“Gov. Huntsman is running on his consistent, conservative record that took Utah to number one in the nation in job creation. He has put forth the most pro-growth tax plan in the field, and it is based on his experience passing the largest tax cut in Utah history,” campaign spokesman Michael Levoff said when asked about the report card.

Huntsman, who moved his campaign headquarters to New Hampshire, has already been lauded by The Wall Street Journal and several other publications and think tanks for his tax plan.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry received a B for his optional 20 percent flat tax on individuals and proposal for a 20 percent tax rate on corporations. Businessman Herman Cain, who was included in the report card even though he’s dropped out of the race, received a B- for his 9-9-9 plan for flat taxes on individuals, businesses and sales. U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas also received a B- for his plan to cut corporate taxes to 15 percent and eliminate the estate tax and taxes on capital gains and dividends.

Rounding out the report card were former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, with a C+, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota with a C, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with a C- and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania with a D+.

SamIam 12-19-2011 02:32 PM

But just WHAT is Huntsman's proposal? Your link to Huntsman's own campaign site gives no specifics which makes me extremely curious as to why not. As I have stated elsewhere, the burden of Huntsman's Utah tax cuts, at least in part, were taken on by the Mormon Church. That's fine for Mormon Utah, but it won't work for the nation as a whole.

classicman 12-19-2011 04:22 PM

Google gave me this
Outlined by one guy here

Simplify The Personal Income Tax Code And Lower Rates. Rather than nibble around the edges of the existing tax code,
Gov. Huntsman will introduce a revenue-neutral tax plan that eliminates all deductions and credits in favor of three drastically lower rates
of 8%, 14% and 23%. Eliminating deductions and credits in favor of lower marginal rates will yield a simpler and more efficient tax code,
decreasing the burden on taxpayers.

Eliminate The Alternative Minimum Tax.
Under the new simplified plan, Gov. Huntsman will eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax, which is not indexed for inflation
and is penalizing an increasing number of families and small businesses.

Eliminate The Taxes On Capital Gains And Dividends In Order To Eliminate The Double Taxation On Investment.
Capital gains and dividend taxes amount to a double-taxation on individuals who choose to invest. Because dollars invested
had to first be earned, they have already been subject to the income tax. Taxing these same dollars again when capital gains
are realized serves to deter productive and much-needed investment in our economy.

Reduce The Corporate Rate From 35% To 25%.
The United States cannot compete while burdened with the second-highest corporate tax rate in the developed world;
American companies and our workers deserve a level playing field.
With high unemployment, it is important that we not push corporations and capital overseas.
We need employers to be based in America if they're going to provide jobs to Americans.

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