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DanaC 05-28-2004 04:27 PM

I didnt murder anyone no. But I did things, made mistakes and later could not get a handle on where the fuck my head had been at that time.

Clodfobble 05-28-2004 05:04 PM

What sort of mistakes?

Lady Sidhe 06-01-2004 04:11 PM

Child Slasher

See, it's not just American methods of raising kids that's at fault. I think everyone knows the hive mentality (not meant to be an insult--just referring to the "many are more important than the individual" way of thinking) in Asia, and yet...


Lady Sidhe 06-01-2004 04:14 PM

Child Decapitations

*is so disgusted she can't even think of anything to say right now*

Lady Sidhe 06-04-2004 11:09 AM

'TV intoxicated' killer leaves country
Ronny Zamora, known as the "TV intoxicated" killer of an
83-year-old woman, was deported Wednesday after his release
from a Miami Beach prison. Zamora, who had claimed
"television intoxication'' caused him to kill his neighbor,
Elinor Haggart, 27 years ago is being sent back to his
native Costa Rica, the Miami Herald reported. Zamora has a
job waiting for him in his country. The release agreement
with the Florida Parole Commission says he will be under
supervision for the rest of his life. "He has served his
debt to this community for what he did," said George Yoss,
Zamora's attorney for the past four years. "He has shown
remorse for the longest time." Zamora was 15 when he and
an accomplice shot Haggart and fled to Orlando with her
money. During his trial, the first to be televised, his
lawyer said TV violence had driven the boy to kill Haggart
as he robbed her, the report said. The judge did not
allow the defense and Zamora was convicted. His accomplice,
Darrell Agrella, struck a plea deal and was released from
prison in 1986.

TV intoxication, my ASS....letting this guy go reminds me of the doctor who drugged his wife, tortured her, and skinned her alive. She lived for months in the hospital, in extreme pain, before she died. He went to prison for a little while, until they put him on a plane and sent him out of the country (he got "life" from the jury, on the understanding that the ENTIRE parole board would have to sit to hear his parole requests. Not even half the board was there when they voted to send him out of the country.


Lady Sidhe 06-07-2004 11:40 PM

Just recently in Hammond, Ronnie Young poured gasoline on his girlfriend Georgia Warford, and set her on fire--he did the same to her house and her car, but I'm more interested in what he did to her. She had 3rd-degree burns over 50% of her body. She is recovering slowly after running down the street and collapsing in front of a convenience store at the end of that street. The first thing she told police was that Ronnie Young did it.

He was caught five hours later. He'd run into the woods and down the road to his daughter's house after he committed the crime.

Attempted murder by immolation. He should die the same way.


mizchulita 06-08-2004 12:05 AM

Horrendous stuff. I do not believe in state sanctioned killing however. It gives the government too much damn power. When some of this stuff happens, I think that the victims family should get their own justice, if that is what they want, and the police can turn their heads the other way. One less scumbag murder to investigate.

Lady Sidhe 06-08-2004 01:55 PM

----------- Man Who Killed Wife Gets Four Months -----------

FORT WORTH, Texas - A man convicted of shooting his wife, then
returning to finish her off when he found he had more bullets,
was sentenced on Friday to four months in jail after a jury
recommended probation. Jurors, who spent more than 21 hours
over three days deliberating the punishment, called the
decision difficult and emotional but said they believed
Watkins acted out of "sudden passion." In a confession used
as evidence in his trial, Watkins admitted that he shot his
wife Nancy and then her lover, Keith Fontenot, after finding
them at his home. Watkins chased Fontenot out of the house
and tried to shoot him in the head, but the gun did not go
off. Watkins said he drove away, thinking he was out of
bullets, then realized his gun had only misfired and that he
had more rounds. He then drove back to the house, where he
shot his wife to death while she talked to a 911 dispatcher.

Ok--maybe the first was a crime of passion, ie, attempted manslaughter...but the second? That was first-degree murder--premeditated. And he gets FOUR months?

Since when is being cheated on an excuse for murder?


Happy Monkey 06-08-2004 02:12 PM

Since the beginning of recorded history.

Not that I think it still should be. Four months is too little, even if it were a crime of passion.

lumberjim 06-08-2004 02:20 PM

well, if she was really enjoying it? maybe he came in and she was on top?

Lady Sidhe 06-08-2004 02:44 PM

Then he was a suckass shot. That in itself should be a crime in Texas....:D

lookout123 06-08-2004 02:48 PM

if he was a better shot he should have been able to get them both with only one shot. then he could have said he tried to fire a warning shot but something happened...

Lady Sidhe 06-08-2004 04:08 PM

Does "Life" really mean "Life?"

Police doctor convicted of drugging and raping girls

Happy Monkey 06-08-2004 04:11 PM

No, "Life W/O Parole" means "Life".

Lady Sidhe 06-08-2004 04:13 PM

Then why call it "life" in the first place? Why not, "imprisonment until we decide you've been in there long enough?"

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