The Cellar

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orthodoc 11-02-2012 06:14 PM

That'll show 'em! :lol:

Of course, now we eastern time zone types can have our beer or glass of wine. TGIF. Truly. :)

DanaC 11-08-2012 02:28 PM

I was scroling down the BTYahoo homepage and caught sight of the daily horoscope. This is what it says:


You have a tendency to put a damper on festive events. It bothers you to see people having fun when we live in such a troubled world. Try to ease up and relax. Life can be very difficult, which is why it's important to celebrate the sweeter moments. By abandoning yourself to fun, you'll feel your mood start to lift. Unexpectedly, problems that seemed insurmountable will seem relatively painless. Good news about money will come as a relief.
(Bold mine)

If I was a Scorpio and I believed in horoscopes, I'd be a bit insulted by that.

Aliantha 11-08-2012 05:45 PM

Sounds all new agey and shit to me. Isn't that what horror scopes are in the main stream? ;)

DanaC 11-09-2012 02:19 AM

I assume so. I seldom take any notice. I just thought that was a nasty thing to say to people :p

infinite monkey 11-19-2012 07:21 AM

I hate this place. Hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it.

No, not the Cellar. Here.

Hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it.

glatt 11-19-2012 07:32 AM

Aren't Mondays the best?

Lamplighter 11-19-2012 07:37 AM

Some are great, some not so much.

I especially like those that come right after a Sunday.

infinite monkey 11-19-2012 07:41 AM

Probably depends where you are. Or, more accurately, who you are. Or, more accurately, whose ass you suck.

On top of everything else, she's fucking with my sick/vacation time.

No, I will not take it without pay when I have 215 vacation hours WE NEVER HAVE TIME TO USE and I will get my FMLA paperwork to my doc tomorrow and they can bite me.

Meanwhile, I'll watch and listen to everyone milling around chatting and having a goddam social event every other hour.

When my back spasmed on the interstate this morning, I should have just let go...let go of the wheel and see what happens. Because I really don't care anymore. About anything.

Lamplighter 11-19-2012 08:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am sorry for all your pain, and wish I could do something.
Maybe one of my favorite posters will help a tiny bit.

Hang on to whatever you can...

infinite monkey 11-19-2012 08:11 AM

Thanks, Lamp. You're so kind.

I don't ever give up, really I don't. But sometimes I think I could. Just let go, you know? What is it all for, anyway? I have no posterity. I don't have any lasting contributions to this society.

Ah well, I'm in more pain today than I expected and I'm sure that colors my outlook.

It's really sick...that I think about if I needed surgery and how someone would have to take care of me. I never want anyone to have to take care of me. But the idea of recuperating and people bringing me food and making me comfortable...and, you know, caring? Yeah, that's pretty sick.

I think my dad is the only person close to me who has implied that if I'm miserable, this job isn't worth it. Everyone else is like deer in headlights...watching to see me screw everything up. Well, keep watching, folks. I'm sure there will be another showing any day now. :(

I'm sorry, guys. I just don't know who to talk to.

Lola Bunny 11-19-2012 12:40 PM

I'm sorry to hear everything you're going and back pain. Your dad sounds like an intelligent person. Perhaps all the stress in your job is causing you physical illness. Anyways, I wish you well. And post away whenever you need an outlet. I'm sure many of us don't mind. (Some of us may not post replies, but we listen to your pain. ;))

orthodoc 11-19-2012 02:37 PM

Being in pain for days, losing sleep, not knowing when things will get better, makes it so much harder to cope with normal things - never mind the extreme stress you've had at work lately. Put your own recovery at the top of your priority list and try to leave the decisions about work until later, if you can.

Being miserable full-time isn't a workable long-term situation. If you can get FMLA and take some time to recover, it may give you breathing room to consider what direction to take re your job. But get feeling better first. Sending hugs. :flower:

infinite monkey 11-20-2012 08:29 AM

Thanks again everybody. I appreciate all helped me through a rough day.

I feel better mentally but am in a lot of pain today. I go back to the doctor this afternoon though.

But I'm not hating life like I did yesterday. This is a good thing. Again, thanks for listening and for your kind words.

I will de-wimpify any day now. ;)

glatt 11-20-2012 08:35 AM

"Rub some dirt on it, Nancy."

infinite monkey 11-20-2012 08:38 AM


Seriously. This is the girl who would run into a brick wall to keep a basketball inbounds. The girl who jumps out of planes, scuba dives. The girl who spent her entire first term of college on crutches and didn't have surgery til Thanksgiving break.

I WILL NOT be that old lady. I WILL get healthy and back on the scene.

Besides, I haven't bungie jumped yet. :)

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