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Aliantha 07-24-2009 05:53 AM

Disappointment will ensue.

Perhaps if you drink a bit more?

Aliantha 07-24-2009 05:54 AM

And yeah...he definitely missed all the taps from the ugly stick on the way down.

Pico and ME 07-24-2009 05:59 AM


I see you peeking Pico. you'd better have a drink in your hand. straight.


Aliantha 07-24-2009 06:00 AM

You know that's not really in the spirit of this thread right Pico? lol

Pico and ME 07-24-2009 06:05 AM

WTH...Someday I just might try having a drink as soon as I wake up.

Im going to the PeirogiFest this weekend....I'll make up for it then.

DucksNuts 07-24-2009 06:07 AM

We'll let you stay then :)

Drinking when you get up is ok if its a milk based drink, like kahlua or something...totally acceptable

Aliantha 07-24-2009 06:09 AM

lol...well it's 9pm over here. Perfectly respectable time to be half cut.

DucksNuts 07-24-2009 06:11 AM

Gonna be -3 here is gonna blow in the morning

Aliantha 07-24-2009 06:13 AM

we've been having pretty mild nights the last couple of nights. it's great living in Qld in winter. :)

Urbane Guerrilla 07-24-2009 10:44 PM

Been getting back into shape with my bagpipes after several years' hiatus. This means my lips are getting stronger, and that lends a certain something to how I kiss. A piper is never too drunk -- so long as he may yet drag himself home on his lips.

Jaydaan 07-25-2009 07:59 PM

I made a Tuscan style red wine, and once bottled, had to drink the 2/3 of a bottle left over. WOW this is one dangerous wine! I am loving it. Even bottle shocked and not aged, its great. Not sure it the 27 bottles will make the 3 month stage, not to mention the 6 month stage! My best friend agrees, we are going to crack open another one. So in about an hour if all goes well drunkenness should ensue.

Aliantha 07-29-2009 05:56 AM

I am.

It used to take a lot more to get me pissed, but now...not so much...

The thing with being drunk these days is because I don't have much staying power, I get that horny feeling, but when it all comes down to it, I can't be arsed. I'd rather sleep. lol What a waste! I'm getting off here just in case I can get the timing right.

smoothmoniker 11-20-2009 10:57 PM

vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic, vodka tonic.

Today is my official "drink until you forget the world" day. Started at 12:01 pm. Still rolling hard.

monster 11-20-2009 11:11 PM

you can never forget TEH CELLLLARRRRRRR!

ZenGum 11-21-2009 12:59 AM

Well, you certainly won't have a problem with malaria.

zippyt 11-21-2009 01:57 AM

Strictly Midisinable Zen , Hes just taking a treatment

BigV 04-25-2013 04:38 PM

thread resurrection.

Twil and I went to that trivia contest the other night, y'all helped with our team name--thanks!! It was held in a local pub/tavern. They had a tiny kitchen and the daily special was tacos. What goes better with fish tacos than margaritas? Nothing, right. So, when I placed my order for the tacos, I also got a couple margaritas. I watched the bartender make the margaritas right in front of me.

These were not the basic mix/tequila/triple sec/ice-3/2/1/fill'er up margaritas. He took a pint glass, added several lime wedges and a couple lemon wedge/slices from his bar pantry (I'm sure there's a name for that little lidded container of fruit garnishes but I don't know it), added a bit of granulated sugar, and about half a glass of ice and then mashed the hell out of it with his muddler. Then he took his lime/lemon "mix" and strained it into a different glass, added ice, tequila, and triple sec. He stirred it and then took one of the hollow stirrers and plunged it into the drink, capped the top with his finger then put the tiny straw into his mouth and tasted his work. Nom nom. He tossed the straw in the trash and then gave me the drinks. I was impressed.

It was a very good margarita and it really activated my DIY itch. So when we were at Trader Joe's last night, I got a bag of lemons, a bag of limes, we got a bottle of tequila (BD rolls her eyes and teases me about the fact that I have a fondness for Sauza, the bottom shelf agave product, what-evah) from the local liquor store and today I made a batch.

I used four limes and two lemons with some sugar and ice in a strong container (some kind of canister I think) and I beat the hell out it with the handle of a big knife (no muddler here) and put the result in a plastic bottle in the freezer. I've made enough mix for three strong and cold margaritas, rocks.

While they are delicious, I think they're a potential threat to my peak performance as Twil's finish carpenter. I'm adding the baseboards to the kitchen remodel we started a hundred years ago. Tequila and compound miter saws should not be enjoyed at the same time, right? My pile of unusably small scraps is itself small, but growing. :(

good news: I can still count to ten without removing my shoes.

status: very sociable.

bad news: there's just y'all to be sociable with.

BigV 04-25-2013 04:38 PM

damn. I'm a voluble drunk.

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2013 05:20 PM

You're the best damn bad example in town. :lol2:

footfootfoot 04-25-2013 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 862610)
damn. I'm a voluble drunk.

And ya type a lot too. ;)

Aliantha 04-25-2013 08:15 PM

The last time I made a 'batch' of margaritas was when we lived in the house with the pool. I floated around in the pool for the arvo drinking this whole jug, then decided to get off my floaty and go upstairs.

My first mistake was thinking my legs would still work.

It went down hill from there.

orthodoc 04-25-2013 08:43 PM

You went downhill going upstairs?

Aliantha 04-25-2013 08:45 PM

Yep. Hard to believe, but tequila makes anything possible. ;)

orthodoc 04-25-2013 08:48 PM

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

'Course, with me you could substitute anything even remotely alcoholic for the tequila and the result would be the same. I'm a cheap date.

Aliantha 04-25-2013 08:51 PM

I wish I was a cheap date. Apparently I'm not though. Maybe that explains why my husband hasn't taken me out for so long.

Or maybe he's just very slack.

elSicomoro 04-25-2013 11:24 PM

It was nothing on a weekend in high school to down 3 40s (the equivalent of 10 beers), including shotgunning at least one of them.

Today, meds cause me to cop a nice buzz after 1 complaints though!

morethanpretty 04-28-2013 10:25 AM

I indulged in 1 drink last night, no drunkeness though.

zippyt 04-28-2013 10:45 AM

You went downhill going upstairs?

I have fallen up stairs befor and it has involved Teq

ZenGum 04-28-2013 06:56 PM

To be fair, Ali did it in Australia with our funny upside-down anti-clockwise gravity.

zippyt 04-28-2013 07:06 PM

Oh ive done it there to , the backwards flushing toilet did vex me though

bbro 04-30-2013 11:23 PM

I may have been drinking some bourbon tonight... Never been on the drunk thread before though.

xoxoxoBruce 05-01-2013 12:14 AM

May have? If you're not sure, you may have had a lot. :haha:

BigV 05-01-2013 05:10 PM

Bourbon stocks are low, so during today's heat wave (60 degree, windows and doors open), I'm having vodka gimlets.

Ocean's Edge 05-01-2013 05:51 PM

ya know ... lemonade powder mix, ice, water, vodka, and a pwerful blender go really well together

BigV 05-01-2013 06:11 PM


As a matter of fact, I happen to own a "powerful" blender.

Also, I have a... penchant for bulk preparations.

Are you trying to get me drunk?!

orthodoc 05-01-2013 06:18 PM

Celebrating an exceptional day with an Argentinian Chardonnay. I'd love a single malt right about now, but the Chardonnay will do. :)

Ocean's Edge 05-01-2013 06:27 PM

V... would that be such a terrible thing?

p.s apparently tequila works too - especially if ya salt the glass rim

orthodoc 05-01-2013 06:38 PM

Vodka lemonade blended up ... :yum:

infinite monkey 05-01-2013 06:44 PM

well i'll raise a can of miller lite to y'all!

(i'm such a philistine!)

bbro 05-01-2013 09:09 PM

I may be regretting the bourbon from last night.

Ocean's Edge 05-01-2013 09:48 PM


toranokaze 05-10-2013 01:11 AM

I'm pretty gone right now. I know if I go blind I will never have a family. I know I won't get marrired who wants someone who is just a depentenent. I just regrent I don't have the strenght to do it now. I would say hi to Bri. I do miss her posts. I need the will do to this but I don't hoave. it. I know that wahat I have is meanling less and I am just a burcen to al lthat at I know I know does not seem lie but htat is wat is is . I can't do this mcuh more God help me I' ma lost.

jimhelm 05-10-2013 06:38 AM

Here you are.

Hope you feel better after some foods and sleeps. Let us know youre ok, ok?

Aliantha 05-10-2013 07:04 AM

Yeah, you better check in tomorrow tora!

BigV 05-13-2013 11:16 PM

fuck it.

I'll be here instead.

I am gonna numb that part of me that says "this thing that happened belongs in this thread. That other thing that happened belongs in that thread. Things 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 5 and 8 belong in threads A, B, C, Cellar Meta <new thread>, X, ???, and that was not supposed to be shared, respectively.

BigV 05-13-2013 11:22 PM

working on the third bourbon.

I got a new tv recently one that receives OTA digital broadcasts and ... wait... nevermind. I was listening to the radio the other day, the Dinner Party Download, and they had a segment that had a drink recipe, one of the ingredients for which was . Wait. It was on tv. Ok, one of the ingredients (it was during a cooking show that focused on Mexican cooking, and limes were featured in the cocktail recipe). Anyhow, this new drink, which I can't remember, included an ingredient that I hadn't known about before. It's called Velvet Falernum. It's yummy. It's very very sweet. I made a Corn 'n' Oil. It was gross.

toranokaze 05-15-2013 06:27 PM

Do not mix Abstent and wisky it makes you post things you regreat

BigV 05-15-2013 06:46 PM

speak for yourself, whippersnapper!

Aliantha 05-15-2013 06:53 PM

good to see you back again tora. We were concerned about you.

toranokaze 05-16-2013 12:31 AM

Gland to know I'm missed. Just busy I'm writing a book, started a band, getting school stuff done, looking for stable full time work, and planing a bachelor party with an unhelpful best man.

Ocean's Edge 05-16-2013 08:04 AM

Aliantha 05-17-2013 11:14 PM

I'll be checking in later. :)

Ocean's Edge 05-22-2013 05:26 PM

powerful blender, plus bucket of ice, plus limeade, plus grand marnier, plus gold tequila....

I *love* a margarita ...

Flint 05-23-2013 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 865047)
working on the third bourbon.

I got a new tv recently one that receives OTA digital broadcasts and ... wait... nevermind. I was listening to the radio the other day, the Dinner Party Download, and they had a segment that had a drink recipe, one of the ingredients for which was . Wait. It was on tv. Ok, one of the ingredients (it was during a cooking show that focused on Mexican cooking, and limes were featured in the cocktail recipe). Anyhow, this new drink, which I can't remember, included an ingredient that I hadn't known about before. It's called Velvet Falernum. It's yummy. It's very very sweet. I made a Corn 'n' Oil. It was gross.

Hemmingway, is that you?

BigV 07-12-2014 07:14 PM

me again.


I'm drowning my sorrows of coming in fourth in the lutefisk eating contest earlier today at Skolstage at Ballard SeafoodFest. JFC, it was hot out today, and I choked, literally. I didn't divide my portions of lutefisk into small enough pieces to swallow, and I didn't make it to the money round. FUCK.

whatever. :embarrassed:

elSicomoro 07-12-2014 07:26 PM

The Mrs and I could have just walked in here as complete strangers. Well, the only person I know here is Ep, and he hasn't seen us yet.

I'm not drinking...yet...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

zippyt 07-12-2014 09:33 PM

lets see , i cut grass , trimmed , was going to push mow untill i saw the pool was NASTY !! , so scrub the fucking nasty out of the pool ,
and then its time to float and drink ,
Wife gets home , Ohh pork steaks from the BBQ shack ,OH HELLLLLLLLZZ YESSSSSS !!
then float and drink , Oh did i mention the pool is at 85 ish and the out side temp is 95 ish , no buggalooes , , beam and coke is flowen , Swim suite goes away , her stays , she drags me kicking and screaming Out if the pool at 9pm , because she is cold and its late to be swimmen ,,, for now that is ,,,,,,,,,,

elSicomoro 07-12-2014 09:49 PM

I have had...some drinks...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Griff 07-13-2014 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 904498)
lets see , i cut grass , trimmed , was going to push mow untill i saw the pool was NASTY !! , so scrub the fucking nasty out of the pool ,
and then its time to float and drink ,
Wife gets home , Ohh pork steaks from the BBQ shack ,OH HELLLLLLLLZZ YESSSSSS !!
then float and drink , Oh did i mention the pool is at 85 ish and the out side temp is 95 ish , no buggalooes , , beam and coke is flowen , Swim suite goes away , her stays , she drags me kicking and screaming Out if the pool at 9pm , because she is cold and its late to be swimmen ,,, for now that is ,,,,,,,,,,

This is good, very good.

xoxoxoBruce 07-13-2014 10:42 AM

Yes, zippyt has found balance, his yin and yang do an apache dance like nobody's watching. Go zip, the world envies you. :notworthy

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