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Griff 08-01-2020 01:03 PM

hmmm... He'll have to explain himself.

tw 08-01-2020 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1055925)
Why is this vaccine's protection going to expire?

Vaccines have limits. Polio vaccine lasted a lifetime. Effectiveness for Vaccines such as whooping cough, measles, and mumps degrade significantly in adults. Tetanus is typically only good for some years. Flu vaccines are good only for months.

We do not know (yet) the life expectancy of a Covid-19 vaccine. But to end a pandemic, we must assume its life expectancy can be as little as 3 months - just like some other flu vaccinations. And must make strategic plans for it accordingly and now.

For the same reason, in the military or in commercial businesses, a strategic objective is clearly defined long before the first battle or product release.

I am confused why this was not obvious months ago. Science has been saying this for a long time. Yes, many vaccines diminish for the vaccinated people over time.

The Don, like any good mafioso, will do anything to subvert knowledge. To say anything so that he need not work for the people. Apparently what science has been saying is no common knowledge?

85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management.

xoxoxoBruce 08-02-2020 04:16 PM

Well that sucks, but considering some people have gotten sick twice I suppose it's to be expected that immunity is illusive.
Even with sufficient vaccine they'd play hell trying to vaccinate the whole world in three months.

Griff 08-03-2020 06:26 AM

If you think getting these dipshits to wear a mask is too political just wait until you offer them a vaccine.

sexobon 08-04-2020 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1055956)
Vaccines have limits. Polio vaccine lasted a lifetime. ...


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1056029)
If you think getting these dipshits to wear a mask is too political just wait until you offer them a vaccine.

The Polio vaccine was a great success... but not for everybody.

The following quote is from the article A Coronavirus vaccine won’t change the world right away which gives additional reasons why people won't be in a hurry to get the vaccine.


... On April 12, 1955, a vaccine against polio was shown effective and safe. Its inventor, Jonas Salk, became a national hero. Church bells rang and people ran into the streets to hug one another, said Howard Markel, a medical historian at the University of Michigan.

But there were bumps along the way, even as scientists and public health authorities sought to thwart a disease that was of greatest threat to children. The “Cutter incident” became an infamous moment in medicine, when one of the suppliers of the vaccine failed to fully inactivate the virus in the shot, infecting about 40,000 children, paralyzing 51 and killing five. Those infections seeded their own epidemic, paralyzing 113 others and killing an additional five people.

“What’s incredible is it was only a blip. Parents were so trustworthy of doctors and scientists, and it went on, people got their shots,” Markel said.

The Salk vaccination was a transformative moment, but it was also not the end of polio. Over the course of two years, cases in the United States dropped by 80 percent, but outbreaks continued for several years, even as the vaccine was rolled out. Six years later, an oral polio vaccine that could be given as a sugar cube that dissolved on children’s tongues was introduced. Polio was eliminated in the United States in 1979.

Urbane Guerrilla 08-19-2020 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 965568)
I like 'heretic' better but that carries (to me) a sense of active rebellion, and I just ain't the time, energy, or interest for that.

Non serviam, as declaration, works, but isn't easy to label.

Indifferent (with a clinched fist)?


Perhaps that fist is not wholly clenched. I dunno either.

Griff 08-25-2020 06:59 AM

AP Fact check for yesterday's nonsense.


TRUMP: “We protected your preexisting conditions. Very strongly protected preexisting ... and you don’t hear that.”

THE FACTS: You don’t hear it because it’s not true.

People with preexisting medical problems have health insurance protections because of Obama’s health care law, which Trump is trying to dismantle.

One of Trump’s alternatives to Obama’s law — short-term health insurance, already in place — doesn’t have to cover preexisting conditions. Another alternative is association health plans, which are oriented to small businesses and sole proprietors and do cover preexisting conditions.

Neither of the two alternatives appears to have made much difference in the market.

Meanwhile, Trump’s administration is pressing the Supreme Court for full repeal of the Obama-era law, including provisions that protect people with preexisting conditions from health insurance discrimination.

With “Obamacare” still in place, preexisting conditions continue to be covered by regular individual health insurance plans.

Insurers must take all applicants, regardless of medical history, and charge the same standard premiums to healthy people and those who are in poor health, or have a history of medical problems.

Before the Affordable Care Act, any insurer could deny coverage — or charge more — to anyone with a preexisting condition who was seeking to buy an individual policy.

Democratic attacks on Republican efforts to repeal the health law and weaken preexisting condition protections proved successful in the 2018 midterms, when Democrats won back control of the House.

richlevy 10-03-2020 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1055993)
Well that sucks, but considering some people have gotten sick twice I suppose it's to be expected that immunity is illusive.

Even with sufficient vaccine they'd play hell trying to vaccinate the whole world in three months.

Not the whole world like everything else these days it will be organized by privilege.

richlevy 10-03-2020 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1056029)
If you think getting these dipshits to wear a mask is too political just wait until you offer them a vaccine.

Just tell them it's bleach Trump's already approved that for injection.

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richlevy 10-03-2020 11:25 AM


richlevy 10-04-2020 05:21 PM

Back to the original topic. Religion and politics have always been intertwined. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the reformation and the counter Reformation in Europe. Greed and power mixed with religion created hundreds of years of conflict. This is part of the reason that Europeans are generally cooler towards religion than other regions and why our founding fathers, while espousing freedom of religion also declared separation of church and state.

Religious organizations strive for survival as much as any other organism and as such make what our objectively immoral decisions.

Others are drawn to power and make what are not necessary but for them desirable accommodations with evil.

This was characterized by the split indeed German Evangelical movement between pro-Hitler and core religious churches. A schism that seems to be repeating itself today in the United States.

Who's who do not remember history of deemed to repeat it.

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Undertoad 10-04-2020 05:52 PM

my original point from 2016 was not that religion and politics are intertwined, but that politics is replacing religion as a source of spiritual fulfillment for people

so this year we had a movement which offered spiritual redemption, moral instruction, kneeling and chants, original sin and the confession of it, fellowship and excommunication, the pursuit of a perfect state of being, rigidly enforced guidelines for behavior, and martyr worship.

~ but perhaps all that is by chance ~

richlevy 10-04-2020 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1059051)
my original point from 2016 was not that religion and politics are intertwined, but that politics is replacing religion as a source of spiritual fulfillment

so this year we had a movement which offered spiritual redemption, moral instruction, kneeling and chants, original sin and the confession of it, fellowship and excommunication, a thorough dogma, the pursuit of a perfect state of being, a rigidly enforced guidelines for behavior, and martyr worship.

but perhaps all that is by chance

I would still make the point that in many cases this is indicated by the mixing of religion and politics. One could make chicken and egg argument. Either the inclusion of politics into religion was caused by politics taking on the trappings of religion and forcing itself into established religions or established religions were co-opted by political leaders and religious elements were transferred to the political party.

In our current situation, as much as some conservative leaders try to disavow Trump's moral credentials while maintaining that he is a useful tool for their religious objectives, it can be argued that Donald Trump is the new moral leader of a large number of American conservative Christians.

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tw 10-04-2020 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by richlevy (Post 1059052)
... it can be argued that Donald Trump is the new moral leader of a large number of American conservative Christians.

He cheated on his every wife. He says he can murder someone on Fifth Ave and still be loved (voted for) by his Christian supporters. He steals money from Contractors by not paying them. He lies incessantly. He trades in his wives every ten years for a newer model.

So that proves Christian Evangelicals are actually Satanists? That is their morality?

Religion is always about a man and his god. A good religion is never imposed on anyone else. What religion should violate American principles that separate church and state? Good religions have no place in politics. Otherwise they are imposing their beliefs on all others.

richlevy 10-04-2020 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1059069)
He cheated on his every wife. He says he can murder someone on Fifth Ave and still be loved (voted for) by his Christian supporters. He steals money from Contractors by not paying them. He lies incessantly. He trades in his wives every ten years for a newer model.

So that proves Christian Evangelicals are actually Satanists? That is their morality?

Religion is always about a man and his god. A good religion is never imposed on anyone else. What religion should violate American principles that separate church and state? Good religions have no place in politics. Otherwise they are imposing their beliefs on all others.

It just shows that some sheep have trouble picking the right shepard. UT is right in that some politics give the same satisfaction as religion. The switchover is made easier when a religious leader introduces the political leader, even with a qualifier. Trump being an obvious jerk makes it easier by setting a low bar. Getting into heaven by throwing children into detention camps is a lot easier than caring about them.

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tw 10-05-2020 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by richlevy (Post 1059073)
UT is right in that some politics give the same satisfaction as religion. The switchover is made easier when a religious leader introduces the political leader, even with a qualifier. Trump being an obvious jerk makes it easier by setting a low bar.

What make that easiest? Who are always most easily indoctrinated by concepts that contradict their original religion. Adults who are still children. Adults who make decisions from their feelings. Adults to do not learn facts BEFORE making a decision.

"I am a conservative" or "I am a liberal" or "I am an evangelical". Therefore I know what is right. Classic examples of adults who only make decisions from what they feel only using their reptilian brain - just like a child. Adults who do not even know they are not thinking logically.

Trump should be the classic example of evil - to an evangelical. But evangelicals are some of the easiest sheep to brainwash. A high percentage of adults who do not know how to think like an adult. Who know only because they feel.

Same applies to far right and far left extremists - whose beliefs are based in the same emotions that inspire evangelicals. All classic examples of adults who are still children.

footfootfoot 10-05-2020 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 965541)
Promising two alternate realities, one heaven the other hell, based on whom you worship

True believers hanging on long speeches from on high explaining what they should think

Supporters spreading the good word and writing checks for the collection plate

I'll grant you it's a new religion, but not the new religion. having a consumer price index tells you who the real god is in this country. Shopping will always be the official religion of the USA, with mindless media consumption coming in second. As long as people can shop and watch shit on TV we will never have a revolution in this country. Ever.

Politics is dependent on media, at best it's a cult or a religious splinter group.

xoxoxoBruce 10-06-2020 04:07 AM

The good folks in Rhode Island, having been driven out of Europe by religious persecution, demanded and got added to the Constitution by way of the bill of rights, a written guaranty there would be no state religion. It didn't help because individual states made their own rules/laws. In some states you couldn't hold public office or government employment unless you were a specified religion. It wasn't even by custom, a wink and a nod, it was actually written into state laws.

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