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mrnoodle 05-23-2005 11:54 AM features this 8-track of the original movie, which sold for almost $10k US.

Happy Monkey 05-23-2005 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by cowhead
no.. the travesty that was the 'ewok christmas adventure' will haunt me 'til the end of my days..

Ah. I never saw that, I don't think.

now a Wookie christmas! now that would be something!
The Star Wars Holiday Special is the worst television program I have ever seen, entertaining in its sheer awfulness. It follows Chewbacca's family (his wife Mala, his father Itchy, and his son Lumpy), waiting for Chewie to come home for Life Day, and watching music videos.

wolf 05-23-2005 11:49 PM

I got a call from a friend yesterday, asking if I wanted to see Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith ... Well, Duh! You betcha.

You may not have guessed it, being as I am cooler than cool, but I am a major league Star Wars Geek™.

And I have a major leage baseball jersey with the Star Wars Logo across the front to prove it.

So, given that I was going to see the final installment of the series, what else would one wear?? A quick, panicked search of my room yielded a Darth Vader button that I've had since what we now know to be Episode #4 came out. I found it because it was pinned to my going to a SciFi Convention headgear ... a (trucker) baseball cap with the Team Banzai logo on it. I know I have a Star Wars ballcap somewhere, but you know how you can never ever find something in a hurry when you need it?

So, properly attired, I ventured forth with my intrepid friends, one who really loves Star Wars, her husband who puts up with it but has pretty much lost interest, and two ladies who know Darth Vader Bad, Yoda Good and talks funny.

You know you've scored in geekdom when some other geek, in this case, one of the concession stand guys at the theater, thought my shirt was the coolest thing ever, and started telling me about his lightsaber collection.

I'm guessing his whole concession stand paycheck is going to the lightsabers right now ...

But hey, someone I don't know noticed.

I honestly don't know what the reviewers or other fans are saying, but I thought the movie was cool. Not Empire Strikes Back cool, but way up there. The loose ends are no longer loose, and a few things that I'd made guesses about that I won't discuss because of spoiler potential. But take heart, true fans, bases were covered, things make sense, and Jar-Jar doesn't have any lines.

The lightsaber battles are plentiful, cool, and well worth the admission price, although some of the moves are so fast, and the lighting so dark and shadowy you do miss some of the coolness.

Get yourself a ticket, some greasy popcorn with extra golden topping, and have fun with the latest installment of the old time serial.

And, as an extra little bonus ... you'll probably get to see a trailer for Narnia. It's rare that you get those kind of chills of anticipation from a trailer. I can't wait to see the movie.

cowhead 05-24-2005 01:43 AM

eh.. offhand since the whole arrest thing I'm not going to be able to see the movie for another month.. assuming it's still in the theaters.. so spoil away! uh.. let me guess.. hmm Anakin becomes.. Darth Vader!!!! uh.. yeah already know the story I just want to see how they play it out.. and that's the screwed up thing. ever since I was a kid I've imagined the defeat of the Jedi, and the begingin of the clone wars.. okay.. the movie did alright.. but my dreams were better.. oh! and here's a silly thing! alright the race who built the deathstar speak in such a gutteral nonfunctional language.. how in the HELL didi they build such a technological marvel? it just seem (unless they wrote everything down) that the simple talking about such a project would take years in and of itself.. uh.. did I mention geek?

cowhead 05-24-2005 01:47 AM

narnia? as in the tales of? oh crap. they better not ruin all of my childhood!

ps. like i've said sometime my browser doesn't load all of everything before I'm allowed the 'quick post' option.. so sometimes I miss things

Elspode 06-05-2005 12:23 AM

The Narnia trailer looks excellent. And here's a spoiler regarding Star Wars Ep III...

...the bad guys win.

cowhead 06-05-2005 01:11 AM

WHAT!?!?!? no way dude!

headsplice 06-06-2005 02:31 PM

Maddox review Episode 3. His conclusion:
A big steaming pile of Sith.
WARNING: Spoliers and not at all safe for work. Also very, very, very angry.
I myself liked Ep3, but not because it was epic film making.

Happy Monkey 06-06-2005 02:48 PM

It doesn't take much to make Maddox very, very, very, angry.

That said, all of his points are good. I, too, enjoyed the movie but it's primarily because Lucas can afford to hire an army of excellent filmmakers to hide his script as best they can.

Happy Monkey 06-06-2005 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
The Narnia trailer looks excellent.

I've got an odd Narnia trivia question. Lucy got the healing elixir from Father Christmas. What were the other gifts? A sword for Peter, a bow for Susan, and nothing for Edmund? Or is my memory off?

lookout123 06-06-2005 03:02 PM

i've seen the new movie twice, mainly because i will never get to see Star Wars in the theater after this (that is the negative side of vcr/dvd in everyhome). this trilogy could have been soooo much more. Sith is actually acceptable to me, if not really pleasing. Ewan Macgregor really is a good actor in order to make you care about his character through all of the horrible dialogue. he is the one individual that makes his character in this trilogy, really match up with the character from the original trilogy.

my single greatest gripe is Samuel L Jackson. an otherwise enjoyable actor, managed to overact and destroy every single line and scene he was in. pathetic.


A Sith LORD! are you certain?
*cheesy attempt at menacing scowl*

mrnoodle 06-06-2005 03:37 PM

:lol: I gotta hand it to maddox. the drawrings totally make that review.

but i still liked the movie.

nerdynic 06-07-2005 12:23 PM

The Saga Is Complete :)
Revenge of the Sith was great, definitely the best of the prequel trilogy. Although I generally still consider Episode IV and V to be the best Episodes. Hayden Christensen's acting has noticeably improved as has Natalie Portman's (well, what little we saw of her). Chewbacca has killer dialogue :p Wookie's rule! Yoda's backward syntax was also a scene stealer. Kudos must go to George Lucas for including the scene in which Bail Organa and Yoda step into the hallway of the Rebel Blockade Runner that opened Star Wars. It's hard to believe that this is the same exact hallway in which we got our first look at Vader, so many years ago.

I can't wait until the box set prequel trilogy is released. I'm a huge Star Wars fan (I own the five previous installments, self-confessed geek :)

Pie 06-07-2005 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
I've got an odd Narnia trivia question. Lucy got the healing elixir from Father Christmas. What were the other gifts? A sword for Peter, a bow for Susan, and nothing for Edmund? Or is my memory off?

Peter got a shield to go with the sword, Lucy also got a dagger, Susan also got a horn (the one that pulled them back into Narnia for Prince Caspian). Mrs. Beaver got a new sewing machine, and Mr. Beaver got his dam finished and mended, all the leaks stopped, and a new sluicegate fitted.
They also got breakfast.
Edward got nothing because he wasn't with the other children at the time -- he was off Being Bad.

(Okay, I have LW&W on my palmpilot, along with 40 other books...)

Happy Monkey 06-07-2005 01:11 PM

Right, thanks!

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