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xoxoxoBruce 05-15-2005 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
I think the important thing here is that sooner or later, it should lead to reparations. Yup, as long as somebody has to give somebody money, the hundreds of years of Man's inhumanity to Man can be forgotten.

Oh all right....if it'll make you feel better....gimme the damn money. :lol:

jaguar 05-15-2005 01:37 PM


Some of the most racist people I've ever met were not Caucasian.
I'll second that, while it is (and important to remember it is) a minority it's always really got my goat that if you're not white, it's fine to be racist as hell yet the same people feel they can pull the race card whenever things don't go their way.

Griff 05-15-2005 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
We'll all be Hatfields and McCoys carrying on a feud that started umpteen generations back. :rolleyes:

I see our immigration policy as the continuation of the feud not the resolution of it.

Guyute 05-15-2005 09:29 PM


I agree- imagine starting a "White University"? There is definitely a double standard here in North America.

We are now seeing the result of 25 years of special interest groups performing a very effective marketing program on the government and the media. If you apply to the government in Nova Scotia, many times the job will say "This job is only available to African-American, Aboriginal, or visible-minority persons". WTF? And THIS is not racism???? Why not say "this job is only available to ANYONE whether they are Black or whatever color, race, gender, or religion, I don't give a fuck, but you must speak, read and write the language of majority well, and preferably one other language. Oh, and I insist that you actually WORK for 8 hours, not 3-1/2" Then you may see the cream rise to the top.

We had 5 black guys beat the shit out of one white guy here in Halifax last week, and all of these media people are saying " Oh but you have to understand that they all probably come from disadvantaged households, and are only the result of systemic racism, and they are only lashing out". Well, since the police never caught one, we don't know that, so I am going to just assume that they are piece-of-crap punks, not because of their skin tone, but because they go gang up on other people instead of joining a sports team's a stretch...DOING HOMEWORK SO THAT THEY CAN GET OUT OF THAT TYPE OF LIFESTYLE!!!!! If it was 5 white guys that did that to a black guy, the whole city would have been turned upside down by every cop and vigilante so that they could find those racist bastards and string them up, and we never would have heard the end of people screaming about the rich white punks pounding some poor African-Canadian who was just minding his own business. There comes a time when we have to say enough is enough and start treating people by the way they act, not by their ethnicity and background. Bill Cosby is on the right track, saying that people have to start taking responsibility for their own actions, that the time is long gone that "the Man" is the problem.

I still don't buy into this "african-american" or "whozeewhatsis-ecuadoran". Africa is a continent, so if you weren't born in a specific country there, why can't you just frikkin say that you are American? British? Libyan? Malian? Polish? Swahili? What if the guy's ORIGINALLY from Sierra Leone 400 years ago, but his last 10 generations are from Jamaica? This just serves to 'unlevel' the playing field even more.

Elspode 05-15-2005 10:50 PM

The race card is almost always a red herring. There are, however, clear cut cases of racially motivated crime, and I'm all in favor of hammering the dimwitted, prejudiced scumbags who perpetrate such acts. No matter what their ethnic heritage may happen to be.

A crime is a crime. An asshole is an asshole. Prejudice is prejudice.

xoxoxoBruce 05-15-2005 10:54 PM

You're not alone, Guyute. :thumbsup:

Happy Monkey 05-16-2005 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by Guyute
I agree- imagine starting a "White University"? There is definitely a double standard here in North America.

Most of the "Black Universities" were started when there was indeed such thing as a white university.

Griff 05-16-2005 05:51 AM

I won't argue with most of that Guyete, although I really don't care what people call themselves. The Black universities in the US were a response to White racists keeping Black kids out of school. Once you start an organization like that a community builds up around it and you don't just close it down. I'd have to check but I think in the States those schools have to take White kids if they take gummint dollars. I don't think you can openly exclude folks from employment in the US like your Canadian example does. We really should have more freedom of association than we do but since tax dollars infiltrate all sectors of our economy those dollars have to be followed by equal access laws.

lookout123 05-16-2005 10:54 AM


Most of the "Black Universities" were started when there was indeed such thing as a white university.
and what year was that?

i agree that this nation has a horrible history of racist policies and behaviors, but IMO all of these race specific schools and organizations do nothing but perpetuate an "us" vs. "them" mentality. that attitude is poison to the soul. have you ever met someone who clearly holds racist ideas about other groups but has a very good friend who fits within the villainized group? what do they say? "yeah, i know he is ____ but he is different, he doesn't act like them." BS - the only difference is that he actually took the time getting to know him.

i seriously feel that the best thing we could do for race relations in this country would be disband any organizations that are race or ethnicity specific. would there still be discrimination? certainly. people suck, after all. but over time the us vs. them will drift away as people come in contact more and more often.

Happy Monkey 05-16-2005 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by lookout123
and what year was that?

The reason I put "Black Universities" in quotes is that they are no longer only for blacks, any more than formerly white universities are only for whites. They're now called "historically black universities", and the only reason nobody mentions "historically white universities" it that they all were unless otherwise noted.

It would be nice if people didn't segregate themselves, but I certainly understand the appeal of going somewhere where I wouldn't be a minority - I didn't apply to any historically black universities. Such self-segregating does perpetuate bias, but it is also a defensive crouch in reaction to it.

wolf 05-16-2005 02:03 PM

No longer for blacks?? Go right ahead and try to apply for admission to Grambling or Howard ... Last time I was there the only white folks at Lincoln University were staff.

Crimes are only prosecuted as "racially motivated" or "hate crimes" when it's white perpetrator, black (or other race) victim.

There have been multiple cases of black or hispanic on white crime where the perpetrators specifically state their victims were chosen because they were white and they are not prosecuted as hate crimes.

warch 05-16-2005 04:44 PM

From what I've read historically Black Universitites which are still about 90% black enrollment (many established in the late 19thc) are on the decline. Students and quality faculty are going where the funding is, to state and larger private schools, since they have access. I bet if you applied to Grambling or Howard or Lincoln and had solid academic prep and no need for any of their scholarship funds, they'd snatch you right up.
I forget the stats, but at most US Universities, men of all hues are now a minority population.

Didnt the level headed McCain just propose some reality based new work permit scheme?

lookout123 05-16-2005 04:50 PM

McCain? were the cameras on? He is an overfluffed media whore. just as i hope the dems can come up with a better choice than Kerry in '08, i plead that the repugnants can come up with someone better than my hometown...hero. :worried:

warch 05-19-2005 02:02 PM

Oh, I dunno. I think as far as republicans go, McCain aint bad. He seems to work well with others....has taken good stands against some corprate moves. What are your real beefs?(Other than his camera time.)

lookout123 05-19-2005 02:18 PM

to compare a guy against other politicians and say he comes out favorably isn't all that impressive.

but...McCain is as big of a back room dealmaker and breaker as you will find. he is supposed to be a friend to the military, but sure doesn't show it when the cameras are off.

he had a major hand in killing the Refueler leasing program, and it wasn't because of the numbers. he was pissed that rumsfeld, et al went around his committee, so he killed it out of spite, but then when the cameras were on he was talking about the numbers. by doing that, he totally screwed over Air National Guard units around the country including the one 10 minutes from his Home Office. i can't go into specifics about the airframes involved but the program would have been a HUGE boon to the men and women who need them. while the case can be made that leasing costs more - it would have put the airframes into service years sooner and they are way past the time they were needed.

he is part of the group buying up land around a military base that isn't on the BRAC list now, but has been in danger for quite some time. on the surface, the land buy is to help the base remain open for decades to come. the reality is that many of the buyers involved did something similar around another base a few years back. strangely they were unable to stop it from closing. "sorry folks, we couldn't keep the base open. never mind the MILLIONS we just made for ourselves by owning the land around the base. nothing to see here, move along."

illegal immigration is a huge problem in arizona and McCain says all the right things and talks about it a lot, but he doesn't support any meaningful change.

his #1 talent is in finding the right camera angle , capitalizing on his family name, and his former POW status.

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