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garnet 08-16-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Brigliadore
Here is a photo of my hairless guinea pig, Blaze. They look kinda ugly but they are really cool pets.

How CUUUUTE!!! What a cool critter! :thumbsup:

Brigliadore 08-16-2004 05:25 PM

Cool but expensive. There are two breeds of hairless Guinea Pigs. The Skinny Pig breed which is what I own 3 of. They have hair on their face, feet, and hmhm area. The other breed Baldwins have no hair at all (not even whiskers). A Skinny male will run you $50-75 and a Skinny Female will run you $75-100. Baldwins are more expensive at $75-100 for males and $100-125 for females. They really are an awesome pet, I have some normal guinea pigs with hair but the hairless have the better personalities. Now before anyone shits bricks at how much I spent on a rodent, I didn't spend that much. I waited two years till I was able to find a good deal on them.

jane_says 08-17-2004 12:53 PM

That's really freakin' cute! I love the little whiskers on the snout. The hairless hamster had that to a lesser degree and it reminded me of my granny - heh. My daughter has the bastard rabbit (and he's really not that much of a bastard, I guess - he's bitten everyone in the house but me, and scratches like a fiend whenever he feels like it. He has also eaten through several phone cords, computer cables, etc. We were trying to let him be a free-range (or free-house, I guess) rabbit as he seemed pretty well potty-trained from the beginning, but when he started acting like an asshole we decided he could hang out in his cage is my daughter wasn't playing with him. I have a short-tailed possum, which is awesome and cute and friendly. And he looks bloodthirsty when he yanks crickets up by their legs and gnaws on them like drumsticks. I consider that a bonus. :D

Cyber Wolf 08-17-2004 01:15 PM

Awww, you have a possum! I've always wanted a squirrel that was a little bit more of a pet than an appreciative backyard resident. I've got rats that I've trained to ride around on my shoulder. I figure a squirrel would be more apt to do it naturally, what with the branch perching and setting on tree trunks like they were flat ground.

Brigliadore 08-17-2004 01:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jane_says
My daughter has the bastard rabbit (and he's really not that much of a bastard, I guess - he's bitten everyone in the house but me, and scratches like a fiend whenever he feels like it. He has also eaten through several phone cords, computer cables, etc.

That sounds a lot like one of my rabbits. :) The first one I got was suppose to be a female but turned out the be a male. He started spraying the walls and everything with urine. We didn't have a local vet who knew enough about fixing rabbits to want to take him to them, so he remained intact. The spraying got so bad I gave him to a friend who had a big outside Warren like thing and the bunny was very happy there. The second one I got was just anti social. She didn't like to be held, she didn't like to be petted, and when she was out running around she didn't like the be caught. I had huge scratches on my arms from her. She would do bad things (rip the carpet up in corners) while out and then you couldn't catch her to put her back in her cage. When she passed due to old age I considered not getting any more rabbits. I decided I would try it one more time. I started to do a bunch of research on the different breeds, I had narrowed the list down the 5 breeds. Then my coworker called and said her mom had found a rabbit running around in a field and did I want it. I said I would take it and find it a home, but he was so cute and sweet that he ended up staying. He was one of the 5 breeds I had narrowed it down to. There is a photo of him below. I had heard stories about bunnies being great pets but had almost given up on that idea.

wolf 08-17-2004 01:22 PM

The coloration makes him look very much like a domesticated rabbit rather than a wild one ... whatever was he doing running around in a field? (Escapee from a nearby pharmeceutical house?)

Brigliadore 08-17-2004 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cyber Wolf
Awww, you have a possum! I've always wanted a squirrel that was a little bit more of a pet than an appreciative backyard resident. I've got rats that I've trained to ride around on my shoulder. I figure a squirrel would be more apt to do it naturally, what with the branch perching and setting on tree trunks like they were flat ground.

I knew someone who had a squirrel. They found it when it was a day old, something like the mom had gotten run over or something. They bottle fed it and so it was a pretty tame pet. It was cool how it would climb up them like they were a tree.

I always wanted a pet skunk. I think it would be cool to have guests over who don't know you have a skunk. Then have the skunk walk into the living room and freak everyone out. Way cool. But I guess even if they are desented they still have a skunky smell so I am not sure I could stand to have one as a pet.

I had a couple bad run ins with some wild opossums so they are not my favorite but have never seen a short tailed one. Do you have a picture you can post?

wolf 08-17-2004 01:24 PM

A friend of mine in elementary school had a descented skunk as a pet. She was very cute and didn't smell at all skunky.

Brigliadore 08-17-2004 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
The coloration makes him look very much like a domesticated rabbit rather than a wild one ... whatever was he doing running around in a field? (Escapee from a nearby pharmeceutical house?)

Oh he's a domestic breed alright, the breed is called a Dutch according to the books and websites. He was running loose but ran right up to my co-workers mom. She just picked him up. They put posters up for found rabbit but no one ever claimed him and they didn't want to keep him. I imagine he escaped from someones house, a breeders yard, or something like that, but I wont ever know for sure. He had definitely been around humans as he was so tame. But since no one claimed him, he got to be mine, and I am very happy for that.

Brigliadore 08-17-2004 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
A friend of mine in elementary school had a descented skunk as a pet. She was very cute and didn't smell at all skunky.

Really? Thats good to know. I doubt Alan will let me get one, but its good to know they don't smell Skunky should I be able to convince him to let me get one.

Griff 08-17-2004 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Brigliadore
I knew someone who had a squirrel.

Warch had a squirrel!

AlphaRaptor 08-17-2004 04:31 PM

When I'm older I wanna get a ferret. They're so neat!

warch 08-17-2004 04:55 PM

Evil, nasty, tail-less, urban squirrel from HELL! Aaahhhhh!

Brigliadore 08-17-2004 05:54 PM

my mom had a ferret when I was a baby. She has told me some funny stories about it. It had ripped a hole under the couch in the lining and would steal things from around the house and hide them in its little couch nest. If you couldn't find your favorite socks you looked under the couch. One day my mom had a bunch of church people over and the ferret decided to show some of it treasures off. It brought out a maxi pad (un-used thank god) and plopped it down on the Bishops lap. My mom was so embarrassed. She has a ton of crazy stories like that about her ferret.

Brigliadore 08-18-2004 09:05 AM

So update us on the hamster. Is she better? Did she die? Did you end up taking her to the vet? Let us know.

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