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xoxoxoBruce 03-29-2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 985453)
Non serviam?

Hell, non serviam is the essence of old-school Americanism!

Along with 'mind your own business and keep your hands to yourself', non serviam is what America, Americanism, Americans are (supposed to be) about.

I suggest you do a little more boning up on your history, "Americanism" has always been about working together for the good of the group. The settlements, towns, and cities grew from the very idea of banding together for survival. There were hearty pioneers that moved into the wilderness but they did it in groups to establish new places. The west was won by wagon trains, not individuals. Sure, there were folk heroes who set out on there own, but that's why they were famous, they were exceptions.

Hollywood created the John Wayne, Gary Cooper, badass loner myth, but notice they were never really alone, they were dependant of others. Someone to sell them bullets and whiskey, towns with prostitutes and law.

These ranchers whose great granddaddy started this here ranch, forget somebody else's great grand daddy did the same nextdoor. They were spread out, but still a group and they depended on each other for support, while making a fortune grazing cattle on my land.

We grew and prospered by working together through government, water, roads, sewers, electricity, railroads, defense, are all from governments at different levels.

While I agree we've become the world's nanny and I don't like that either, it's the doing of our elected representatives in government. And if we're unhappy with what they're doing we should kick the fuckers doing it out. But not eliminate the government who gives us so much power, just the ones in it that aren't doing what we want. The better future is getting involved, not turning away, because E pluribus unum.

henry quirk 03-29-2017 10:54 AM

"Americanism" has always been about working together for the good of the group.

No, cooperation with others to satisfy one's own goals is the thing.

The group: pffftt! that's what we've come to...'the group (first, last, always...fuck the one)'.


if we're unhappy with what they're doing we should kick the fuckers doing it out.

Yeah, that's been workin' out real well.

henry quirk 03-29-2017 10:55 AM

non serviam

xoxoxoBruce 03-29-2017 10:59 AM


Yeah, that's been workin' out real well.
Why, because people are too busy non serviam to help remove the fuckers.

henry quirk 03-29-2017 11:02 AM

No, cuz folks have become soft, gimme-types, who run after shiny promises and jingly-jangly toys.

tw 03-29-2017 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 985455)
I suggest you do a little more boning up on your history, "Americanism" has always been about working together for the good of the group.

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

Even the mafia learned crime pays (better) when families serve together. So even Italians have a completely different attitude towards non serviam.

xoxoxoBruce 03-29-2017 11:09 AM

What folks? Everyone? Immigrants? Druggies? Suburbanites? Urbanites? Negroes? The quickly diminishing middle class? A majority? Everyone but you and me?

henry quirk 03-29-2017 11:14 AM

"we shall all hang separately"




Pretty much, yeah.

xoxoxoBruce 03-29-2017 11:21 AM

Speak for yourself, I'm already hung. :lol2:

But you're right, or more correctly Ben Franklin was right, stick together or we're all fucked.

tw 03-29-2017 07:26 PM

Obvious is an anti-American on the highway. Every other person on that road is a member of your team. Good teammates work together.

An anti-America is a football player who only runs when he has the ball and wastes no energy blocking for others.

The anti-American is a fool weaving in and out of traffic to beat everyone else - especially at the expense of other's safety. He views his teammates as enemies. He is only out for himself. Non serviam.

Ironic are the few who admire that anti-American. And then call themselves patriotic.

xoxoxoBruce 03-29-2017 08:21 PM

Driving is a sport, not a team sport but it is a competition.

henry quirk 03-30-2017 09:07 AM

"The anti-American is a fool weaving in and out of traffic to beat everyone else - especially at the expense of other's safety. He views his teammates as enemies. He is only out for himself. Non serviam."

No, that's just a friggin' idiot.

Now, me, the advocate of non serviam, I stay within the speed limit, signal my turns, allow others to merge, never give in to road anger.


Not cuz I'm a team player, not cuz I give a flip about the other drivers. No, I drive moderately, safely, cuz I give a flip about 'me', cuz I know self-control on the road (and in living) minimizes my cost and maximizes my benefit over the long haul.

The fellow you describe above is just a bundle of appetites and impulses. He has no self-regulation. He's the sort who makes burdensome 'law' a neccessity.

He's one of your friggin' 'extremists'.

xoxoxoBruce 03-30-2017 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 985536)
Now, me, the advocate of non serviam, I stay within the speed limit, signal my turns, allow others to merge, never give in to road anger.

Oh, so you're the guy holding up traffic. :eyebrow: :stickpoke

henry quirk 03-30-2017 11:33 AM

yeah, that's me

tw 03-30-2017 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 985536)
No, that's just a friggin' idiot.

Of course that is an idiot. He is not a team player. He is no different that four dozen extremists on Congress who only want destruction of government. And are loved by many in their district who are also not team players - so view others on their team as the enemy.

I stay within the speed limit, signal my turns, allow others to merge, never give in to road anger.
Then you are a team player working first and foremost for the safety, protection, and cooperation of all else on your team.

Another who is:

bundle of appetites and impulses. He has no self-regulation. He's the sort who makes burdensome 'law' a neccessity.
is the classic adult who is still a child. He is not logical. He only understands what he must do for emotional reasons and self-gratification. If he violated what a parental government and policeman says, then he will be punished. A child only understands that emotion. Not why he must be a team player on the road.

Kitty Genovese was attacked on a Brooklyn street. She cried for help for almost 40 minutes. So many adults who were still children (who could not think logically) did nothing. Some even said why. They feared (like children) getting involved.

Plenty of idiots exist. More interesting is why they are idiots.

Adults who are still children are the easiest to manipulate - to be made into extremists. Need examples? View who Daesch recruits.

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