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MaggieL 08-20-2006 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC
I have no desire to see Israel overrun. I do however see Israel as the primary aggressor in that region. I do not believe that Israel should be destroyed. I do however, believe they should cease their illegal occupation of and consistant human rights abuses within Palestine.

"Palestine" is another pseudonational entity that has sworn their destruction. Transjordan was supposed to be the original "Palestinian homeland", and now they're back for yet another slice. And another, and another...they won't stop until Israel is gone, they've *said* so repeatedly.

Israel was sucessfully withdrawing from the West Bank and Gaza, but that was intolerable to generations of foreign-funded professional terrorists, who would have nobody left to kill but each other. So it was tunnels, missles and kidnapping, and the "primary agressor, moral equivalance" Greek chorus fires up yet again whenever Israel tried to stop it.

"Primary agressor" is meaningless here, unless you simply mean they are militarily stronger than any one individual identifiable group in the whole "kill the Jews" shell game. But what good is that if their hands are tied from defending themselves?

There's no "human rights abuse" like having a Semtex-n-shrapnel vest go off next to you on the bus or in the pizza shop. How'd you like to have somebody "grazing the edges" of Halifax with random missiles and suicide bombers? If you wouldn't tolerate that, why should Israel?

DanaC 08-20-2006 07:04 PM


There's no "human rights abuse" like having a Semtex-n-shrapnel vest go off next to you on the bus or in the pizza shop
How about having your home demolished whilst you are still inside it? Orhaving your child shot at by snipers as they walk to school?

I would not like Halifax to experience what Israel is experiencing. But I would also be appalled if my Government and military were acting the way Israel is.

I think this is one of those issues on which we are never going to find even the tiniest little piece of common ground.

JayMcGee 08-20-2006 07:22 PM

During the 60s and 70's , Israel wa fighting for its survival via the 6-days war, the constant PLO hi-jackings et al. Most of us rooted for them in those days. Occupy the West Bank and the Golan Heights, turn them into buffer zones.... sure , wise move that.

And then the settlers moved in...... and now Israel is no longer protecting it's homeland but the illegal setttlements as well.

MaggieL 08-20-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC
I would not like Halifax to experience what Israel is experiencing. But I would also be appalled if my Government and military were acting the way Israel is.

What would you have them do?

Just smile, turn yet another cheek and be "tolerant and understanding of the plight of their adversaries"? Turn over yet more land? They've already said they won't rest until they have it all and the Jews are gone. At least when appeasing Hitler there was an excuse for beleiving he'd be satisfied with each next demand he made. Here there is not even that.

The Israelis just want to be left the hell alone, but that isn't in the cards; their very existence is overt anathema to their enemies. They are "non-competitive states" in the sense of Ralph Peters essay. Israel's enemies are devoted to outdated cultures that simply do not function--by any objective measure you can name--and it is unnecessary to "understand them fully" to see this. So their response is to pronounce both Israel and those in the West (cultures I feel certain they do not "understand fully") evil and condemn us to death in fatwas.

Perhaps we shall never find common ground on this; that much seems likely. i And perhaps suicide murders and random jihadist violence in the country towns nestled in the hills around Hallifax may remain only a disturbing hypothetical that you can push off the stage and into the back of your mind. In "A View From The Eye Of The Storm", Haim Harari writes

If part of the public supports it, others tolerate it, many are afraid of it and some try to explain it away by poverty or by a miserable childhood, organized crime will thrive and so will terrorism. The United States understands this now, after September 11. Russia is beginning to understand it. Turkey understands it well. I am very much afraid that most of Europe still does not understand it. Unfortunately, it seems that Europe will understand it only after suicide murders arrive in Europe in a big way. In my humble opinion, this will definitely happen. The Spanish trains and the Istanbul bombings are only the beginning. The unity of the Civilized World in fighting this horror is absolutely indispensable. Until Europe wakes up, this unity will not be achieved.
But to most places in Israel these murders are not hypothetical. Nor on the streets of Manhattan. Nor the London Underground. I don't think blaming those victims is a viable strategy.

Aliantha 08-20-2006 08:30 PM

It's fairly clear that both sides of this conflict are guilty of criminal activity. Both sides are at fault.

The other thing that's pretty clear is that Israel is supported by some states and Lebanon et el are not simply on the basis of religion.

That is criminal.

There must be a better answer than this!

MaggieL 08-20-2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha
It's fairly clear that both sides of this conflict are guilty of criminal activity. Both sides are at fault.

That's the "moral equivalance" argument again, and I say it's bullshit. There's no equivalance here.

9th Engineer 08-20-2006 09:24 PM

I would say that the UN is in no position to tell either side what to do untill it can manage to secure the region militarily. It's like two people who refuse to keep punching each other, even if one of them wants to stop they know that doing so will only mean getting an even more severe beating.
I've been wanting to scream this for a while so I'm going to get it off my chest:

They make the current administration here look like a bunch of Cambridge scholors for pete's sake!:rar:

Ibby 08-20-2006 10:15 PM

9th Engineer summed up exactly why I refuse to commit to a side in this conflict. I'll defend either side just as readily as I'll denounce them, because both sides are EQUALLY in the wrong. Neither side can stop until the other does, and neither side will stop first. It's just a vicious cycle of destruction. I don't give a flea's fart about "moral equivalance", whatever the fuck that actually means. Both sides are in the wrong. This has been going on too long to even try to determine who started it or whos fault it is or who is in the right, but it is possible to determine that both sides should have stopped by now. I blame both of them.

Aliantha 08-21-2006 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by MaggieL
That's the "moral equivalance" argument again, and I say it's bullshit. There's no equivalance here.

That's right. One side is innocent and the other is not. One side has killed no civillians and the other has. One side has always acted in a 'christian' manner. The other has not. One side is better than the other...more worthy...more honest.

That's a bigger load of BULLSHIT if you ask me.

MaggieL 08-21-2006 05:47 AM

This is one of the central flaws of liberalism. Faced with violence, enacting their core psychodramas lead them to be driven by a need to become visibly and dramatically verklempt with "compassion for a victim". Unfortunately this somehow robs them of the ability to be dispassionate long enough to reason out who is actually responsible for the violence.

When Hezbollah kills civilians by hiding among them after an attack, it's the Israelis who are to blame rather than Hezbollah, who has turned their homes into missile emplacements and mosques into armories and munitions magazines. When a teenager is killed helping a drug dealer commit a burglary, it's the farmer defending his home and property who is somehow at fault, rather than the career felon corrupting the morals of a child.

When the absurdity of the outcomes of this political correctness becomes unsupportable, they trot out the last line of defense: the "everyone is to blame/equally at fault" moral equivalance song.

Hippikos 08-21-2006 08:31 AM

More complicated it gets with this situation. US supplied Stingers to the Mujaheddeen to get rid of the USSR helicopters, this turned the war in Afghanistan around. Currently 1500 Stingers are still in the possession of the (Muslim) Mujaheddeen and some have been used against El Al airplanes (Africa). How about that, MaggieL?

Bush Sr channelled $ 5 Bio through CIAīs Chile contacts to sponsor Saddams arms supplies.

War needs suppliers and itīs utterly hypocrite to condemn one side.

MaggieL 08-21-2006 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Hippikos
War needs suppliers and itīs utterly hypocrite to condemn one side.

But the UN isn't supposed to be "one side". They were supposed to be monitoring the peace while Lebanon disarmed Hezbollah. Now they're supposed to be doing it again, and already France and Lebanon are wimping out, since Hebollah got what *they* wanted.

What was supposed to be "no weapons" has somehow morphed into "no visible weapons"; i.e. Hebollah will still be armed, but we'll play another "don't ask don't tell" game.

Untll Iran needs another distraction, anyway. That should be in about 30-60 days, I'd guess.

I just don't consider contravening multiple UNSC resolutions to arm a terrorist militia surrogate of a third party nation, concealing itself in a civilian population to be the "moral equivalant" of directly selling arms to a legitimate government for its own defense.

Hippikos 08-21-2006 08:47 AM

You lost me here Maggie. What has the UN to do with the British manufactured goggles? Maybe you need a disctraction too?

BTW Aug.22nd is very important to Iran re the 12th Imam

MaggieL 08-21-2006 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Hippikos
Currently 1500 Stingers are still in the possession of the (Muslim) Mujaheddeen and some have been used against El Al airplanes (Africa). How about that, MaggieL?

Well, it's a shame. But the Stingers were supplied to the Mujahedeen in hopes they could defend their homeland from Soviet invasion. I'm sure OBL has a bunch of them by now. It would have required quite a crystal ball to forsee those turns of events over that timespan.

But this NVG was given to Iran by the UN three years ago...just as the stink was rising about the Russians supplying the same kind of military tech to Saddam. That's not not the same thing at all; on that timesacle this outcome is a lot more obvious.

MaggieL 08-21-2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Hippikos
You lost me here Maggie. What has the UN to do with the British manufactured goggles? Maybe you need a disctraction too?

Maybe you need to read TFA.

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