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Urbane Guerrilla 08-19-2020 10:55 AM

Griff, I know better than to take those people's word for their own value or their own goodness.

Griff 08-19-2020 11:20 AM

Your commitment to unregulated force makes you an example I cannot follow.

Urbane Guerrilla 08-19-2020 11:41 AM

Well, if it *were* a commitment to unregulated force, you'd have a point.

Where you'd stop with the regulation is another point needing examining.

Flint 08-19-2020 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1056367)
I'm gonna stay in line because Trump, but we could have had bold change in this moment.

My depression about [the change that's needed / what we're actually doing] has been growing since 2016. I've been disillusioned so many times, and it stings even worse for the small glimmers of hope. I've gotten to the point that I don't watch or listen to the news, or go on social media, and I basically just listen to classical music.


Originally Posted by the professor
When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow?

Ibby 08-19-2020 05:07 PM

i would like to point out that 3D printed guns are extremely safe and effective now, and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. Using some imagined scary left-wing boogieman of "they're coming to take our guns" is a fair enough reason, I guess, not to support the Democratic party, but it certainly doesn't excuse this fool defending actual literal obvious fascism or casting his lot in with the white-supremacist right. I know we all know that if UG gave even half a shit about liberty or freedom, he wouldn't be a such an obvious fascist bootlicker, but it's really important for the rest of us to remember that the left isn't uniformly anti-gun. I live in arguably the most left-wing state in the country and i could go buy another piece this afternoon on a whim. the left - the actual left, not liberal centrists - is generally pretty gun-positive. Go find your local John Brown Gun Club and make some new friends!

Urbane Guerrilla 08-20-2020 08:54 PM

Ibby, you are hapless. Manifestly you wouldn't know a fascist if one broke your nose with a Hitler salute. I would expect *you* to try breaking my nose that way. The Black, Living Marxists and Antifa are the face of the left.

You have only to pay attention to the Democrat solons' statements about gun control to know how bitterly they despise an adult, competent -- and armed and therefore capable and unoppressible -- electorate. We can quote each candidate and some guest speakers, you know. Oh, that's right... you will suddenly behave like you're illiterate. Your worldview demands you do; I call it superstitious.

Armed society = civilized society. Democratic platform and selling points to yahoos = uncivilized society.

Ibby: not armed, not capable either, bait for tyrants, will lick boots and bootie.

Griff 08-21-2020 06:31 AM

UG, your fantasy is unhealthy and dangerous to democracy. Anticipating you getting nonsensical about republics, our Republic protected actual human slavery, let's be clear eyed while looking backwards. I would suggest that Ibby is armed because elements of the right wing of our culture find him unacceptable as a person and would use violence against him. I would also suggest that many of these same "very good people" would use violence to enforce other aspects of their backwards vision.

Undertoad 08-21-2020 08:05 AM


elements of the right wing of our culture find him unacceptable as a person and would use violence against him
Not a widespread issue, deadly violence against trans people has typically come from people they know and regular old violent crime that happens to everybody in the ghetto

(Except for the millennial newspeak that speech is violence, which occasionally now is extended to lack of speech is violence; and the other newspeak that violence, in the form of rioting, is speech. Carry on)

Ibby 08-21-2020 09:27 AM

find her unacceptable, you mean, Griff.

but honestly I would wager that I am armed for the exact same reasons everyone else is. I'm more interested in community self-defense than personal self defense, but otherwise, i'm armed because, in no particular order: self-defense is important, the ability to resist violent fascism is important, the option to hunt for food is important, and, frankly, owning and shooting guns is fun. Any gun enthusiast who says they don't do it at least a little bit cause its fun is lying to you.

and ultimately, i'm armed cause i don't want violent fascists like UG, like the boog-ers, like the proud boys and patriot prayer, like the police, to be the only ones with guns.

tw 08-21-2020 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 1056798)
Ibby, you are hapless. Manifestly you wouldn't know a fascist if one broke your nose with a Hitler salute.

Exactly how a fascist (ie a Nazi) would reply. Also called a wacko extremist. Like the scumbag president that he adores, he posts insults. Not one fact. Nothing honest. His ego is proof of everything that he knows.

Narcissist personality disorder? 30 second attention spam? Characteristic of an extremist.

He is upset and now more nasty. A president he admires has been exposed for what he always was.

A vote for Trump is approval of Urban Guerrilla. And the KKK, Nazis, and White Supremacists praised by Trump and UG. Fascism is alive and well.

Diaphone Jim 08-21-2020 05:02 PM

This brave lad was a good part of last evening's convention.
Picture Trump's mocking of the handicapped reporter.

Pass it on, watch it twice.

tw 08-21-2020 06:55 PM

Trump lies. Making him popular with extremist who said here they want to "wreck shit". Excellent examples include Urbane Guerrilla and henry quirk.


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 1047338)
It should be noted, as I note, that he' s not stiffing contractors now, nor is he likely to start.

A Trump supporter lies just like a criminal that he admires.

Why U.S. Law Makes It Easy for Donald Trump To Stiff Contractors . Donald Trump appeared to admit that one of his business secrets is ... he stiffs his contractors.

Even the BBC now openly cites Trump lies - almost if not every day.

Picture Trump mocking a handicapped kid. Of course. Only deplorables would admire a man who can kill someone on Fifth Ave and still be elected president. Demonstrates why Nazis could even take over America. Many are so racist. Trump inspires those who hate.

Putin (we have recently learned) personally directed Russia's 2016 internet campaign to get The Donald elected. No wonder Trump praises Putin and Kim Jung Un. He has essentially given Kim a green light to continue nuclear weapons and intercontinental missile programs. By using incompetence. He even lied about making a good deal with Kim. Trump lied. No deal existed. Kim simply played on Trump's ego. Trump lied. Latest numbers put Trump at above 20,000 public lies since becoming president.

Of course he will deny it. It is the nature of his 30 second attention span - that nobody denies.

As so many former Trump advisers note, Trump concedes to other leaders in private meetings. They know how to play his narcissistic mentality. Trump even gave a Russian foreign minister and their ambassador a most sensitive British secret - in the Oval office. Why? Trump's nature is to impress another even at the expense of national security. In this case, to brag how much information he has access to.

Examples of why 'adults who are still children' love scumbags who promote hate. UG a prefect example.

How curious. Other right wingers here remain silent; do not defend that anti-America, racist, Nazi loving, scumbag. But may will vote for him anyway. Another behavior of adults who are still children. They will do what the Central Committee has ordered them to do. They cannot think for themselves. Same type people also brought a Nazi party to Germany.

Did Hitler have more than a 30 second attention span?

Griff 08-21-2020 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ibby (Post 1056810)
find her unacceptable, you mean, Griff.

but honestly

My apologies.

BigV 08-21-2020 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 1056798)
snip - -

Ibby: not armed, not capable either, bait for tyrants, will lick boots and bootie.

UG thinks Ibby's unarmed, lol. Typical misunderstanding of reality leading to predictably inappropriate responses.


Ha ha, madeja flinch.

Ibby 08-21-2020 10:51 PM

wanna hear a real funny one? which one of us do you think is more likely to shoot a fascist, as UG loves to say people need their guns for, and which of us is more likely to vote for one

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