The Cellar

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classicman 06-25-2010 10:08 AM

Ok so the cat repeatedly refused to clean the floor. Therefore mother snake had to take thing into her own hands, so to speak and force the cat to get the job done. Clearly the snake brought the cat up there just so that it could reach the mop.

spudcon 06-25-2010 10:16 AM

And the good witch said "Now you can all live in harmony, happily ever after." The End.

Spexxvet 06-25-2010 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 666288)
Maybe the cat isn't quite dead in that pic.... maybe the camera person snapped a quick shot to aid the vetinary paramedics and then rushed to rescue the poor wee thing? See, it's waving.....

It's reaching for its tag team partner

xirene 06-25-2010 01:27 PM

Really disappointed in you
I've been a daily visitor to the IotD for about 5 yrs now, and this is my first comment, sadly to say that I will probably not be back.

You should have put a warning on this photo. This completely messed up my morning. I'm used to the Friday IotD being a cute or at the very least interesting animal photo, not a snuff shot.

You really failed here. Tasteless does not begin to describe the photo.

monster 06-25-2010 01:30 PM

Would you have felt the same if the cat had a limp snake in it's mouth?

I still maintain the cat's not dead. yet.

A warning might've been nice, though.

classicman 06-25-2010 01:44 PM

... agreed. This image was quite out of character for what most have come to expect as the IotD on a Friday..

@xirene - That being said, I think to make such a harsh decision based upon one out of thousands - seems a bit, no, way over the top.

lookout123 06-25-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by newtimer (Post 666283)
Lacking any rope, Mittens killed a snake, tied it into a noose, and jumped off the highest rafter he could find. Ever since his owner had him fixed ('broken' is more like it, thought Mittens), he found he had lost the will to live any more.

Freakin hilarious spin on a grim situation. Love it.

lumberjim 06-25-2010 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by xirene (Post 666330)
I've been a daily visitor to the IotD for about 5 yrs now, and this is my first comment, sadly to say that I will probably not be back.

You should have put a warning on this photo. This completely messed up my morning. I'm used to the Friday IotD being a cute or at the very least interesting animal photo, not a snuff shot.

You really failed here. Tasteless does not begin to describe the photo.

Interesting commentary. A shame that you've taken and taken and taken over these 5 years, and never had the decency to say thanks...

and yet, the first time you get upset, you are motivated to whine and cry about it. I'm very dissapointed in YOU. glad you're leaving. don't let the door hit your weak pointless ass.

lookout123 06-25-2010 02:06 PM

Hey LJ, maybe we should start a thread to discuss the problem of bloodsucking lurkers and how to fix the problem. could you work on that for us?

lumberjim 06-25-2010 02:13 PM

My theory is that most lurkers are democrats and communists.

lookout123 06-25-2010 02:20 PM

Absolutely, as evidenced by the fact that they suck and hate america. Counting down the 3 minutes until Redux posts a government paid study refuting this premise.

Diaphone Jim 06-25-2010 02:41 PM

We haven't had a graphic caution in a looong time (if you don't count the fako velvet painting of the monkey and the leopard). I wonder if one here would have kept anyone away, especially xirene (who apparently joined today to say goodbye) and usually tougher shawnee.
I would have looked anyway, thought medium-yuck and enthusiastically gone on to read these comments.
The photo is quite a few places on the web, but with never an explanation, except for maybe Australia and maybe python.
Most predators have a pretty good eye for what to kill, sometimes called a prey image or picture. While the extent of the snake is hard to determine, it looks as if he has bitten off more than he can chew, so to speak.
I would not be surprised to find that they were both dead and then set up.

Shawnee123 06-25-2010 02:47 PM

Huh? What did I do? :cool:

At least my joke was remotely funny! :lol:

squirell nutkin 06-25-2010 03:09 PM

We identify with cats to a greater degree than snakes it seems. Fact is on this planet, every one and everything lives at the expense of something else's life. Something has to die so that you can live.

Still, what makes that a sad picture is two fold:

1. Most of us identify with the cat
2. The death of the cat did not increase the number of pictures of naked chicks.

Cloud 06-25-2010 07:48 PM

seriously awful.

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