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BigV 03-11-2017 05:52 PM

Feeling better is not the goal.

sexobon 03-11-2017 06:44 PM

Of course not; but, it's what people end up settling for. Obama most recently demonstrated that there's no lasting change.

BigV 03-11-2017 10:36 PM

Untrue. There is continuous change. I don't like many of the changes promulgated by this administration and I'm doing what I believe is right, what I believe is best for our country. Things are changing, I want different changes.

And as far as "settling" goes, many people do settle. But I believe we get the country we work for and fight for. I'm fighting for a better country.

sexobon 03-12-2017 12:30 AM

You can believe that if you like; but, you got the country you bargained for.

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2017 01:06 AM

Not true, not everyone bargained for what we got. I may have not rung doorbells... wait, I didn't ring doorbells, but I did express my opinion when possible without alienating too many people. My complacency may have made a tiny, miniscule, infinitesimal bit of difference, but living in a GOP stronghold I doubt it.

I have been subject to a steady barrage for the last ten years, I mean at least one sometimes several emails a day, how that spook from Africa is to blame for everything from ISIS to my bunions. They contain links that go to right wing websites or to sites that say the exact opposite of their claims. But most people don't question the claims just pass it on. Some of these emails will contain over a hundred addresses of forwarders. Brainwashing for ten fucking years.

People are tired and scared. I was lucky to grow up in a boom time when jobs were plentiful, unions strong, and taxes pretty fair. I retired not long after everything went to shit. I feel sorry for any kid that doesn't have a personal connection to get a good job because a degree and brains are no guaranty. People are seeing good paying jobs slipping away, and their communities/life style collapsing. So they voted Trump out of hope.

A Doctorate in history handling insurance claims? A Doctorate in maths in charge of signs in a supermarket? C'mon, that's just fucked up. That's proof that the MBA's who are running shit don't have a clue, nor care, what's good for the country. I didn't bargain for that.

sexobon 03-12-2017 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 984083)
Untrue. ...


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 984086)
Not true, ...

You can remain in denial for as long as you want; but, everyone who voted for Clinton and everyone eligible who didn't vote got the country they bargained for. That's the majority and for the most part they're just not astute enough to acknowledge perceptions of how and why. They're the clueless crusaders.

Good luck trying to renegotiate your bargain.

Undertoad 03-12-2017 08:51 AM


how that spook from Africa is to blame for everything... Brainwashing for ten fucking years.
It's only right the other side should get a chance at this!

And given their chance to be opposition, at least they don't talk about his skin color. Or anything personal really. Now, the debate is serious. There's no fear-mongering at all.

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2017 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 984087)
You can remain in denial for as long as you want; but, everyone who voted for Clinton and everyone eligible who didn't vote got the country they bargained for. That's the majority and for the most part they're just not astute enough to acknowledge perceptions of how and why. They're the clueless crusaders.

Good luck trying to renegotiate your bargain.

I know you're shit stirring but that statement makes you look silly. You've got it ass backwards, Trump's voters got what they bargained for, the rest of the country just suffers from the results of the bargain too.

sexobon 03-12-2017 01:43 PM

Au contraire, mon frère. Enough Trump voters would have voted for anyone but Clinton to put another Dem in the White House. Not to mention those who could have voted; but, didn't. The bargain was made before the general election, which just ratified it.

Griff 03-12-2017 05:34 PM

If you're saying the Clinton boosters still don't get it, you're largely er... bigly right.

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2017 05:39 PM

I voted for Bernie in the primary, but was only offered two choices in the general election. I couldn't vote for Trump or stay home.

BigV 03-12-2017 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 984125)
If you're saying the Clinton boosters still don't get it, you're largely er... bigly right.

I'm a Clinton Booster. Explain it to me, please. What am I not getting?

Griff 03-12-2017 08:57 PM

I am not really sure what he's talking about but the DNC still does not appear serious about working class issues.

Mountain Mule 03-13-2017 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 984087)
You can remain in denial for as long as you want; but, everyone who voted for Clinton and everyone eligible who didn't vote got the country they bargained for. That's the majority and for the most part they're just not astute enough to acknowledge perceptions of how and why. They're the clueless crusaders.

Good luck trying to renegotiate your bargain.

You can remain in denial for as long as you want but:

A) Hillary won the popular vote. Thanks to the unElectorial College, the Traitor seized power.

B) 15 separate US Government intelligence agencies agree that the election was hacked. At best, this calls into question the election of ANYONE.

That said, I do feel the official Dem party apparatus has become a little ossified. Bernie Sanders had the momentum and the votes. Had the Dems run Bernie as their candidate instead of Hillary, things might look very different today. Certainly, Sanders was/is on the side of the working man.

But that was then and in the now, I read the posts made by the Traitor's supporters on other sites, glorying in the idea that coal mining will be brought back. Not only is that economically unfeasible (at the moment), it is also a dirty industry in more ways than one. Since there will no longer be any EPA or government regulatory agencies because this hurts the "small businessman," when the time comes, Peabody coal will go about whistling while it works and miners will struggle with increasingly unsafe mine conditions and should they develop black lung, good luck finding medical care.

This is only one small example of the delusional mindset among the cons. The Dems may be ossified, but the cons have become the party of the oligarchs and their mindless followers rush after them like lemmings pouring off the cliff - democracy be damned.

tw 03-13-2017 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 984134)
I am not really sure what he's talking about but the DNC still does not appear serious about working class issues.

Democrats have a muddled message. They do not have Fox News, Laura Engles, Breitbart, Hannity, etc throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.

Republicans discovered naive and uneducated anger about taxes and debt. Clinton (a Democrat) almost eliminated debt. Republicans love to increase spending and debts - especially to enrich the rich (ie George Jr's administration is a perfect example).

Republican message says one thing. Republican actions have been opposite. By throwing shit against the wall, Republicans discovered what is believed and what they do are completely unrelated. That contradiction is acceptable to their extremists.

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