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Kagen4o4 03-04-2007 08:42 PM

hell was invented so that satan represented the pagan god (a guy with horns) and the christians said this guy was evil and if you followed him you'd be damned for all eternity.

Aliantha 03-04-2007 08:44 PM

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. Sinners have much more fun.

Only the good die young.

Name the song and artist?

jinx 03-04-2007 08:48 PM

I thought satan was styled after Pan?

footfootfoot 03-04-2007 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 320100)
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. Sinners have much more fun.

Only the good die young.

Name the song and artist?

Do I have to? Didn't I pay my debt to society by listening to that song 37 million times?

But it's true, Catholic girls rock!

piercehawkeye45 03-04-2007 09:38 PM

Billy Joel? I heard it yesterday in the car and all my friends were singing it (very badly) so I am scarred.

Aliantha 03-04-2007 09:40 PM

haha...good work fellas!

It is a great song though. I love it.

Elspode 03-05-2007 11:22 AM

I may have to record my rant about how Jehovah is suffering from a self-image problem of supergalactic proportions, what with needing people to praise Him constantly. I mean, here we are, building all those churches, being in fear of being smote by an irrationally angry deity, or worse, tortured like Job or forced to nearly sacrifice your own son just to prove you love Him. Does this seem like a well-adjusted personality to you?

Think about omnipotent, mentally ill deity.

Scary, ain't it?

piercehawkeye45 03-05-2007 11:43 AM

Why would a god need us to praise him? If he is real, he is better than us and shouldn't need our approval.

rkzenrage 03-05-2007 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 319971)
What can be GAINED from the denouncement?

To whom will it prove a point?

We aren't 100% sure one way or another, so why take the risk in the event it is true?

Corps...God... and Country.

You really want to know?
There are stories of fifteen year olds of getting kicked-out of their home when announcing their disbelief.
Being locked in their rooms and attempts at programing.
Shunning by the entire family.
Hate, rage, disgust, being told they will suffer and be tortured for eternity at the hands of their "loving god", while seeing replies of the same in the threads and YouTube comments.
These people feel, felt alone for years, many have felt alone and have said nothing until the challenge.
This gives them a voice among many, lets them know they are not alone, not the only one going through what they are dealing with.
It gives them a community, a support structure to deal witht he persecution that they deal with.
It is important and a good thing.

Happy Monkey 03-05-2007 02:04 PM

Plus, if you've committed an "unforgiveable" sin, maybe they won't try to convert you anymore!

Elspode 03-05-2007 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 320308)
You really want to know?
There are stories of fifteen year olds of getting kicked-out of their home when announcing their disbelief.
Being locked in their rooms and attempts at programing.

Don't forget being placed in mental hospitals. Selene used to do the same sort of work that Wolf does, namely, intake for a local private psych facility. A significant number of the teenage girls there were there, at least in part, because they had been reading about witchcraft.

Strangely, she never once met a teen who cited rampant Christianity as one of the reasons for their least, not on the part of the patient.

rkzenrage 03-05-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 320339)
Plus, if you've committed an "unforgiveable" sin, maybe they won't try to convert you anymore!

Yeah... good luck.:rolleyes:

Oh, try to find a sobriety program as an atheist. I have had to do this alone and it has NOT been easy.

cklabyrinth 03-05-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 319971)
What can be GAINED from the denouncement?

To whom will it prove a point?

We aren't 100% sure one way or another, so why take the risk in the event it is true?

Corps...God... and Country.

Even if this is the case you're taking the risk that your god isn't the real god. So, why wouldn't you practice all religions in order not to offend any of the possible gods out there?

As Stephen Roberts said:

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

rkzenrage 03-05-2007 07:32 PM

Exaclty, no reason to belive in Yahweh over Zeus other than it is the frat of the moment.

Ibby 03-05-2007 07:53 PM

Jesus died for somebody's sins...

But not mine.

Name THAT song&artist!

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