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Clodfobble 01-25-2009 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by babydoll
As it is, he's been reading for almost a year, he can add and subtract single digit numbers, and he's more than capable of doing most anything a 1st grader can do. The only problem is, he's not old enough to go to school 'til this coming fall. I can't send my very active little boy to school now because he will be bored.

FWIW, it does depend on the school. My stepson was also reading at 4, and we were worried he'd be bored in kindergarten as well--until he got there, and discovered that at least a third of the other kids were reading as well, and the teacher was totally prepared to keep them challenged. But if you're in Kentucky, you mileage definitely may vary. ;)

footfootfoot 01-25-2009 09:24 AM

But if you're in Kentucky, you mileage definitely may vary.


monster 01-25-2009 09:28 AM

Don't dismiss the schools without going to see them... then dismiss them... :lol: I don't homeschool but my kids are in an alternative program which works very well for them, but you have to look hard to find such programs. Ask the teachers what they do for kids who can already read. see if there's a multi-grade program nearby.... I'm not saying don't homeschool, but make certain why you're doing it. Don't base your decison on the asshats you used to deal with -maybe 90% of them were idiots, but maybe they're not representative of the teaching population as a whole. Maybe your company's products are only needed by crappy teachers?

jinx 01-25-2009 10:17 AM

Hi babydoll, I home school my 8 and 10 year olds (took them out of a private democratic school 2 years ago) if I can answer any questions for ya... or if you want to see my boobs just lmk...

Sundae 01-25-2009 10:24 AM

I dealt with a lot of teachers when I worked for an Arts company. They came across very badly over the phone. In fact I used to realte the conversations to my colleagues in a comedy fashion, ending up with, "And this was a teacher!!!"

But then I had the same issue with pharmacists and GPs in a previous job. They aren't employed for their telephone manner, or their grasp of office procedure. They are intelligent individuals trained in a different field.

My siblings and I could all read, write and do basic maths before we entered school here. Given that my birthday is in July and at the time the school wouldn't take me until my fifth birthday (ie 20 odd days before the end of the school year) I was even doing "tens and units" addition and subtraction before I went. But I loved it. Friends, belonging, eating at school, sports, singing... it was a wonderful time and a wonderful experience.

I'm certainly not getting on a bandwagon re the choice between school/ home school - I know it's very different in the States. I accept that so many of your schools must be dreadful, given the reports I read on here and the number of Dwellars who home school.

Elspode 01-25-2009 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by babydoll (Post 525874)
no, I will not show you my boobies. :rolleyes: Got questions? Ask.

Crotch shot? :D

richlevy 01-25-2009 10:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by babydoll (Post 526167)
It's pretty difficult to find gamers worth the time nowadays. Most people will perk up when you ask if they're a gamer, then they'll tell you all about their WoW character. *deep sigh* Mostly, we sift through gamer friends to find someone who is available to game... and willing. Our gaming group is up to a WHOPPING three players, now! It quality, not quantity, though... right? :neutral:

Geez. I should get paid by the word. :blush:

Too bad you're not in the Philly area. I used to play D&D a while back and my wife has been asking me if I wanted to do it again. Dragon13, on this board is a friend of mine and I used to be in his gaming group before we moved about 20 miles away.

As you can see, my dice are now very dusty.

Dusty Dice - Sounds like a stripper at Gaming Con.;)

TheMercenary 01-26-2009 01:31 PM

Welcome. I agree with the question posed by Elspode.

Bullitt 01-26-2009 02:39 PM

Probably wasn't me, first came around these parts in '04 as just another semi-annoying kid fresh outta high school. Most who I interacted with back then would probably agree I and my posting habits have changed since then.

Also, welcome hope you stick around.

DanaC 01-26-2009 03:05 PM

Hey there babydoll, nice to meet you *smiles*

'fraid I am one o'them thar virtual roleplayers you were talkin about...

Though not WoW. Not with a ten foot barge pole would I touch that piece of shite.

I got into the first of the big mmos (Ultima Online) mainly because I hooked up with a bunch of 'proper' roleplayers: MUDs and dice based games. When I roleplay it's full on. Especially back then when ready made emotes were few and far between *chuckles* which is where the asterisks come from. It's how everyone emoted in UO. We'd come up with all sorts, really intricate stories that emerged from the different character backgrounds of those involved.

I spent the first year being painfully bad at the actual game...couldnt fight for shit (played a coward) took 12 months to max out my stats...didn't matter to me. I was a storyteller and in-game improv actor. Used to story up the quests that guilds got involved in.

Did all sorts in that game. Up to and including an actual dice game (there were sets of cup and dice to use in game) played according to rules a friend made up, in which I wagered (and lost) my character's soul. Thereby ending up a rather unlikely member of a vicious, evil gang of killer demons and vampires. At the time I was the de facto leader of a mid-size 'good' roleplay guild: losing the dice game meant me joining the other guild. Though I effectively continued to run the 'good' guild via instant messaging, at least til they could organise a stand in. I ended up on the field killing people I'd recruited.

Did wonders for my PvP skillz tho!

That was what made roleplaying fun. There were enough of us about to do some weird and wonderful shit, and everybody was committed enough to live with the consequences of their character's actions.

None of that would have been as much fun for me had I been playing in real life: difficult to carry off a male role, especially a slightly balding, high-on-his-own-supply physik, coward and scientist. Virtual roleplaying is far more than just WoW *spits on the ground* ... though admittedly the last seven or eight years haven't been brilliant on that score.

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