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classicman 09-07-2008 09:16 PM

Your interpretation of "truth" is not the same as mine and that's ok with me. Your one vote means no more or less than mine - we are equal in that regard no matter how distasteful you find it.

Radar 09-07-2008 10:13 PM

The mere fact that you think the truth is an "interpretation" proves that you don't know the meaning of the word "truth". But that's ok, most Republicans don't.

SamIam 09-07-2008 10:29 PM

Radar's in fine form today. Those rapscallion republicans don't stand a chance.:rolleyes:

Radar 09-07-2008 11:14 PM

How long have you been waiting to use the word "rapscallion" in a sentence?


lookout123 09-08-2008 12:01 PM


Most vets are against McCain, especially those who served in Vietnam and Iraq.
"most vets"? or "most vets radar meets at his extreme libertarian rant meetings"?

morethanpretty 09-08-2008 12:25 PM

I have to say Big Sarge, I don't support the war in Iraq and I want it to be finished. I think its a mire and will be very difficult to minimize the damage to US/Islam relations (that were already horrible enough). Unfortunately, at this point, I believe limiting our military presence is the best option, and supporting the new country in other ways (generalization sorry). Not only is it a drain on our resources, the longer we stay the more of those people who welcomed our presence will begin to resent it. I supported taking Hussein out, and believe he deserved what he got, but I'm not sure we took the best path to do that. Perhaps we acted to rash out of our fear of attack. I will always support the troops. Just because I don't support a military action I feel was made based on lies and emotion, does not mean I don't love and support our people who are doing their best for our country. It is that same love and support that makes it my responsibility to try to bring them home.

Big Sarge 09-08-2008 05:35 PM

Radar - I was checking on some things you said & I'm confused. Please help me to understand.

"McCain got a D rating on Veterans issues from the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans of America. Barack Obama got a B+. Also the 10,000 IAVA were allowed to deliver a report to Barack Obama, but McCain turned them away".

Where did you come up with the number 10,000? The IVAW states there were only 2 squads of 25 each that led a march of 10,000. This number also included Rage Against the Machine and Flobots. The so called report was a message calling for the "Immediate withdrawal, full veterans benefits, and reparations for the Iraqi people" (IVAW website).

"The guy in your video represents a tiny minority of veterans. Most vets are against McCain, especially those who served in Vietnam and Iraq."

If we accept your total of 10,000 veterans being against the war, you must consider that is less than 0.7% of the app. 1.7 million troops who have served in OIF & OEF. Troop strengths are based upon reporting on the VoteVets, IVAW, and IAVA sites.

Maybe you can help me to understand?

Big Sarge 09-08-2008 05:38 PM

MTP - it is not a mire. We have made significant success following the troop surge. Even Obama has admitted the troop surge was a success.

Big Sarge 09-08-2008 05:57 PM

This Iraq Veterans Against the War is an interesting group!!! By reading their own posted profiles, I have identified a national board member and 4 regional directors who state they never served in Iraq. Now how can they be leaders of a legitimate Iraq veterans group??

Radar 09-08-2008 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 482135)
MTP - it is not a mire. We have made significant success following the troop surge. Even Obama has admitted the troop surge was a success.

You can't win an occupation. You can't win an illegal war and anyone who says the war in Iraq is not only a fucking retard, they are a traitor.

The troops surge did nothing and changed nothing. Whether America leaves Iraq in a month or in 50 years, the moment we leave, they will break out into civil war. We had no legitimate reason to have a single American solder at any time in history; this includes the illegal war in 1991, the 12 subsequent years of bombing Iraq daily, creating illegal no-fly zones, kicking down doors to homes, locking people up in prisons when they didn't do so much as jay walking, and then torturing them, searching the country, etc.

At no point has there ever been a legitimate or legal reason for an armed American soldier to be in Iraq.

deadbeater 09-08-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 481671)

I served 2 combat tours. I know how the soldiers I served with feel. We strongly support the war against terror in Iraq because we know we forced AQ to expend their manpower and money in their own backyard, thus keeping them from executing attacks on our homes.

Basically, my knowledge is first-hand while you are relying on anti-war group rhetoric.

Meanwhile, the backyard in Pakistan is growing. And the Taliban is fighting back in Afghanistan, much like the way they fought USSR and USSR's puppets back in the 1980's. I wonder why Russia was not joining the coalition, even for just revenge?

Meanwhile, good job in Iraq, but it's not the point. Al Qaeda and the Taliban is working on a bigger prize: nuclear Pakistan. The Taliban already have a huge support in Pakistan, after all the Taliban originated there, with help from the army. Osama and the Taliban, I believe, still rely on contacts from the Pakistani army who is supposed to fight them. Iraq meanwhile, turned into a most successful diversion in the war on terror, even if they didn't dream of it themselves.

al-Qaeda made the mistake of treating the civilians in regions they used to control harshly. That was the real start of the Awakening.

Big Sarge 09-08-2008 07:02 PM

But Radar, I'm still confused about your IVAW source. I'm still hoping you can help me to understand. Is it truly an occupation when the legitimately elected government wants you there until they are able to achieve SASE (safe & secure environment.

I sure don't want to be a traitor. I hope you lead me to enlightenment. BTW, how long did you serve in the Navy?

Radar 09-08-2008 07:19 PM

BS, I actually linked to several sites. Membership in the various veterans groups against the war in Iraq are in the hundreds of thousands.

Big Sarge 09-08-2008 07:37 PM

Alright, I'm calling your hand on this Radar! Back up your statement with membership numbers for the veterans groups against Iraq War.

classicman 09-08-2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 481886)
The mere fact that you think the truth is an "interpretation" proves that you don't know the meaning of the word "truth". But that's ok, most Republicans don't.

As usual you are WRONG AGAIN. A, I am a registered independent and B, not only are there many interpretations of "truths", but someone as educated as you claim to be would certainly realize there are differing definitions of the word.

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