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BigV 08-06-2015 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 935460)
I hope Biden throws his hat in the ring.


You don't strike me as a Biden supporter.

Big Sarge 08-06-2015 06:49 AM

I didn't finish my train of thought. I'm getting bad about that. To tell the truth, I'm very displeased with the Republican front runners. Joe Biden is a candidate I might be able to consider.

DanaC 08-06-2015 07:05 AM

I like Biden. He's a bit cooky, and a slight touch of the Walter Mitty - but he seems a decent chap.

footfootfoot 08-06-2015 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 934841)
For what its worth he was a mayor. The bar is set pretty low for executive competence based on the last few administrations. People seem to trust him at the bargaining table which isn't an attribute we've seen in a while.

I too would prefer someone focused on this country.

I lived in Burlington when he was mayor. He was great.

He's also from Brooklyn so there's that.

He's the only candidate I trust because he isn't owned by any corporation, he's honest, he's not from old money, his agenda has always been the welfare of the general population not a select few.

Of course in politics none of this matters because people will always hedge their bets or vote strategically for the lesser of two evils rather than the good guy, because they are worried that the good guy won't win.

Further, the majority of the US populace is really too ignorant to be allowed to vote, in fact I'd say the entire population is too ignorant to vote. Not saying we are stupid, although many of us are, but that we are not given facts, background information, the whole story, and so on. Without information we can't make an informed vote. The fear that Obama or anyone else will "take away my guns" is a prime example. No one is going to take away anyone's guns. It's not feasible. That there is no serious penalty for politicians being caught lying adds to the nightmarish feeling of uncertainty. It's like the entire country is being gaslighted.

Our political system makes me sick, and I hate this aspect of my country. To me it's the 99% of politicians who give the rest a bad name. Almost by definition politicians are not patriots and are actually anti-American.

Our country is truly fucked and I don't think any president will be able to make any difference given that corporations own the government.

Bureaucrats, MBAs, lawyers, politicians, and corporate leviathans should all summarily banished to the middle of the Pacific Ocean on one of those rafts of jetsam, put Chinese handcuffs on their dicks and let them fight it out.

Did I mention I fucking hate everything about our shitty, pretend political system? It's the same as the TSA "security theater" it's democracy theater. I'm too old to enjoy playing "Let's pretend."

Your votes means shit. A republican will be put in the white house, any money in the coffers will be plundered and spent on the goods and services of the friends of the administration.

Spexxvet 08-06-2015 11:10 AM

Stop beating around the bush, Foot. Tell us how you really feel

xoxoxoBruce 08-06-2015 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 935538)
Our country is truly fucked and I don't think any president will be able to make any difference given that corporations own the government.

The race for the White House is just a dog & pony show to distract us from the right wing money buying Governors and Congress Critters.

The only pleasure I get out of voting is watching the local politicians scurry, like the rats that they are, when I show up at the polls.
No shit, the back slapping glad handers actually hide in the back room until I leave. :haha:

djacq75 08-06-2015 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 934572)
I'm concerned about gun rights, veterans affairs, and national defense. Who would be my best choice in next year's election?

Depends what exactly you want done about those things. I like Sanders on all of them.

footfootfoot 08-07-2015 07:06 AM

Sanders on guns:

BigV 08-21-2015 08:08 PM

Trump on immigration: "Build a wall, 2000 miles long. Have Mexico pay for it." No, I don't have a cite, look it up. Lots of people say it can't be done. But my personal good friend, Ron White *has* done the math on this project. Here you go:


xoxoxoBruce 08-21-2015 08:28 PM

The question is not whether it could be built, although getting Mexico to pay for it is not likely considering our trade deficit. The question is whether it should be built.

Trump is the only Republican candidate who's saying hands off Social Security/Medicare, and against raising the retirement age.

Big Sarge 08-22-2015 03:30 PM

Everyone know I'm a gun collector, hunter, and target shooter. I've reached the point where I would be comfortable with a ban on assault weapons. I'd even be willing to give up all semi-automatic weapons.

I've always been a hawk in my military views. I strongly believe we have no reason to be involved in the ISIS conflict. This is a civil war between militant Sunni extremists vs Kurds vs Shias vs moderate Sunnis. Saudi Arabia is sitting there with the 3rd largest military budget in the world. Yes, they spend more on their military than Russia. Let them step up to the plate. There is no way we will come out of this with being covered with shit and being the bad guy. Let them fight among themselves and we only worry when they stray out of the sand box.

I want somebody in office who will use a common sense approach to immigration. This country was built with immigrants. Seems like I remember a poem on a plaque that was added to Statue of Liberty. Maybe our politician's should think about it.

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Of course, let's use common sense with illegal aliens. If they have a felony history and commit felonies here, ship them back. What the heck is this stuff about catching and releasing illegal aliens on violent crimes in sanctuary cities? Common sense people, common sense.

Here you have my views. Now do you see why I am looking for someone in the Democrat Party? I can't support Hillary. This private email server situation is horrible.

Griff 08-22-2015 04:14 PM

You are not asking for the moon. This should be doable.

xoxoxoBruce 08-22-2015 10:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It is doable by any reasonably competant government. So unfortunately it's not likely here. :( Who's fault is that? The voters. I've said before, the White House race is a dog & pony show for the masses, without cleaning up Congress we'll still be mired in this shit.

Educated people register more, but do they vote?

elSicomoro 08-23-2015 01:23 AM

I'm a little too excited about a potential third-party run by Trump. Sure...go ahead...just give the presidency to the Democrats. Especially when conservatives are hot to trot over a Clinton again.

Spexxvet 08-24-2015 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 936844)
This private email server situation is horrible.


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