The Cellar

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xoxoxoBruce 03-09-2005 06:18 PM


Happy Monkey 03-09-2005 06:57 PM

Yeah, Bob the Angry Flower is hit and miss, but when it hits it HITS. I make it a point to buy every book he comes out with.

finding_nirvana 03-09-2005 08:25 PM

I wish I had the answer, humans are primitive, I wish I were more than human, better, maybe that would be better, just being a spiritless robot with no emotion, built to know. Maybe it would be better if that was what we are, rapists would find no more lust, murderers would find not hate. And the hungry man, the poor man, would not long for money, or alchohol, instead, he would might not even be there, robots would make good decisions. I feel that the rest of us are straying from the subject, pictures? comic reels, those are not the answers, at least I don't think they are.

"You are a very odd little boy, but I suppose... after all, as our mothers always told us, or at least my mother did, 'always try new things'."

Catwoman 03-10-2005 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by finding_nirvana
I wish I were more than human, better

More than human? More? Silly boy. Do your homework.

finding_nirvana 03-10-2005 05:09 PM

Catwoman, I'm not sure what you don't understand, I was pretty straight forward, humans have stupid emotions, that maybe we shouldn't have, I wish that maybe I could be a higher being. Not all powerfull, but better than human, we are primitive, but maybe primitive can be good.

xoxoxoBruce 03-10-2005 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by finding_nirvana
I wish I had the answer, humans are primitive, I wish I were more than human, better, maybe that would be better, just being a spiritless robot with no emotion, built to know.

No, you want to be different, better is entirely subjective.

Maybe it would be better if that was what we are, rapists would find no more lust, murderers would find not hate. And the hungry man, the poor man, would not long for money, or alchohol, instead, he would might not even be there, robots would make good decisions. I feel that the rest of us are straying from the subject, pictures? comic reels, those are not the answers, at least I don't think they are.
YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!! We are not machines, we are humans, we have emotions! Something which you are obviously afraid of. Take off the blinders and look around instead of tunnel visioning your way through life. Christ, you even wax poetic in monotone. Lighten up, especially on yourself. :p

Brown Thrasher 03-10-2005 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
No, you want to be different, better is entirely subjective. YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!! We are not machines, we are humans, we have emotions! Something which you are obviously afraid of. Take off the blinders and look around instead of tunnel visioning your way through life. Christ, you even wax poetic in monotone. Lighten up, especially on yourself. :p

I disagree. Better is not necessarily subjective. For example, it would be "better" to have heat if it is 10 degrees outside. Objectively, it would be "better" for your health. However, the word better is pretty generic...... :)

Catwoman 03-11-2005 03:20 AM

True, 'better' is not subjective. There is a right way and a wrong way (thus a better and a worse way) that overrides opinion.


Originally Posted by finding_whatever
humans have stupid emotions, that maybe we shouldn't have, I wish that maybe I could be a higher being

Emotions can get in the way, I agree. But whether we should or shouldn't have them, the fact is we do, so what are you going to do about it? Sit there pining because you're so emotional? Or get over whatever the fuck is bothering you, accept then relinquish your emotion (because you've seen it for what it is, right) and you will be the 'higher' being you so desire to be. Honestly, it works!

xoxoxoBruce 03-11-2005 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Brown Thrasher
I disagree. Better is not necessarily subjective. For example, it would be "better" to have heat if it is 10 degrees outside. Objectively, it would be "better" for your health. However, the word better is pretty generic...... :)


Originally Posted by finding_nirvana.
I wish I had the answer, humans are primitive, I wish I were more than human, better, maybe that would be better, just being a spiritless robot with no emotion, built to know.
Is what he wrote and what I responded to. I still say better is entirely subjective. You would know that if you ever lived with an unfeeling, uncaring robot. :eyebrow:

xoxoxoBruce 03-11-2005 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Catwoman
True, 'better' is not subjective. There is a right way and a wrong way (thus a better and a worse way) that overrides opinion.

You, of all people, should know that's not true. Need I point out your posts about what works for you in "relationships" isn't necessarily what works for others. One is right and one is wrong? C'mon. :hafucking

Catwoman 03-11-2005 04:28 AM

No no no. There is a right way and a wrong way. What you or I think about it is irrelevant. Romantic relationships don't work. Surely you've worked that one out by now. So I'm trying to find what does work. I'm not saying I've got it right, yet. But at least I'm not going to follow the same destructive unhealthy pattern my entire life, and still maintain the belief that what I was doing was right, just with the wrong person. We're all the same. What's right for me is right for you, if (bold, underline) it is actually right and not just my subjective 'opinion'.

Brown Thrasher 03-11-2005 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Is what he wrote and what I responded to. I still say better is entirely subjective. You would know that if you ever lived with an unfeeling, uncaring robot. :eyebrow:

We all have opinions...... Believe it or not, I tend to appreciate :) most of yours.
However, this is one I do not agree with. However, we have better things to debate, than whether a word is subjective or objective........

Mad_Hatter 03-11-2005 03:09 PM

I think finding_nirvana should see a counciler

Elspode 03-11-2005 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by finding_nirvana
I wish I had the answer, humans are primitive, I wish I were more than human, better, maybe that would be better, just being a spiritless robot with no emotion, built to know. Maybe it would be better if that was what we are, rapists would find no more lust, murderers would find not hate. And the hungry man, the poor man, would not long for money, or alchohol, instead, he would might not even be there, robots would make good decisions. I feel that the rest of us are straying from the subject, pictures? comic reels, those are not the answers, at least I don't think they are.

"You are a very odd little boy, but I suppose... after all, as our mothers always told us, or at least my mother did, 'always try new things'."

Anyone remember Jo3liot? :eyebrow:

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2005 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Catwoman
No no no. There is a right way and a wrong way. What you or I think about it is irrelevant. Romantic relationships don't work. Surely you've worked that one out by now. So I'm trying to find what does work. I'm not saying I've got it right, yet. But at least I'm not going to follow the same destructive unhealthy pattern my entire life, and still maintain the belief that what I was doing was right, just with the wrong person. We're all the same. What's right for me is right for you, if (bold, underline) it is actually right and not just my subjective 'opinion'.

That can't be true because what didn't work for you did work for others so it was right for them.
It's what I tried to point out to nirvana, people are different and any one size fits all solution only works with his emotionless robots. :)

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