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binky 08-25-2008 08:04 PM

Thanks Bri, cause I feel guilty as hell for not trying to scrape up the $550

Trilby 08-25-2008 08:18 PM

Nooooo! Please don't feel badly. You've done what is possible for the kitty. Food, gas, EVERYTHING is outrageously expensive in this country and we can only do what we can do. A vet once told me my cat's broken leg needed internal fixation (a plate in his leg) for around 500.00 and I said, "I cannot afford that..." and he said, well, let's try just a cast on it, which I could afford and so we did. Cat has done fine and that was years ago. Not even a limp!

Aliantha 08-25-2008 08:37 PM

I agree with Brianna. I think you did the right and loving thing Binky. Remember, kitty might not even wake up from the anesthetic so don't beat yourself up. Besides, I'll bet the wound heals over nicely in a few days and everything will be sweet. :)

binky 08-25-2008 11:25 PM

Thanks, you two. I am feeling better now, just really depressed when we came home. I think you're right, and he will be okay.

Sundae 08-26-2008 05:26 AM

Binky I'll add my voice to those saying you did the right thing.

At 19 your cat would have been at risk from the surgery as well as confused and in pain. He doesn't know that money was a consideration. He just knows that you brought him home from the place that smelled so scary.

I hope it all works out.

sweetwater 08-26-2008 05:37 AM

Ditto on the concerns over anesthetic, treatments options, and financial considerations. Spend you time and money on supporting him as he heals and keep him well loved and happy. That will do more for his health than extensive surgery.

DanaC 08-26-2008 06:04 AM

I had a similar issue a few months ago with Pilau. Though the vet said it was most likely just a cyst, there was the option of a biopsy......which would have been very expensive. Because the vet said it was more than likely not something sinister, I decided not to go for biopsy and see how he got on with anti-biotics. Very glad I made that decision.

It is not always sensible to just think 'money's no object'. I know if I was faced with a definate spend for Pilau, then I'd cough it up somehow. But a spend that may or may not be necessary and could possibly finish him off? Tough decision.

I think you made the right one binky. Quite aside from the cost, you don't want to be putting an elderly and frail cat under anaesthetic. The fact that cost was a consideration shouldn't make you feel guilty. This is the reality of living with animals. Sometimes you do have to make decisions based partly on the cost with pets. There are times when spending that money would simply not be sensible. I am sure had this occurred when your cat was younger, say 7 or 8, you mayhave reached a different conclusion. Though, even then.....I would always advise trying the antibiotic route first, before spending on a bunch of tests and risking the animal to the dangers of surgery.

xoxoxoBruce 08-26-2008 07:12 AM

:2cents: I agree, you done good, binky. :2cents:

FStop 08-26-2008 07:54 AM

19 years old?!? Good for him!

I thought my Maine Coon, Bob, was the oldest around being 17, but that's just awesome. Glad he's doing okay. :D

binky 08-26-2008 10:49 AM

Thank you so much all. He is doing much better today, and so am I. Maine Coon cats are really cool, Fstop, and 17 is pretty old, but cats can live to 20 or more these days.

binky 08-26-2008 10:52 AM

Oh Dana, I'm really glad Pilau is doing well, he seems like a real sweetie.

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