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footfootfoot 10-14-2020 10:07 AM

What does Jay W Richards have his PhD in, the history of Bolivian postage stamps? Covid has been killing perfectly healthy young people as well as the old and infirm.

What an idiot.

fargon 10-14-2020 10:12 AM

Jay W. Richards PhD

Happy Monkey 10-14-2020 11:00 AM

Expertise in denying evolution.

tw 10-15-2020 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by fargon (Post 1060626)
Jay W. Richards PhD

So he is a business school graduate. That explains those urban myths and beliefs that only do harm to the economy.

tw 10-16-2020 03:05 PM

From elsewhere:

Originally Posted by jaminhealth
Richards is saying what MANY others I subscribe to are saying, shutting down the whole country was wrong wrong wrong....

And your fearless leader has banned me from posting ... so I send you this from whatever it's worth.

And on the health issue, I may or may not send a note-- I really don't need to defend my actions for the last 30 yrs and my good health.

Closed minds abound on this forum.

When did Trump censor you?

Even people who smoke cigarettes for 30 years still have good health. That proves smoking cigarettes increases health - using your reasoning?

Richards is preaching logic also used by a Playboy centerfold with big tits to prove vaccines create autism. She had big tits. That proved she must be right?

An honest person would have, for example, explained why facts contradict those lies. Why did an analysis of health food products on shelves reveal that 90% did not even contain what was on the label?

Why would anyone ignore facts (not even reply here) to keep posting emotionally inspired beliefs? Cherry picking. Another fact that explains brainwashing. Ignore all facts that contradict what the Central Committee order one to believe. Propaganda works when an adult thinks like a child. When an adult does not post facts that say why. And repeatedly ignore facts that expose Trump style lies.

We all learned how to think like an adult even in elementary school science. One saw mosquito larvae in standing water. That observation proved that standing water creates life. Any conclusion from an observation (without any underlying facts) is classic junk science. Same reasoning also proved that Saddam had WMDs. Resulting in the massacre of 5,000 American soldiers for no purpose.

Last winter resulted in two extremely cold days. Somehow that proves that global warming does not exist?

I ran 99 stop signs. And never killed anyone. That proves everyone can safely run stop signs?

You consumed crushed up flower pedals in pills in a bottle labeled Vit D. That proves Vit D protects from Covid-19?

Examples of logic that makes one wonder how bad your nutrition really is. Apparently a logical brain of an adult has been subverted by the reptilian brain - where children makes decisions from their emotions.

How many more examples of junk science need be posted? When will we learn why "90% of contents on health food store shelves" need not contain what was listed on its label? Still waiting for you to address that damning fact.

Apparently those shelves contain much Kool-Aid. Ignored again is what was taught in elementary school science.

An adult with sufficient nutrition would have explained that damning fact long ago when posted. Brainwashed (ie victims of poor nutrition) will "cherry pick" to protect an emotional belief.

Do you know what "cherry picking" is? Apparently not. So that paragraph was also ignored. Why are facts from a PBS science show "Hacking the Mind" also ignored? It demonstrates how easily one can be brainwashed. One might learn how easily one can be manipulated by health food garbage. Apparently that is emotionally too hurtful to comprehend? And yes, some of those health food tablets were only crushed flower pedals.

Damning and ignored facts. Please address them.

Undertoad 10-16-2020 04:49 PM


I asked her not to return, there is no longer a need to address her

tw 10-17-2020 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1060767)
I asked her not to return, there is no longer a need to address her

Why is open discussion undesirable?

Those posts accurately demonstrate how easily many can be brainwashed. A lesson that is logical and should not make anyone emotional (angry).

Those posts demonstrate a point I constantly make. Demonstrates a difference between an 'adult thinking like an adult' verses an 'adult who still thinks emotionally like a child'.

Those posts clearly demonstrate how one becomes brainwashed. And even (must) deny it. A lesson that others still do not understand. And then end up planting seeds of anarchy by becoming angry.

Was jaminhealth banned for simply becoming a poster child for how some people are easily brainwashed? If those posts made anyone emotional (angry), then those posts can remain on their ignore list.

Those posts should never make an adult, who is an adult, angry. Those posts did not attack any person. But even more necessary, demonstrate even how Russian hackers so easily manipulate many if not most Americans.

And demonstrate a difference between honest reasoning and junk science.

Urbane Guerrilla openly disparages people. jaminhealth did not. Why a double standard?

Undertoad 10-17-2020 08:06 AM

She wasn't banned, learn to read

footfootfoot 10-17-2020 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1060794)
She wasn't banned, learn to read

Reading can lead to comprehension; it's a slippery slope.

DanaC 10-17-2020 10:12 AM

tw 10-17-2020 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1060794)
She wasn't banned, learn to read

Then why are we having regular discussions after being banned? Or are there many different bans? Rather than being nasty, please discuss in an adult manner.


Originally Posted by jaminhealth
I was not banned, but told I cannot post ...

Undertoad 10-17-2020 03:16 PM

I do not understand your question

tw 10-17-2020 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1060806)
I do not understand your question

Why is it that someone, who is banned, is still posting in the Cellar? I just quoted jaminhealth's reply that was after that ban.

Meanwhile, answer the relevant question. Why ban someone who attacks no one. And not ban someone like Urban Guerrilla who repeatedly demeans and disparages others?

jaminhealth and Urbane Guerilla do share one common attribute. They both make 'soundbite' claims that are not justified by supporting facts. And that are promoted only by propaganda machines. Both also ignore replies that expose their logic mistakes.

UG includes insults with his denials. jaminhealth did not. Why a double standard?

That's two questions.

tw 10-17-2020 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 1060799)
Army of Darkness - Lady I'm Afraid I'm ...

Apple is doing that in their App Store (to Epic Games and Fortnight). So the video is a Hollywood reenactment. But is that relevant?

Undertoad 10-17-2020 04:28 PM

She wasn't banned; learn to read

tw 10-18-2020 08:56 AM

Then why can jaminhealth not post? Read the contradiction! Stop being so emotional.

Oh. Double secret probation. Why didn't you say so?

Meanwhile, why do you keep avoiding that second question? Why that double standard?

DanaC 10-18-2020 09:11 AM

Tdub - just let it go man.

Everyone's tired of this one. The site is closing and we are moving on to a new place - the whole JIH debacle is old news now. Let it die - there will be other arguments other disagreements and debates.

Undertoad 10-18-2020 10:51 AM


Why don't you insult me one last time for old time's sake, and then I will ban you and then you can tell people you were banned.

tw 10-18-2020 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1060822)
Why don't you insult me one last time for old time's sake,

UT I never insulted you. Ever. But I do openly challenge some posts that you spawned. Aggressively and with supporting facts. Especially about Saddam's WMDs since the resulting damage to America was that obvious. Those (your) conclusions exist separately from you.

That is never an attack on you or any other person - as summarized here: Vit C, Vit D, Zinc and Grape Seed Extract.

I routinely discuss Saddam's WMDs because it is an insightful historical fact that all must or should have learned from. And that so many, today, still do not apologize for the massacre of 5,000 servicemen for no purpose (as also discussed in dejavue Nam).

Others should also learn why astronauts were killed on Challenger and Columbia (criminally negligent homicide). Why a scumbag Trump attacked obsolete airplanes in a Syrian air force base - ignoring Putin provided nerve gas stockpiles. An event in history. None of that or this discussion insults you or any other adult.

What is the difference between an adult's and child's brain? Facts from science that also do not insult anyone.

A logical question remains. Should never create emotions in any adult. Why a double standard? Since Urbane Guerrilla routinely insults others (rather than address facts). While jaminhealth did not insult anyone (although insulted something that is not any person - logical thought).

Outstanding questions: Why ban (or cut off) jaminhealth while condoning UGs constant personally disparaging comments? And why is jaminhealth unable to post (but is somehow not banned)?

And then a third question that jaminhealth also refuses to answer. Why do so many 'health' supplements not contain any of ingredients listed on its label? A damning question that is reposted. Since it is fundamental to this "relevant and underlying" question.

Apparently those posted thoughts are so damning that their parents will not defend them. That is the topic.

DanaC - this is about honesty. I have never stopped addressing dishonest thoughts. And still remind everyone about so many who will not apologized for advocating 5,000 deaths in Mission Accomplished. And no apologized for 50,000 useless dearths in VietNam. Both lessons from history. Those conclusions (rampant dishonesty) is the topic. No person is insulted.

Unfortunately, many assume an attacked thought is a personal insult. It clearly is not if one is thinking like an adult.

Challenging topics insults no one. Those topics (thoughts) exist separate and on their own. Challenging them bluntly does not disparage anyone. For the same reasons that bogus (unsubstantiated) claims by jaminhealth need not result in punishment or censorship.

Attacking persons, as Urbane Geurrilla, Fox News, the scumbag president Don, Sexobon, and other anti-humanity extremist often do, is unacceptable.

So three questions remain ignored and unanswered. Two by UT. And one by jaminhealth.

Oh. A fourth question. Does double secret probation exist?

Undertoad 10-18-2020 05:09 PM

I politely explained to her that her posts were not well-received by the community and that she should politely leave. She politely did.

I will shortly be politely explaining the same thing to you.

Gravdigr 10-18-2020 05:57 PM

Who's on first?

tw 10-19-2020 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1060828)
I politely explained to her that her posts were not well-received by the community and that she should politely leave. She politely did.

A simple technical question finally answered. jaminhealth now says she would be banned if continued posting. An answer confirmed. Curious. How to be banned without being banned.

jaminhealth still refuses to answer a relevant and damning question. Why do 90% of those health supplements not contain what is listed on its label? For 30 years, her conclusion only from observation (also called junk science) demonstrates how easily scams can be promoted. And so again the point. Why avoid damning questions that expose myths, lies, and scams? jaminhealth still ignores that damning question. Demonstrates how easily consumers can be brainwashed even for 30 years when they do not demand reasons well proven by science with perspectives (numbers).

Another damning question. Why is her diet so defective as to not provide necessary nutrition?

Another question. Why a double standard? Why is Urbane Guerrilla's disparaging attacks on other persons less offensive?

tw 10-19-2020 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 1060831)
Who's on first?


Undertoad 10-19-2020 10:33 AM


You are wildly disagreeable person, and I can't wait to end this place and never hear from you again.

Undertoad 10-19-2020 02:58 PM

Although... it is true that I threatened her with a further ban if she didn't stop posting.

I have banned her now for clarification, beef away if you like


lumberjim 10-19-2020 03:29 PM

wanna ban tw just for funzies?

Undertoad 10-19-2020 04:30 PM

i do

lumberjim 10-19-2020 06:35 PM

Yet something holds you back.

Morals or some shit...

I'm ambivalent. I usually only get 2 or 3 lines into his posts before my eyes glaze over, so....

Undertoad 10-19-2020 07:08 PM

i shouldn't like to have that as our final transaction after all this time

Gravdigr 10-20-2020 06:34 PM

I would loooooove it...

Having said that, thank you for not banning me.

lumberjim 10-20-2020 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1060872)
i shouldn't like to have that as our final transaction after all this time

Well, I see that he's joined the new board, so you may yet be able to continue your discourse and loathing.

Gravdigr 10-22-2020 10:50 AM

Well, that's disappointing.

DanaC 10-22-2020 11:48 AM

But now UT won't have to engage if he doesnt want to because he won't be responsible for the site.

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