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Happy Monkey 03-01-2019 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1026962)
Is it a problem that enormous one-sided attention is paid to Israel by Europe when actual genocides are happening elsewhere and nobody bats an eye?

Eyes are batted, sanctions are imposed, but that's beside the point. There were genocides happening in the world during apartheid South Africa, but I don't begrudge the people who pushed the boycotts against them.

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1027008)
The Brits are in the same boat we are, forgetting Israel is an ally, not a friend.

I think there's a divide in people's attitudes on this subject: do you hold your friends and allies to a higher standard than others, or do you let friends and allies slide? I think the fact that South Africa was a friend and ally fueled the opposition to apartheid in the West, while if they were some dictatorship mistreating their people as dictatorships do, it wouldn't have made as much news.

tw 03-01-2019 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 1027046)
do you hold your friends and allies to a higher standard than others, or do you let friends and allies slide?

An American ally, called Pakistan, supported America's invasion of Afghanistan while at the same time protecting the Taliban and bin Laden. Where does one draw each line?

A closest America ally in Iraq are Kurds. And yet The Don would have let them be sacrificed to another American ally called Turkey. Turkey has been less friendly but is a closer ally? Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Does that make that first enemy also an ally?

Clearly answers based in soundbyte reasoning are the largest lies here. And why a leader who makes decisions based in pressure from extremist talk show hosts is an enemy of (threat to) America.

sexobon 03-01-2019 11:05 PM

The US has bailed out on the Kurds more than once before. They know the drill. Allegiances are simply a matter of balancing the human equations. Leftist extremists with low emotional quotients are unable to process the variables. They don't know where the variables fit in the equations because they don't understand them. Then they're afraid of what they don't understand and lash out at it. Nothing new under the sun here.

tw 03-01-2019 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027090)
Leftist extremists with low emotional quotients are unable to process the variables.

The wacko extremist would have us believe he knows what math is. Even Barbie knows that "math is hard".

sexobon 03-01-2019 11:41 PM

Tw posts questions; then, insults responders if he doesn't agree with their answers. His childlike behavior invalidates any legitimate premise on which his questions could have been based and are best binned. This is tw uncovered, enemy of We The People.

henry quirk 03-02-2019 07:49 AM

Extremists who want to "wreck shit"
Yes we -- that's you and me, tw -- do.

I wanna wreck anyone and everything in 'government' that isn't minimal and sensible and you, my sweet brother, wanna wreck any opposition to maximal and insensible governance.

Again, we're the same: two horrible people (on opposite sides of the room).

slang 03-03-2019 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1027102)
Yes we -- that's you and me, tw -- do.

I wanna wreck anyone and everything in 'government' that isn't minimal and sensible and you, my sweet brother, wanna wreck any opposition to maximal and insensible governance.

Again, we're the same: two horrible people (on opposite sides of the room).

Sensible is a vague term, but I like the way you think.

Smaller government, more freedom, less taxes, more independent citizens, and [edit] more individual responsibility.

That's what I'm dreaming of. Doesn't look like my dream is going to come true, but that's what it is.

henry quirk 03-03-2019 10:07 PM

"Smaller government, more freedom, less taxes, more independent citizens, and more individual responsibility."


"That's what I'm dreaming of. Doesn't look like my dream is going to come true, but that's what it is."

Never know what tomorrow will bring.

God 03-04-2019 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1027312)
...Never know what tomorrow will bring.

Someone knows. :)

Let me put it this way, grab your ankles.

henry quirk 03-04-2019 09:02 AM

"Someone knows."


"Let me put it this way, grab your ankles."

Nah, I think I'll work real hard to make the commies do that.

God 03-05-2019 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1027336)
...Nah, I think I'll work real hard to make the commies do that.

Yes. Me as well. Metaphorically of course.

We have sort of a... philosophical disagreement. Long running disagreement. Far reaching disagreement.

Keep me posted on your works.

Many people consider me a "game changer" for their cause. A benefactor of sorts.

ThreadHijackMan 03-05-2019 06:36 AM

Whew, sorry I'm late. Traffic.


Well, Trump's going to prison anyway. What an asshole.

There. That should do it.

henry quirk 03-05-2019 09:15 AM


Are you Crom?



Maybe he will, maybe he won't: doesn't matter...we'll find us another blunt instrument or we'll just stop playin' the game altogether and do sumthin' different.

xoxoxoBruce 03-05-2019 09:29 AM

Won't happen, the cost of jailing Trump and his secret service entourage would be astronomical.

Diaphone Jim 03-05-2019 02:38 PM

Why is the Trump/Stormy Daniels get together always called an "affair?"
It was a one night (or less) paid-for sexual encounter, known as prostitution.

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