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Flint 04-14-2020 04:50 PM

People* wanted him to use the federal government's available power to compel manufacturers to ramp up production of medical supplies. We've done this kind of thing** before and it has worked and helped society accomplish difficult goals***. It's a real power, it's not imaginary.

How is that like this new thing?

Griff 04-14-2020 04:51 PM

If I recall, Cuomo argued there is a Federal role for many aspects, equipment purchases and distribution so New York doesn't get in a bidding war with California, international travel rules, and taking on debt for business loans etc... However the lock-down and opening up is more of a State/region issue based on the reality on the ground.

Flint 04-14-2020 04:57 PM

Either Trump is
1) talking out of his @ss, or
2) he said the quiet part out loud-- they* really ARE "writing up papers"

*Kudlow, Mnuchin, Mark Meadows, Wilbur Ross, Jared, and Ivanka

Undertoad 04-14-2020 05:16 PM

People wanted him to declare a national shutdown

without the consideration that he can't actually "declare" squattah

it's always been my contention that the modern POTUS is MUCH less powerful than we make them out to be -- but we have a powerful human instinct to believe in and look to a singular leader

It is in all POTUS's interests to have people believe they actually are doing everything, it makes them seem powerful and ensures their bullshit legacy

tw 04-14-2020 05:44 PM

We now know the White House was first informed of this threat in November. All intelligence agencies put that memo on Trumps desk on 12 Jan accurately putting that threat in perspective. The scumbag denied it constantly until late-March when, by that time, it was too late. Even Dr Fauci (in Jama) was stating quite clearly how severe this pandemic would be - in January.

We know who are brainwashed by Fox and other extremist propaganda machines. Even late in March, adults who are still children were reciting those Fox News, et al lies. Claiming Covid-19 was just another flu - no more serious than a common cold. Claiming Covid-19 was a conspiracy. Some adults must be ordered what to believe - cannot think for themselves.

Fortunately America has some adults who are adults. Governors took responsibility and instituted what was necessary to protect the lives of health care workers - doctors and nurses. Otherwise nothing would have been done.

A president with a 30 second attention spam even endorsed bogus drugs to cure Coronavirus - as if that solution was also on the shelves of GNC. The scumbag said that lie too many times to count. Dr Fauci said those solutions do not exist. Probably due to his 30 second attention span (that communists love from their leader), a scumbag ignored it.

He even promoted his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as his front man to solve this problem. How many extremists conveniently forgot that.

Dr Fauci accurately confirmed that a lockdown and social distancing was strongly recommended twice - in February. As the New York Times accurately reported. (And extremists are now denying.) Many promoters of this scumbag president (worse than George Jr) were denying this threat. Because their news sources are a credible as 1960 Radio Moscow. Because the president kept lying. Because only extremists would believe those lies. And deny what Dr Fauci, Dr Kadlec and others bluntly recommended.

So Trump lies again tweeting

the Fake News Opposition Party is pushing, with all their might, the fact that President Trump ‘ignored early warnings about the threat’.
At what point does an extremist finally admit the scumbag is a relentless liar? IOW at what point do extremists finally do what 'adults who are adults' do? Grasp reality.

Meanwhile another anti-America (because he lies constantly), Hannity, said we should thank Trump for protected lives. One small problem. Trump refused to do what even his top doctors strongly recommended. Hannity's job is to lie to communists (people who love despots and kings) who wait to be told what to think.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said Trump

took bold action to protect Americans and unleash the full power of the federal government to curb the spread of the virus, expand testing capacities, and expedite vaccine development when we had no true idea the level of transmission or asymptomatic spread.
Of course, that also was a lie.

The White House Rose Garden news conference last month is when he said plenty of test kits will be available, the government will provide necessary protective materials and ventilators, and even Google will have necessary software next week. Google immediately said no such software exists or will exist for months. Only six testing sites were setup up in the entire country. Including none in Target - who did not even know that Trump said they would participate. Almost everything he said in that press conference is clearly a lie - to promote the scumbag.

But then he is only lying to 'adults who are children'. Who will now forget that he lied then repeatedly - as a monotonous liar always does.

Even the Guardian (from London) cites the source of this and future problems.

This administration has cleared out science and scientists across all departments.
Trump is smarter than the generals, governors, diplomats, and scientists. Why? Because so many anti-Americans still refuse to mock and insult the scumbag. Because extremists, even in the Cellar, remain 'adults who are still children'. With a classic communist attitude. They worship Trump as a god. The could not see a false idol even if thousands of American lives (especially doctors and nurses) are massacred for no purpose. (Who also did that?)

We don't need them doctors and nurses. They make decisions based in science. So they must be fake news. And therefore are evil. A president with a 30 second attention span is smarter than doctors and nurses. It is only a matter of time before he also admits that.

Dr Fauci could not state honesty on Fox News. So he said it on CNN. Then a "30 second attention span" tweeted about firing Fauci. Since Fauci was disloyal; Fauci told the truth. That is fake news. A scumbag now denies he tweeted that firing threat. No problem. His extremist disciples always believe what the scumbag says - even when he is lying - like any good communist would do.

The central committee tells communist what to believe.

Never forget when extremists news sources finally admitted a truth. Obviously a president's 30 second attention spam and inflated ego makes it impossible to become a responsible leader. Fortunately the US has patriotic American governors who took over when the anti-American president refused to.

Those are not insults. Those are facts repeatedly demonstrated even by a Covid-19 crisis.

Now the scumbag is claiming he is a king - just like Nixon did when he was overtly lying about Watergate. Evil kings and presidents routinely lie. Especially one with a 30 second attention span.

Trump wants to restart the pandemic. Since he fears how this economic malaise - made worse by ignoring adults who are adults - will cause even extremists to admit he is a buffon. So he will order all Governors to throw gasoline on the fire. Governors, acting as adults, defined it that accurately. The Governors will decide when facts (not a child) says it is time to go back.

Only Governors did this shutdown - not Trump. Governors will decide (as adults) when it is safe to (and how many can) go back. The president, acting as a king in a nursery rhyme, thinks only he is smart enough to make such decisions. Since that 'adult who is still a child' uses emotions and his 30 second attention span to be the only expert.

Amazing how anti-Americans still do not disparage this scumbag. But then some adults are still children - use emotions like a lemming to run off a cliff.

As Rush Limbaugh told adult children, the news is too complicated. Rush said he will tell us what to think. Another mouse piece for our glorious leader (who also praises Kim for being his kind of extremist) - whose 30 second attention span makes him smarter than everyone else.

Flint 04-14-2020 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1050916)
People wanted him to declare a national shutdown

without the consideration that he can't actually "declare" squattah

it's always been my contention that the modern POTUS is MUCH less powerful than we make them out to be -- but we have a powerful human instinct to believe in and look to a singular leader

It is in all POTUS's interests to have people believe they actually are doing everything, it makes them seem powerful and ensures their bullshit legacy

There's a thread through all of this. People want him to do the objectively right thing.

Declare a national shutdown-- good
Produce/distribute medical supplies-- good

Force people back to work, against the warnings of scientists-- "not good"

What he can or can't actually do be damned. If he would just use whatever powers he thinks he has to do GOOD THINGS.

Happy Monkey 04-14-2020 06:31 PM

Also, while claiming he has absolute authority is inherently bad, the particular power that the claim was in context of was to order the states to stop doing what they are doing.

So there's absolutely no contradiction with anyone who said he wasn't doing enough also having a problem with his latest claim.

sexobon 04-14-2020 09:06 PM

Oh man, those of you getting your stimulus payment by direct deposit instead of a check are going to miss out!


Coming to your $1,200 relief check: Donald J. Trump’s name

… The unprecedented decision, finalized late Monday, means that when recipients open the $1,200 paper checks the IRS is scheduled to begin sending to 70 million Americans in coming days, “President Donald J. Trump” will appear on the left side of the payment. ...

Luce 04-14-2020 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1050929)
Oh man, those of you getting your stimulus payment by direct deposit instead of a check are going to miss out!

Oh, look. Donald Trump put his name on something.

That's new.

Luce 04-14-2020 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 1050919)
What he can or can't actually do be damned. If he would just use whatever powers he thinks he has to do GOOD THINGS.

That would be a nice change.

But I'm not exactly holding my breath.

sexobon 04-14-2020 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Luce (Post 1050932)
Oh, look. Donald Trump put his name on something.

That's new.

But he's going to be to the left instead of to the right! :lol:

Griff 04-15-2020 06:41 AM

Meanwhile in EnZed, Jacinda Ardern and ministers take pay cut in solidarity with those hit by Covid-19

Griff 04-15-2020 06:55 AM

Meanwhile in PA, Republicans voted to end Gov Wolf's social distancing as death numbers start going down but won't have the 2/3 majority to over-ride a veto if their plan is you know, political bullshit.

This is of interest to me because naturally my rural reps are all GOP and I don't know if a rural wave is lagging the urban one.

sexobon 04-15-2020 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1050946)
… Meanwhile in EnZed, Jacinda Ardern and ministers take pay cut in solidarity with those hit by Covid-19

They can donate their 20% to the WHO.

BigV 04-15-2020 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 1050919)
There's a thread through all of this. People want him to do the objectively right thing.

Declare a national shutdown-- good
Produce/distribute medical supplies-- good

Force people back to work, against the warnings of scientists-- "not good"

What he can or can't actually do be damned. If he would just use whatever powers he thinks he has to do GOOD THINGS.

ƒlint, that's a pretty good summation. I would add that the very senior Whitehouse official in question *DOES* do good things, at all times, but the official's definition of what's good and our definition of what's good are rarely aligned and almost always polar opposites.

This comes from the underlying affinity for authoritarianism that lies in each of us. That Force is strong in this one, but produces a certain amount of revulsion in you and me.

He is doing good, deflecting responsibility, continuously editing and rewriting the narrative, taking credit for positive events (real or imagined), valuing loyalty over competence and honesty, the beat goes on and on and on. These are definitely good things for an authoritarian. For those of us who want a more representative leader, it misses the mark; these actions seem counterproductive.

He's reliable, consistent, predictable; he'll do what's good for him. You and I are no more than props, foils, reflective surfaces for him to bask in.

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