The Cellar

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Elspode 10-03-2007 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bullitt (Post 391497)
Your left, the darker one.
Muchos gracias!

Can I borrow the other one, then?

monster 10-03-2007 10:05 PM

My kids just swam a meet and have improved so much they all got heat-winner ribbons. In fact they all won at least one event, Even the 5yo -who has to race against kids who may be 3 years older than him!

This probably shoyuld be in the proud parent thread, but right now, I'm just happy about it :p

Cicero 10-04-2007 10:50 AM

I loaded up my husband in the car yesterday and went to another city. We went to the emegency room and we told the doctors there the diagnosis from our area "specialists"......They immediately did a biopsy and lab results.....
IT is NOT Lymphoma and he does NOT have cancer....
God I'm glad I lost it and pulled the ER trick.....Yeah!!!! No Cancer haaaah!!!!
God that was such a goat f@#*! I've been walking on air ever since! What a relief! Aaaaaah. He's going to live!!!! I can't believe they (Santa Fe "specialists") had me going for that long....but who cares....just a little surgery to remove the mass, and it's over!!!

:band: :devil: :thumb:

Life rocks again!!!!

Sorry...just a little excited here.....

piercehawkeye45 10-04-2007 11:59 AM

Congratulations Cicero.

Well school wise the last week was hell, four midterms in a week, and I just finished my last one and felt like I did really well so I'm feeling good and relieved from that. Can relax until Monday now.

Sundae 10-04-2007 12:04 PM

I'm at my parents. That's enough, but Daddy has just gone out to buy me some dinner (they've just come home from housesitting and have nothing in). Yumyumyum. I've tried to be as eassy to buy for as possible, just asking for chicken, any kind, with anything, thank you.

Clodfobble 10-04-2007 12:05 PM

That's wonderful news, Cicero!!

Did the crappy specialists somehow get a false-positive biopsy, or did they never even do a biopsy at all?

Cicero 10-04-2007 01:58 PM

Yea....they worked off of each others false prognosis. No one gave us the actual results of the tests because they were too busy referring us elsewhere because of the "liability"....the surgery being "too risky". God...I can't think about that. That just pisses me off too much, and this is the happy thread. I don't even think they got the results....Oh dear...How Shakespearean...just a bunch of dumb dummys....I knew it!!!.....Folly!!! Uuummm....just get something diagnosed again and again if it is severe and don't trust everything you hear from supposed professionals...Lesson Learned.

Thanks again everyone for being good about the whole thing, and putting up with my sad-sackness!

You Rock too!!! Unless you don't want to which are awesome! And on and on like that......

BigV 10-04-2007 02:06 PM

Cicero's good news!

jester 10-04-2007 02:07 PM

Great News, Ci - now go out and celebrate:celebrat:

DanaC 10-04-2007 06:05 PM

Wonderful news Cicero! I'm so pleased for you. *hugs*

Sundae 10-04-2007 07:04 PM

Sis - if I may call you that - I missed your earlier post. That's fantastic news. Was talking to my Mum tonight about Dwellars amd she said she'd pray for them (all of you) tonight. I don't believe myself but in case you do, you're in a good Catholics prayers.

(then again so is RK and I bet that would make him mad :))

DanaC 10-04-2007 07:48 PM


Cloud 10-05-2007 01:50 PM

got my tickets for Stomp! (a percussion/dance troupe).

Cicero 10-05-2007 02:05 PM

Thanks for the thought there SG's mum! I'm not sure what religion you would have to be into to pray for me...maybe Catholic about covers it? lol!! Oh jeez- maybe I need a whole symposium of well wishers of all faiths....:)
The catholic receptionist here at work did that for me and my husband too. That's sweet. Thank your mum for me SG!

Trilby 10-05-2007 02:39 PM

Cicero-I said it in another thread but I'd like to say it here, too: Congratulations to you and your husband! What a relief this must be after so much worry! Yay for you guys!!

And Sundae--If your Mom is praying for me, too, I couldn't be happier about it!

Cicero 10-05-2007 02:53 PM

hey yeah- Bri! Thanks for all your support!
I am still here for you so PM me whenever you need, or want, or are just kind of bored!
*I flipped out and my husband ended up in the place he needed to go*

Hey- my neighbor showed me her implant- she also tattooed her boob with a lotus's pretty f'in awesome...btw. She made me touch both of them because they both had to be done after her operation. Well....that's not why she made me touch them...still not sure why...but anyhoo...she had them both done and they are pretty cool. She was just showing me that she had a nice rack even after cancer is the point...I suppose. I don't think it did a stitch to her sex-life.
Well, her boobs were better than mine anyways, Damn it......

Hope all is well, and keep me "abreast" of what's going on. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.....

DanaC 10-05-2007 06:24 PM

I'm pretty pleased this week is over :P

Clodfobble 10-05-2007 09:30 PM

Just got to watch my little brother on television--he had a bit part in tonight's season premiere of Friday Night Lights (a stupid teen drama about high school football that happens to be filmed locally.)

For anyone who watches stupid teen dramas, he was the guitar player in the band at the bar. :)

Razzmatazz13 10-06-2007 08:22 AM

So Excited! First real breakfast in months...egg and toast... MMmmmmmmm

(It's the little things that really get me going ;) )

bluecuracao 10-06-2007 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 391929)
I loaded up my husband in the car yesterday and went to another city. We went to the emegency room and we told the doctors there the diagnosis from our area "specialists"......They immediately did a biopsy and lab results.....
IT is NOT Lymphoma and he does NOT have cancer....
God I'm glad I lost it and pulled the ER trick.....Yeah!!!! No Cancer haaaah!!!!
God that was such a goat f@#*! I've been walking on air ever since! What a relief! Aaaaaah. He's going to live!!!! I can't believe they (Santa Fe "specialists") had me going for that long....but who cares....just a little surgery to remove the mass, and it's over!!!

:band: :devil: :thumb:

Life rocks again!!!!

Sorry...just a little excited here.....

That's great news, girl!!

When he'd coming out of anesthesia, make him admit that you looked hot in your lingerie. ;)

Griff 10-07-2007 07:21 AM

Homemade strawberry yogurt this morning, new car yesterday, and new job Monday!

BigV 10-07-2007 07:23 AM

Very happy for you Griff!

Griff 10-07-2007 07:29 AM

Thanks Biggie!

DucksNuts 10-07-2007 07:39 AM

The hat trick Griff!! Woo hoo

Clodfobble 10-07-2007 12:55 PM

Way to go, Griff!!

What kind of car? What kind of job?

DanaC 10-07-2007 01:14 PM


What kind of car? What kind of job?
Side. Blow.


BigV 10-07-2007 02:52 PM


BigV 10-07-2007 04:11 PM

One down.

Razzmatazz13 10-10-2007 10:18 AM

Going out to lunch today with my mommy! Yay!! :D

Sundae 10-10-2007 04:04 PM

I found an exercise I enjoy - Water Workout

And I am back home (Aylesbury) again this weekend for my niece's Confirmation, so I see my parents twice in one week - woohoooo!

Oh and after nearly 5 nights with very little, broken sleep, I feel my eyelids closing already. Power of suggestion - a lady at water workout said, "You'll sleep well tonight!" I nearly said, "Thank you" thinking it was a benediction :)

Sundae 10-13-2007 11:11 AM

I went to be measured for a bra today. My genuine intention was just to get the correct measurement and then buy it on Monday when the money goes into my account. At present I only have 1 bra and it quite obviously doesn't fit me any more - it causes quite a bit of discomfort after a few hours.

Mum came with me, for company really, and ended up buying the bra for me. That was lovely of her of course, but the real happiness comes from knowing my current size correctly, and knowing I have one that fits. My breasts are back in the right place again now!

Oh and the lady who fitted it was miles fatter than me, so I felt utterly un-selfconscious standing before her in trousers and bra. I know it shouldn't make a difference, but it was a good feeling anyway.

DucksNuts 10-14-2007 01:11 AM

Ohh, yer, well fitting bras and boobs in the right place, do wonders :)

Whats making me happy?.......last nite, this morning and ...ohh....just before :D

ZenGum 10-14-2007 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 394803)

Whats making me happy?.......last nite, this morning and ...ohh....just before :D

So, your weekend went according to plan then eh Ducks? Enjoy.

Griff 10-14-2007 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 392803)
Way to go, Griff!!

What kind of car? What kind of job?

Sure let's piss off lumberjim. ;) Suzuki Sx4. Its the smallest AWD on the market. Living where I do its all about mileage and traction. I got way more on trade-in than I expected.

I'm working for a non-profit implementing Head Start. I go into classrooms and make sure staff is providing a positive experience, following research based practices, and I'm also providing emotional support for troubled youts. Yes, I'm being paid to play with 3 and 4 year old kids!

DanaC 10-14-2007 09:07 AM

The little shit who's been trying to bully me (fellow party member and elected councillor) made the mistake of emailing his latest nasty rant to me. He's driven several people out of the local party across the years, almost always women. He tried bullying me when I was first on the scene and fortunately I had friends to come to my defense in meetings, but the phone messages and general nastiness was unpleasant. Now he's trying to do it again.

Very difficult to describe to people what he's actually like, because when you first meet him he seems a very calm and quiet person. Unless you've had the half hour, ranting, shouting, insulting telephone encounter it's hard to credit that he has that side to him. Not helped by the fact that the Regional office is peopled with his freinds and supporters.....but's a damn sight easier to show his colours when he's packaged them up nice and handy in a written format:P The prick accidentally sent it to the entire exec group-email by pressing reply to a message I'd sent out to the group, cancelling a meeting. he basically splurged a bunch of nasty, sniping attacks at me (very personal) and that's gone out to everyone.

I now have three different people writing letters of complaint to the national party *grins*

Of course....this wil be taken as a declaration of war by the Junta and his allies, but hey....can't keep letting him do this.

TheMercenary 10-14-2007 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 394897)
The little shit who's been trying to bully me (fellow party member and elected councillor) made the mistake of emailing his latest nasty rant to me. He's driven several people out of the local party across the years, almost always women. He tried bullying me when I was first on the scene and fortunately I had friends to come to my defense in meetings, but the phone messages and general nastiness was unpleasant. Now he's trying to do it again.

Very difficult to describe to people what he's actually like, because when you first meet him he seems a very calm and quiet person. Unless you've had the half hour, ranting, shouting, insulting telephone encounter it's hard to credit that he has that side to him. Not helped by the fact that the Regional office is peopled with his freinds and supporters.....but's a damn sight easier to show his colours when he's packaged them up nice and handy in a written format:P The prick accidentally sent it to the entire exec group-email by pressing reply to a message I'd sent out to the group, cancelling a meeting. he basically splurged a bunch of nasty, sniping attacks at me (very personal) and that's gone out to everyone.

I now have three different people writing letters of complaint to the national party *grins*

Of course....this wil be taken as a declaration of war by the Junta and his allies, but hey....can't keep letting him do this.

Bring the copies of the email to the next public meeting and have them recognized and attached to the minutes for the record.

DanaC 10-14-2007 10:01 AM

*smiles* that is precisely what is about to happen :P Along with complaints going to National and Regional, there will be a formal motion of complaint and a statement read out at the next meeting, by the Chair and secretary of the CLP.

DanaC 10-14-2007 10:04 AM

Of course, this is going to get ugly. There will be counter accusations and complaints and I know there are people who will be prepared to lie to back those up. There is likely to be an investigation and people being interviewed etc by national officers. But...them's the breaks.

DucksNuts 10-14-2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 394892)
Sure let's piss off lumberjim. ;) Suzuki Sx4. Its the smallest AWD on the market. Living where I do its all about mileage and traction. I got way more on trade-in than I expected.

I'm working for a non-profit implementing Head Start. I go into classrooms and make sure staff is providing a positive experience, following research based practices, and I'm also providing emotional support for troubled youts. Yes, I'm being paid to play with 3 and 4 year old kids!

Ohhh.....great little AWD Griff. We are having nothing but success with them :)

Griff 10-14-2007 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 395046)
Ohhh.....great little AWD Griff. We are having nothing but success with them :)


jinx 10-14-2007 07:07 PM

CongratsX3 Griff!

Griff 10-14-2007 07:20 PM

thanky on three counts

Sundae 10-14-2007 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 394924)
Of course, this is going to get ugly. There will be counter accusations and complaints and I know there are people who will be prepared to lie to back those up. There is likely to be an investigation and people being interviewed etc by national officers. But...them's the breaks.

Ah fuck'em. Glad you have the nasty bugger's bad side in his own writing (as it were). Give him enough cyanide, he'll poison himself again ;)

My happy tonight comes courtesy of my parents' 12 year old cat. She was acquired after I'd moved out and barely deigned to notice me for years. Either my boys have made me much more cat-talented (unlikely - I grew up around cats) or she has Alzheimers - she has been so loving to me this whole weekend. Okay right here right now I'm the only one up, but even before this- she was on my lap within an hour of me arriving on Friday, whereas she used to run out of the room when I arrived before.

I'm loving my new cat magnet status.

elSicomoro 10-14-2007 08:13 PM

I've heard those SX4's are nice. Of course, Case is gonna be pissed at you, since she wrecked hers earlier this year, IIRC. Congrats, bro!

Lessee...well, I feel like myself for the first time in almost a week. No more fuzziness, headaches or confusion. Well, more or less.

Had dinner tonight with one of my friends from graduate school and her fiance. They just got engaged. Glad I'm almost done with that part of things.

Oh...and I get married in less than a week. And I'm not nervous...I'm ready to go...whoohoo!

kerosene 10-15-2007 10:52 AM

Yes, the SX4 is nice. I like the way it rides and the AWD tractions mumbo jumbo is awesome. Doesn't hold up well in rear end collisions, however...thank god for fold down seats! Also, the 6 disc changer in dash *rocks*. :hedfone:

Happy today because...I am actually going to paint!

Ibby 10-18-2007 08:24 PM

opening night of Once Upon A Mattress last night.

and we're going to be even better tonight.

DucksNuts 10-21-2007 07:17 PM

My boss is leaving for Japan for 10 days tomorrow.....wooo hooo!!!!

Its work and the phone reception will be shyte...even bigger wooo hoooo!!

BigV 10-22-2007 10:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The sound of crickets chirping...

Highly recommended.

rkzenrage 10-22-2007 11:01 AM

The sound of chickenshit soup boiling...

Cicero 10-22-2007 11:02 AM

Parallel Universes. They exist!

Yes!!! Just awesome!

How liberating! That rocks!!!! Maybe this topic deserves a whole thread.

lookout123 10-22-2007 11:02 AM

BigV's positive contributions to the cellar: countless

Rage's : still waiting to start the count

See the problem with using BigV's method of dealing with this asshole is that Rage isn't looking for discussion, debate, or even any interaction. all he wants is to sit there and stew in his pathetic little quagmire of a life and puke up his bitterness onto the cellar. he honestly couldn't care less to interact with us because in his little world there is exactly zero chance that he is wrong about anything.

rkzenrage 10-22-2007 11:05 AM

Yours? A new height in stalking!
I'm proud of you!

R2D3 10-22-2007 11:05 AM

wut an assho

rkzenrage 10-22-2007 11:06 AM

A new sock stalker... how common.

R2D3 10-22-2007 11:07 AM

No, not you, the other guyz.

lookout123 10-22-2007 11:10 AM

well, then let's watch the quick turn around. Rage will be your best friend now. I can here it now... "i always loved that little star wars guy. we go way back. i remember in my modeling days, between screwing the hundreds of groupies that followed me around, i'd hang out with ol' R2 and..."

R2D3 10-22-2007 11:13 AM

ok thank you

Cicero 10-22-2007 03:14 PM

I was thinking of running a business again. Graphics design this time. Someone called my boss today that found one of the last things I designed for her and wants to hire me for their campaign. Talk about great timing...I've been thinking about it, and wasn't sure if the quality of my work was better than standard yet, and it's been confirmed. The work is good.

It's a go!!! Awesome!

My boss is taking a lot of the credit. But the news is still good. It's a sign. Har-de-har-har.

DanaC 10-22-2007 03:53 PM

Totally cool Cic!

Spexxvet 10-22-2007 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 397988)
The sound of crickets chirping...

Highly recommended.

That makes me sad, V

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