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Sundae 03-29-2008 09:56 AM

I'd forgotten that euphemism - made me bray with laughter

btw (wrong thread entirely HIJACK ALERT) I saw Son of Rambow the other night (on a free ticket from Heat :))

It's a lovely, lovely film. I laughed out loud, I leaked tears quite badly.
Didn't even recognise Jessica Stevenson (my ideal woman) until the second scene she was in, I was believing in the film so much.

It was good & short, nice & loud (Cherry's top two requirements for a good film) and I was so sucked in I barely even wanted to kill the threesome in front of me who must have wandered in by mistake because they carried on their conversation intermittently throughout the film.

Go see.

(directed at Dana because it's a Briitish film that might not get wide release in the US)

monster 03-29-2008 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 442041)
my nose has been bleeding for abiout half an hour now... :( I think it's nearly stopped but I'm well pissed off at this point.

After an hour of bleeding this morning I ended up in the urgent care. Nosebleed stopped after about two hours, but the respite was short.... Five hours later I'm home and miserable and there's nothing stopping it happening again. The doctor was so incompetant it's untrue. I'll be going somewhere else when it starts again and have an ENT contact for monday because the doctor thinks he may have left a bit of cotton up there :rolleyes:

jinx 03-29-2008 02:52 PM

Wtf monster?!
Too much aspirin? High blood pressure? What?

monster 03-29-2008 03:08 PM

neither. blood pressure is awesome, don't take asprin. The stuff was leaking out of my tear duct ffs. I was crying blood. And spitting out great clots.

They put these inflatable plugs in which was totally not awesome. then decided they weren't working and took them out again. which was more than a little unpleasant and painful. They wanted to pack with cotton after that and I just said no. That doctor was so incompetant and also sexist that if it bleeds again I'll go elsewhere to get it packed. He wanted to give me loads of painkillers even though it didn't hurt and a 10 day course of antibiotics because the plugs they put in were "forign bodies"

I'd rather die at home with dignity, to be honest

elSicomoro 03-29-2008 03:25 PM

I'll be happy to take those painkillers, monster. :)

Hope they're able to figure out what's up soon!

monster 03-29-2008 03:30 PM

yeah -he offered me Vicodin for a bit of discomfort that passed as soon as they had finished inserting and inflating the deformed tampon up my nostril. I shoulda taken it and sold it on the black market.

DanaC 03-29-2008 04:23 PM

Shit, monster, that sounds horribly distressing. You feeling any better yet?

monster 03-29-2008 06:37 PM

Not particularly. However the doc said cold drinks are good and I'm just about to have one, so I'm sure I'll feel lots better soon ;)

However let me tell you blood coming out of your eye is not very nice if you wear contacts, although might have been funky for Halloween :D

(also managed to orchestrate some tidying of the kids rooms which didn't involved me bending and lifting too much, so feel mildly more productive).

thanks all for the sympathy :)

elSicomoro 03-31-2008 01:24 PM

After having enough of the pizza place I was working for--and not having found a real job yet--I applied to work at a new restaurant/pizza joint run by a member of St. Louis foodie royalty. I got hired, and based on my conversation with the owner's wife (who is running the business side of things), I will be working there full-time and making as much as I did at the old place.

Well, last week we had an employee meeting, and I looked at my schedule--13 hours this week, 19 next week. Well, that sucks, but the place is just opening, so it could be tough in the short-term. Plus I can always pick up hours at the old place until things pick up at the new place.

Then they told me how much I'm gonna make...essentially, it is $2 an hour less than what I make now. I told them that at the rate things are going, I'll have to find a new job by the end of April; they told me they would try to figure out a new wage.

Today, I was supposed to have POS training from 1-4. I got there, and the general manager told me that it had been canceled, and they forgot to call me.

While I don't think anything that's been happening has been mean-spirited or malicious, it seems like God is telling me not to work for these guys. So I'll go look for a new job tomorrow.

bbro 03-31-2008 01:38 PM

Sheesh monster - how are you feeling today? I always wondered what it would be like to cry, I don't really think I want to know. :)

Sycamore - I agree, I think there is something saying RUN THE OTHER WAY! Good luck on the job hunt.

As for me.....I. am. still. fucking. sick.

shina 03-31-2008 01:46 PM

Absolutely nothing after Monster's tale. Blech!
Hang in there.

Cicero 03-31-2008 01:53 PM

I thought she was kidding about crying blood in that other thread. Holy crap! Monster, I hope you found out what in the hell is going on today!

On the other hand, you might be a Catholic Saint.
Hope you are feeling better today.

monster 04-01-2008 05:36 PM

Gee, thanks guys:D. Well Dr Incompetant (who has been calling nightly to check I'm still alive and not planning to sue) had decided that the only reason it could have stopped bleeding after 2.5 hours and a failed plug attempt was because he must've left some stuff up there that was stopping the flow, so I needed to see the ENT bod on Monday for foreign body removal. He kept trying to force feed me painkillers and antibiotics and wanted to plug it again in the meanwhikle. i ran.

saw the ENT bod yesterday morning. She said no foreign body, no sinister reason for the bleed -just extra bendy nasal passages and and extra long extra dry winter. She cauterized it. So now -after a winter with no colds and no flu in this house, I'm sniffling away and sore as fuck, plus I look like I've been stuffing blueberries up my nose. Well yesterday it was blueberries, today it looks more like licorice. But no more bleeding so far. yay *sniff*

Clodfobble 04-01-2008 10:11 PM

9 and a half more goddamn days. Not that I'm counting, or anything.

Yes I am. And it's actually 9 and a half more days plus about 2.5 goddamn hours. Goddamnit.

monster 04-01-2008 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 443083)
9 and a half more goddamn days. Not that I'm counting, or anything.

Yes I am. And it's actually 9 and a half more days plus about 2.5 goddamn hours. Goddamnit.

Could be worse.

1) could have happened six weeks ago (our swim coach just gave birth, wasn't due til mid May -thankfully both doing fine)

2) mysterious time-travellers could appear and take you back to pre c-section days.

OK, neither is likely, but still...... ;)

(Waiting is teh suxxors)

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