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DanaC 02-08-2010 04:18 PM

...and if you video and post it, it'll help Sarge sleep :)

jujuwwhite 02-09-2010 12:49 AM

I'm tickled shitless!! My laptop had crashed well over a month ago and after our 911 computer tech checked it, worked on, and cussed it for several days, he called the HP help line and found out that my computer was still under warranty. (it was less than a 1yr old). He was able to send it in and after having the mother board and ram replaced it's like I have a brand new computer!! I'm loving it!!!

toranokaze 02-11-2010 01:41 AM

Can't fucking sleep...
Hating this crap.

capnhowdy 02-11-2010 06:31 AM

We made the first small step in moving yesterday evening. We have decided to move to Juju's house in another small *town* just outside of where we live now. Moving is my least favorite job in the world. Only hurdle we have is that both of us were well established and now we have two complete households and only need one. So now we're going through the keep or toss thingie. We will be having one helluva yard sale soon.

There is no negative side to the move though. We will be right around the corner from our property (where we will be putting a new house some time this year). Also her parents live on the property, so we will be two minutes from them instead of thirty. That is a good thing in that we have to check on them on a nearly daily basis, as they are both confined to wheelchairs. Hers is a better house hands down. My house is built out of block and sweats and molds and mildews, which leads to an ongoing battle against lurking health hazards. Also I have obsolete wiring (the old fuse box clusterfuck) and she has the updated breaker system. You have to learn to live in my house, which is to say, you have to know not to run the oven and the dryer at the same time and if you use the microwave you need to be sure to turn the bathroom heater off. Sheesh. I won't miss that annoying shit a bit.

We spend the majority of our time in the kitchen and music room. Her house will give us over twice as much space as mine does for these areas. Yes, it takes a whole room for our music/entertainment gear, complete with wire spaghetti floors. I love it. I am very excited about it, but will rejoice when we finally get it behind us. My Cellar time (and other time for that matter) will most likely be limited until we get this done. Wish us luck.;)

monster 02-11-2010 08:17 AM

good luck

TheMercenary 02-11-2010 08:29 AM

I hate moving as well. We moved 13 times in 20 years, but after a while you get it down to a science, esp if a company is coming in and doing it for you.

xoxoxoBruce 02-11-2010 11:53 AM

The actual moving is the easy part, it's the sorting and decisions a mover can't do for you, that's hard.

TIP ~ no, that other sock isn't coming back some day. :haha:

jujuwwhite 02-15-2010 10:22 PM

Hooray!!! We have done the dreaded task of moving!!! It took 2 trips in a Uhaul and 3 hired hands but we did it! Now my weight room and garage are full of capnhowdy's belongings but it won't be long.

We moved in Saturday with Snow on the ground and it really wasn't that bad, just very tiring. After the movers left, we set up our bedroom first and both crashed after hot showers. Boy, did that bed feel good!

Sunday we went back to the 'block house' for a final walk through and to get the last of the a/c units out of the windows along with a few of capn's tools and such. We were going to take some of the carpets but after we moved out the furniture and saw just how bad the mold and mildew was we decided against taking the carpets. Capn didn't have any idea just how bad that stuff was until we started moving out.

His doctor told him that stuff could kill ya especially once it was stirred up! The doctor also said it was probably why Capn had such medical problems with his breathing and blood pressure. Just in the few days of being out of it, we are both feeling loads better! Plus it is helping since we are drinking well water and not city chemicals and we are also breathing fresh country air not city fumes.

Now the fun begins of sorting, selling, and putting up. The funny thing is we haven't advertised a yard sale and already people are stopping by wanting to look through our belongings!! I told Capn I would be glad when the garage didn't have anything in it so that people would stop trying to buy all our stuff we don't want to sell!!! Oh well, just a little fun part of the capnhowdy and juju journey!

ZenGum 02-16-2010 02:05 AM

Life is looking UP for these two lovebirds. :D

Sundae 02-16-2010 03:18 AM

Glad you're in Ju & Cap'n.
I always get to a point when moving OUT where everything I do seems only to make things worse. It does not feel like a finite task at all, and I can never imagine getting to the point where I can actually leave.
Moving in is far better. You know you have plenty of time, and everything you do is so obviously a step forward rather than back.

Today I am waiting in for the post. Sounds like a passive thing to do, and quite relaxing, but I am already boiling over with frustration. Large items and items to be signed for usually come before I wake up, so last night I slept without earplugs and this morning I got up half an hour early. Nope, nothing.

The large item I'm waiting for was apparently dispatched last Friday. WHERE IS IT!?
A couple of smaller things, including one which was sent First Class Recorded definitely went yesterday. WHERE ARE THEY?!

I know you (snowed on Merkins) have had much worse post recently. But my impatience comes from the fact that we are not having any kind of bad weather here. Except in the Highlands, but I haven't ordered anything from there.

Meh. What makes it worse is there is no specific reason for wanting these things immediately. It is my own child-on-Christmas-Eve impatience. I am not suited to buying postal delivery items. I'd stop, but 90% of the time it really is the cheapest option available.

Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths.

ETA - Postie has just been! Yay! And even better, the skirt I ordered is even nicer than I thought. Second hand long black denim. It's both thicker, newer and longer than I could have hoped (in fact I doubt if it has ever been worn). Big stuff didn't arrive though. Grrrr.

capnhowdy 02-17-2010 08:50 PM

And I finally got my machine back on line. I missed you guys. Really.

classicman 02-17-2010 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 635458)
And I finally got my machine back on line.

That belongs in the "you're old" thread. :D

capnhowdy 02-18-2010 06:26 AM

My LIFE is the "you're old" thread. Because I'm ....well.... OLD.

Sundae 02-19-2010 08:49 AM

I should be happy today.
My luggage (the item I was waiting for above) arrived, as did a lovely present from Limey. Grandad appears to have come to the end of this holiday's case of the runs and I think I have the last of the poopy washing in the machine right now.

I am losing weight, I rode out my craving for alcohol last night and I did organised stuff this morning like eBay posting and dropping off my prescription.

But I'm not. Happy I mean.
I am bloody miserable.
I feel like I don't know what to do with myself and have no passion or enthusiasm for anything. Not even making plans for Amsterdam are rasing my spirits - then again it's hyper-planned already.

Dunno. Just a down day I suppose. Get through it and things will get better.

capnhowdy 02-19-2010 06:49 PM

You need to get laid, Sundae.

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