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TheMercenary 02-29-2008 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by shina (Post 435842)
Merc, Choc,

Take care of yourselves. I'm joining the club here, my thoughts are with you and yours.

Hang in there Shina. Just keep your commo lines open with those closest to you and things will work out.

fargon 02-29-2008 03:20 PM

Wal-Mart!!!!!!!:censored: :censored:

Ibby 03-13-2008 10:05 AM

lookout123 03-13-2008 11:22 AM

Two phone calls in two days from my accountant's office. Neither of them from my accountant. I called last week inquiring as to when I should come in and sign.

First Call: Hey Lookout - do you know you didn't pay any of your quarterlies last year?

Even though I faxed over my payroll sheets everytime I paid myself, they apparently received NONE of them and didn't think it was strange. So from August through December I didn't pay anything to the government and because of that, my corporation didn't issue a W2, which will now create a penalty situation.

Anger barely held in check.

Second Call: Hey Lookout - we just got a letter that your corporation is about to be dissolved.

Apparently they didn't publish my articles last year. It can be fixed after paying another penalty. I paid them to do it, they say that they don't do it. Grrrr! I'd have had my attorney do it, if they weren't going to do the whole freaking job! And then they lay their failures at my feet and pretend it was all me.

I'm so freaking angry that I'm going the hard route to fix the problems through another accountant because I don't ever want to speak with them again. I'd probably kill someone if I saw them right now. Or I'd collapse into a frustrated sobbing ball of frayed nerves. One or the other.

Depending on other people to be competent enough to do their jobs is an exercise in futility.

Does anyone else ever just stop and look at life around them and think "why can't I win, just once?" I'm a decent guy, why the fuck does Mr Murphy apply his law to me at every fucking chance?

Trilby 03-13-2008 11:28 AM

lookout---I know this seems so hard, it IS hard and you DON'T deserve it and yes, people are incompetant asshats most of the time who should be shot on sight. I feel for you. *cyberhug* deep breaths and maybe a shot of something.

lookout123 03-13-2008 11:39 AM

Thanks Bri. Of course, I feel like a pretty big ass getting sympathy from someone who is dealing with a real problem;) , but thanks. I appreciate it.

Sundae 03-13-2008 11:39 AM

Bri's right, it is lousy and you don't deserve it. Rotten luck to have incompetant dumbasses taking your money and not doing the job.

I feel a bit better about my reason for complaint now - I've just got an evil case of the farts. It doesn't cost me a penny.

Shawnee123 03-13-2008 11:41 AM

We all have trials and it does me good to know that. Though I don't wish bad on anyone it makes me realize that even people who might seem to me to have it all go through stuff I know nothing about.

Keep your chin up, cousin! :)

lol @ SG

Trilby 03-13-2008 11:45 AM

lookout--everyone's problem is real. I'm more worried about an email I sent rather than my medical condition! if nothing else, life is funny (both funny ha-ha and funny 'weird'). Money problems suck right up there with car, plumbing and computer woes. fire the bums!

lookout123 03-13-2008 11:50 AM

They are fired, I'm just being spineless about it. I'm concerned about telling them off too badly and making it worse, because *drumroll* MOST of my clients use their firm! Because I sent them there. Yep.

I've been sending the majority of my referral business there for years now. I've also received a lot of referrals from there. My business is so interconnected that if I pour fuel on the fire it has the potential to become very damaging to me.

classicman 03-13-2008 01:10 PM

Ugghh - bite your tongue, breathe deep and make the best of it. You yourself know that paying to correct someone else's incompetence from time to time is unfortunately a cost of doing business. It shouldn't be, but it is. Hang tight Bro - good luck.

Clodfobble 03-13-2008 04:24 PM

I was going to suggest posting their name in the thread so any future internet searches would bring up your complaints, but if you think they'll figure out it's you then I guess that wouldn't be the best idea, since you don't want to burn bridges.

lookout123 03-13-2008 04:30 PM

I've spent my day on permahold with the state and city corporation commissions, accountants, and my attorney. Maybe I should just thank the useless fucks for giving me all this time to be in the cellar.:rolleyes:

No, as much as I'd like to burn her practice down it would damage me just as much as her so no dice. Quietly taking my lumps and being the nice guy feels crappy, but it will cause fewer disruptions with my clients. Truth is, I'll probably still lose some clients over this, because I am 100% done dealing with that firm and this happens to be tax season so the clients will have more direct contact with the accountants than they will with me. I'm sure the accountant already warmed up to another advisor to share referrals. Next week after I get this mess straightened out I'll really have to go out and interview some new firms for client placement.

DucksNuts 03-13-2008 05:47 PM

Youre such a good guy lookout, can I clone you and have one for myself?

Upsetting me.....its everyone BUT me.

One of our sales guys wanted to buy my whipper snipper, so I called in at the old house to get it...shoved it in the back of the SUV and on I went to work.

Just got onto the highway, when this dirty big hairy fucking huntsmen spider comes running at me from the passenger seat!!!! (he must of been in the whipper snipper)

Now, a few of you will know I am not overly bothered by spiders, particularly Hunstmen....but this bastard had a mission and he was really hyperactive and jumpy.

Jam on breaks, throw car into park and dive out the door onto the highway, all the while shrieking like a mad women and waving hands around.

Two lovely guys stopped to see what was wrong, and turns out they were more scared of hairy than I was....especially when he seemed to be mocking us on my headrest by waving his little furry legs around over his beady eyes and dancing a jig.

I finally regain some composure, grab a stick to try and chase him out...he's a really nimble bastard and escapes up under the dash.

After another 10 minutes standing on the side of the road, I decide I have to get to work at some stage, and risk driving.

Get to work, dive out of car, run for fly spray and bombed the car.

R.I.P Harry Hunstmen.

HungLikeJesus 03-13-2008 06:00 PM

Did it look anything like this?

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