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Elspode 06-07-2005 03:10 PM

"I am the Fungus King!"

Queen of the Ryche 06-07-2005 04:01 PM

Truffles in the storm..............

404Error 06-07-2005 06:54 PM

There's a fungus among us? :mg:

capnhowdy 06-07-2005 08:08 PM

[quote] "Sweet summer rain; like God's own mercy" [quote]....
From: Oh Brother, where art thou?
also from: Capnhowdy & friends, Circa 1970........

Undertoad 06-08-2005 06:51 AM

404Error 06-08-2005 09:18 AM

Now there's a true WTF! I've seen a lot of funny stuff but that takes the cake.

What do you think they're looking at inside the pig?

Queen of the Ryche 06-08-2005 09:22 AM

They appear to be suckling..............? Ew!?!

dar512 06-08-2005 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad

It would have been cooler if the shirt was for Jefferson Airplane.

"And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving slow"

glatt 06-08-2005 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by 404Error
What do you think they're looking at inside the pig?

I assumed they were sucking at the teats of the pig. Probably lemonade or something.

edit: actually, now that I look at it more closely, it's clearly some sort of eating contest. Their hands are all strapped to their sides. Eating with their mouths only.

wolf 06-08-2005 10:35 AM

That's how we feed people in the padded room who are too dangerous to be let out to dinner.

Lady Sidhe 06-08-2005 01:08 PM

this picture comes from the above link..

Queen of the Ryche 06-08-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lady Sidhe

Um yeah - already got a Current Events thread going on him..........(what if I told you he was my brother? JUST KIDDING! I freaked some people out at work with that one for a little while.....HA HA)

Lady Sidhe 06-08-2005 01:16 PM

It was just the "WTF" look on his face....priceless... :lol:

mrnoodle 06-08-2005 01:29 PM

Sinead O'Connor is wearing a toupee now?

Happy Monkey 06-08-2005 01:55 PM

He looks like his hairstyle has the same flaw as the Opti-grab.

BigV 06-08-2005 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
He looks like his hairstyle has the same flaw as the Opti-grab.

What? Can't take it off quickly without getting blood everywhere?

superbaton 06-09-2005 01:24 PM

this happens..
when you don't exercise the most important muscle. The Brain.

full story


Queen of the Ryche 06-09-2005 01:51 PM

WTF happened to that arm? Did it explode? Or did he get implants with a really bad stitch job?

wolf 06-09-2005 02:00 PM

"Yeah, but I'm not trying to be symmetrical. I'm trying to be a freak, you know what I'm saying?"

At least he has a goal in life.

wolf 06-09-2005 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Queen of the Ryche
WTF happened to that arm? Did it explode? Or did he get implants with a really bad stitch job?

I remember a discussion on this particular freak of not-nature before, but the surgical scars are a new part of the story, which I didn't see explained in the interview.

Now, the interview does say that he was injecting directly into the muscle, so it would not be unusual for him to have an abscess of some kind.

superbaton 06-09-2005 02:19 PM

apparently he injected some kind of oil (synthol) in his biceps. he wanted to reach 28-inches amrs

T: Give us an idea of what you did exactly to get your arms that way.

GV: I did a lot of Testosterone. I did about 3000 mg of Test per week. I love Testosterone and I love Equipoise. The Test I did was mostly propionate. Once in a while I would do enanthate and I would always keep it with Equipoise. I'd probably do, oh God… I would do a shot every other day. I wouldn't worry about the amount of oil; I would worry about the amount of drug. Over the course of a week, I take 3,000 mg of Test and probably put in 400 to 500 mg of Equipoise. Remember, that's 15 mg shots. So that would be about 10 CC's of EQ over a week's period. I would do shoulders, triceps, and biceps.

Clodfobble 06-09-2005 02:20 PM

I thought that's what he was referring to when he mentioned the doctor cutting his arm open to remove an abcess.

Happy Monkey 06-09-2005 02:22 PM

In the story, he does mention bursting a blood vessel, and having abcesses removed which flattened the peak of one of his biceps. But no mention of those photos explicitly.

superbaton 06-09-2005 02:24 PM


Gregg had an absess in that bicep a few years ago and those pictures are from after the surgery. If you look at the pictures of his arms you will notice that one bicep does not have a 'peak', that is the one that was operated on.

How do I know this? I designed and coded the website that those pictures were taken from - - so I talk to him quite frequently.

superbaton 06-09-2005 03:34 PM


Gregg had an absess in that bicep a few years ago and those pictures are from after the surgery. If you look at the pictures of his arms you will notice that one bicep does not have a 'peak', that is the one that was operated on.

How do I know this? I designed and coded the website that those pictures were taken from - - so I talk to him quite frequently
i dont talk to him, this is an extract from the link.

Elspode 06-09-2005 08:04 PM

Horrible Highway Tragedy in Germany (NSFB)
1 Attachment(s)
NSFB stands for "not safe for bars"...

Nothing But Net 06-09-2005 08:57 PM

I just saw plthijnx curled up in the fetal position, crying!

wolf 06-10-2005 12:59 AM

Oh the humanity.

capnhowdy 06-10-2005 06:34 AM

This IS truly many casualties for one accident.
I'm surprised there's not more "gore gazers" loitering and trying to "assist the injured & round up the survivors".
What a waste, especially this type of beverage, which is very tasty.
Would it be morbid to ask if I may consume the uninjured?

Queen of the Ryche 06-10-2005 03:18 PM

I wonder if the Lifestraw would filter out the little slivers of broken glass for us?

Elspode 06-10-2005 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
Oh the humanity.

Actually, my response to the person who sent this to me was "Oh, the beeranity".

plthijinx 06-10-2005 06:05 PM

(sniff, sniff, sob sob. get's up and heads to the fridge for a tribute)

busterb 06-12-2005 06:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Grisly Effect of One Drug: 'Meth Mouth'

wolf 06-12-2005 10:19 PM

That person has a surprising number of teeth remaining.

Or perhaps I only see meth users after they pass that particular point of desperation. I actually don't see that many of them ... crack and heroin mostly.

wolf 06-12-2005 10:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Some bling for your ride ... Ashanti Wheels feature geniune Cubic Zirconia!! $250,000

wolf 06-12-2005 10:39 PM

That really looks like a scene from Final Destination II.

ashke 06-13-2005 10:21 AM

Did anyone get killed? O.o

Undertoad 06-13-2005 10:40 AM

Elspode 06-13-2005 12:13 PM

Regarding the "bling" wheels...not only are they ugly, but they must use a really cool binding agent to keep those suckers stuck on.

LabRat 06-13-2005 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by busterb
Grisly Effect of One Drug: 'Meth Mouth'

What causes that, anyone know? (besides being so effed up you don't care about brushing your teeth. Lots of people don't brush their teeth and don't look like THAT...)

wolf 06-13-2005 01:11 PM

I don't actually know, but it is common enough that I see toothless and think meth (unless the person is really, really old. Make that toothless and under 50.)

Trilby 06-13-2005 01:20 PM

I think the Meth mouth thing is due to the meth drying up all your saliva so you're teeth are dry all the time without anything to "wash" the bacteria off. Hence the rotten teeth. And all the grinding of teeth meth leads to. very nasty drug. Wasn't there a thread with Faces of Meth or something around? Before and after pics of users--pretty frightening.

wolf 06-13-2005 01:33 PM

I remember the series of mugshots. Think that was probably posted earlier in this thread. Or should have been.

superbaton 06-16-2005 05:51 PM

counter strike geek

the problem was when he wanted to go to the bathroom.

BigV 06-16-2005 05:56 PM

he just pees into the pillow.

daniwong 06-16-2005 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
I think the Meth mouth thing is due to the meth drying up all your saliva so you're teeth are dry all the time without anything to "wash" the bacteria off. Hence the rotten teeth. And all the grinding of teeth meth leads to. very nasty drug. Wasn't there a thread with Faces of Meth or something around? Before and after pics of users--pretty frightening.

The other cause is that Meth literally eats things in your body - like your teeth and tends to dissolve the roots that go and nourish your teeth. Also - with meth - eats a little part of your brain the first hit (or whatever) according to recent scientific reports. And that causes your brain to instantly want more. Scientific fact - instantly causes an addiction. (This is not to say that everyone that does meth will automatically become addicted - but the statistics are rather high that you will. If I remember correctly I think it was something like 70% of the tested subjects.)

Nothing But Net 06-17-2005 12:35 AM

Happy landing!
<img src="">

wolf 06-17-2005 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by BigV
he just pees into the pillow.

Nah. Sneaky Leaker.

Packey 06-17-2005 08:28 AM

Meth Mouth...

I did a little poking around and found that the ingredients that go into making meth is what causes the tooth problems. I guess meth is made up of some pretty caustic stuff. I saw words thrown around like ammonia, red phosphorous, lithium, ether, and two type of acid - muratic and sulfuric!!! :eek: Then Brianna mentioned dry mouth, this comes into play. No saliva to wash away the nasties. People on meth tend to crave surgary snacks for some reason - candy bars and soda. All this plus you're pbly not the most hygenic when you're trying to score your next hit will destoy you teeth. My brother and sister-in-law were on this stuff for a while and the effects on their teeth weren't this extreme but they have some major damge done. Sidenote: Bro and sis have been off this stuff for years now.

superbaton 06-17-2005 05:27 PM


Hobbs 06-18-2005 12:57 AM

:mg: eeee-freakin'-gads!!! :mg:

Elspode 06-18-2005 09:58 AM

Aren't those substances used in making meth, and not actually present in their original form in the end product? This is not to say that meth isn't bad, because it is a scourge...

jinx 06-18-2005 10:34 PM


zippyt 06-18-2005 11:25 PM

my guess is some kind of fungi , or jim sneezed ;)

Elspode 06-19-2005 02:08 PM

Marshmallow toasting gone horribly wrong?

wolf 06-19-2005 05:10 PM

That is either how amber gets made, or the pods are coming!!

Griff 06-19-2005 05:17 PM

Obviously a jalepeno dart. You're lucky the woodfolk missed.

plthijinx 06-22-2005 02:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
need a date? Pick Me!

wolf 06-22-2005 06:22 PM

Sycamore's first day of school! How cute!!

elSicomoro 06-22-2005 06:23 PM

Please...I save myself until at least the 4th date!

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