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Sundae 06-13-2007 05:55 PM

The house next to mine (and the factory behind) are being pulled down. It's tricky work as they are working around existing structures but there is a lot of collapsing walls, smashing glass and shouts from workmen over the last few weeks.

They start at any time from 08.00-09.00 which is when I get up/ leave the flat and are done by 17.00 (I get home 17.30). So my poor babbas face it all alone. It's made them very clingy, so I've started letting them in with me at night. I feel guiltier than ever that they're well behaved most nights (except when I roll on them).

Cloud 06-15-2007 10:05 PM

my toilet is running. I had to stop it by putting a stick under the floater arm. Will now have to clean my entire apartment to get the maintenance in.

about a 2 week job! :)

Yznhymr 06-16-2007 11:03 AM

I got up at 6:00 am this beautiful Saturday morning and fed my family (biscuits, ham, sausage, & eggs) and am now sitting alone in the hearth room (it's now 11:00am) with nothing but the Cellar to entertain me...and no one in my house has said Happy Father's Day to me, yet. :(

So to all of you Dad's out there...Happy Father's Day!

HungLikeJesus 06-16-2007 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Yznhymr (Post 355967)
I got up at 6:00 am this beautiful Saturday morning and fed my family (biscuits, ham, sausage, & eggs) and am now sitting alone in the hearth room (it's now 11:00am) with nothing but the Cellar to entertain me...and no one in my house has said Happy Father's Day to me, yet. :(

So to all of you Dad's out there...Happy Father's Day!

I thought that that was tomorrow.

Cloud 06-16-2007 11:50 AM

yeah, Father's Day is tomorrow!

Yznhymr 06-16-2007 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 355975)
yeah, Father's Day is tomorrow!

Okay, did I mention I haven't slept but 3 hours in 2.5 days? I think I am delirious...

We celebrate Father's Day on Sat due to father-in-law travels and is only home Friday afternoon-Sunday AM, so only have Sat night to spend with him. So our family celebrates a day early...we've been doing it so long I forgot I am not on same schedule as rest of the USA.

Maybe it's time for a nap?

Cloud 06-16-2007 01:05 PM

ah! well, Happy Father's Day, then.

they'll get around to it, I'm sure.

go take a nap--you're entitled. After all, it's (sorta) Father's Day.

busterb 06-16-2007 08:03 PM

Summer cold. Yuk.

skysidhe 06-18-2007 10:52 AM

I woke up upset this am. Sad

Maybe if I cast it off it can finally go away.

I didn't go out for along time because of getting hurt. I've been working on my self esteem I've been feeling better about things. I decided to be a good role model and to make my life more full I allowed myself to meet some one. I guess I trusted too quickly the first person that walked my way.

He gave me every indication that everything was ok. In the beginning I personally felt as though we were better friends than a couple I was given assurances. I should have listened to my gut. Then without notice he told me to fuck off. Give me your key, I don't want to talk to you any more. The reason? ( because I had gotten upset he hung up on me)

I would have appologized if he had of told me I was mistaken and he was hurt but it was a cheap email break up. Email of which he always said he dosn't like to communicate through.

I felt as though he created a crisis in order to break up. It was a total 360 degree turn. He changed in a blink of an eye. To be straight up and not contriving...honest and trustworthy he wasn't/ couldn't , didn't want too instead he lied and was after something else. ( a women with money and time to go play) is my guess. What he told me was a load of new age bullshit that skirted around the true issue.

I am so confused. I mean it would be harder for me to get evicted from my apartment or fired from my job. Relationships are not this fragile. So he was lying to me this whole time about caring.

The irony is that he would use this logic. You have bad luck. The fact that I can just blow you off is proof that you were born under a bad sign. You are poisonous to my welfare but if you want to be even friends you must appologize for your tone of voice when I hung up on you.

I am so serious. It's so ridiculous I have decided I was going with a crazy man. A 54 year old 3 times married childless unemployed crazy person but it still hurts like hell.

thanks for listening

Shawnee123 06-18-2007 11:18 AM

You must have the bad guy syndrome I have.

Fuck him, he's not worth it. You deserve a real man, not some pussy-footin' jobless mealy-mouthed spineless jelly fish.

Yep, this is why I don't "date."

Hang in there, sky. When you least expect it you'll meet a good guy.

Sundae 06-18-2007 02:45 PM

Same thoughts from me Sidhe.
I worry that you would get involved with someone with so little to offer - the most glaring omission being any integrity.

You still have my full sympathy - hurt is hurt, whether it's over Prince Charming or a total shit.

skysidhe 06-18-2007 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 356434)
You must have the bad guy syndrome I have.

Yes I must. I have no idea why. I am really nice, plain spoken but nice down to earth.

I still have my best friend friend in Canada. My original poetry partner. He is the true prince although we are great loving friends.

Funny you should mention princes because I was thinking I have kissed many frogs.


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 356489)
Same thoughts from me Sidhe.
I worry that you would get involved with someone with so little to offer - the most glaring omission being any integrity.

I worry about this as well.

I actually tried to just be friends but he used his new age crap to tell me otherwise. He made alot of promises in the begining he never kept. He used his weath as if it could impress me but never spent any except on himself. He would brag about this thing or that then warp into an ego speach about possessions as if that explains why he would never treat me.

I told him this was bull.....s.....I tried to call as you can imagine but he refused to talk to me on the phone. He would just email and say my upsetness about it was proof that I was this or that.

I am too worried because I like sex so much I was easy ( he says) although it might be years before I take a partner. I should have known by his lack of lovemaking skills. He would just lay there and let me do all the work...which honestly if I thought it was turning someone on I don't mind.

It's all so clear.Hindsight is so 20/20. I am wondering.
How can I learn?

so ...I am on lunch giving more information than I should.

thanks for the support Shawnee and Sundae. I'm ok. Just going to go back to being a nun again. :p

DucksNuts 06-18-2007 06:55 PM

Sky - sorry you have to go through this luvie.

I meant to ask the circumstances when I saw you mentioned that this guy broke up with you over a hung up. You deserve sooo much better than him and are certainly better off without him...but SG is right (as usual), hurt is hurt.

I'm soooo tired and shitty tempered sleep after the guy I have been seeing started acting weird and I fronted find his ex girlfriend (ex of 6 mths) is 6.5mths pregnant. They didnt break up as such, but she just disappeared and guess shes back.

Its not s'posed to be this hard is it?

rkzenrage 06-18-2007 07:31 PM

I'm sorry you are going through this, I hope you feel better soon.
Expect from others what you think they should expect of you.

xoxoxoBruce 06-18-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 356599)

Its not s'posed to be this hard is it?

The depressing part is the older you and prospective lovers get, the more baggage everyone is carrying. That just makes things harder.

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