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tw 02-02-2018 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1003346)
The interesting thing to me is Bush Jr. Why did he start off low and then do better and better until he dropped again in 2004. Why was 2003 so high?

Other factors also apply. He did tax cuts. That means an immediate short term benefit that a majority blindly believed because rhetoric and half truths proved it. Followed many years later by a significant downturn.

That was predicted here (with reasons why) back then before those cuts were enacted. Cited were how all previous tax cuts that also resulted in a recession years later. Money games routinely create bad things many years later. A lesson we all should learn from today's tax cut for the rich. By 2004, the George Jr tax cuts were starting to contribute to a massive recession. Even the stock market was in constant downturn. People finally realized the myths were lies.

Meanwhile, in 2003, lies and rhetoric to promote war were peaking. Posted in the Cellar was:

"And I'm very glad we've got the great team in office, men like Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice.
We know all but Powell were intentionally lying to promote an unjustified war. They also constantly mocked and bad stabbed Powell who kept trying to restore sanity. As noted, "what is it good for ... ratings".

Starting in 2004, realities of a Mission Accomplished war first became obvious even to the many who drank the KoolAide.

By June 2004, Bremer had created an insurgency so massive that he could not even drive 5 miles from Baghdad to the airport (to evacuate Iraq). He also had to fly out secretly on a tiny jet. The insurgency intentionally created by Bremer, Rumsfeld, et al was that massive. Every informed American had realize we were about to sacrifice in Iraq (what turned out to be) most of the 5000 Americans for no purpose.

Every year after Mission Accomplished, reality demonstrated how much George Jr (actually Cheney) had lied blatantly and with total disregard for all American servicemen.

First an overwhelming majority of the informed saw it in 2004. Every year after that, more and more Americans realized how much and intentionally those George Jr people lied - for their own self serving reasons.

2004 is when secret torture and other Nazi like practices were finally coming to light. List of reasons why George Jr went downhill so much (and rightly so) are quite long. Above are but three.

sexobon 02-03-2018 08:21 AM

Yeah, no. Most people didn't care about any of that evidenced by the fact that he got reelected anyway. What sunk his popularity was his goofy daughters in the news. People were paying attention to that kind of stuff. Exhibit A:

Griff 02-03-2018 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1003346)
The interesting thing to me is Bush Jr. Why did he start off low and then do better and better until he dropped again in 2004. Why was 2003 so high?

He was very unimpressive at the beginning of his term, so that makes sense that early 2001 was low. But then we had 9/11 and his subsequent war on terror, so I understand the bump up in 2002. But why so high in 2003? And then the massive drop off in 2004?

It was likely the whole hanging chad SC situation.

BigV 03-16-2018 09:28 PM

Posting from phone..

Just noticed that Andrew McCabe has been fired.

He's with the FBI, and he's publicly announced his retirement effective Saturday. Tomorrow.

Why fire him today?

To fuck up his pension.

This is not really *absurd*but it is 100 percent shitbag.

Thanks Trump.

tw 03-16-2018 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 1005841)
Thanks Trump.

How many who voted for Trump are finally apologizing?

sexobon 03-16-2018 10:14 PM

About the same as the number of Clinton supporters whose attitudes got her defeated that learned their lesson.

Dude111 03-16-2018 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by tw
How many who voted for Trump are finally apologizing?

They are so brainwashed they cant see it...


Glinda 03-17-2018 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 1005841)
Posting from phone..

Just noticed that Andrew McCabe has been fired.

He's with the FBI, and he's publicly announced his retirement effective Saturday. Tomorrow.

Why fire him today?

To fuck up his pension.

This is not really *absurd*but it is 100 percent shitbag.

Thanks Trump.

Interesting. Yet another Trump administration top advisor/agency head/long-time government employee that he's fired without actually looking them in the eye and saying "You're fired."

Very admirable. Pure class. Incredible bravery and courage in a difficult situation.

Everyone says so.

Griff 03-17-2018 08:51 AM

Time will tell, but I'm not sure you want to go out on a limb for this guy.

Glinda 03-17-2018 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1005855)
Time will tell, but I'm not sure you want to go out on a limb for this guy.


sexobon 03-17-2018 02:32 PM

President Trump is just an analogue man in a digital bureaucracy.

Happy Monkey 03-17-2018 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1005855)
Time will tell, but I'm not sure you want to go out on a limb for this guy.

Saying that it's a dick move to fire someone the day before they retire is hardly going out on a limb.

sexobon 03-17-2018 03:04 PM

If the guy who was fired was being a dick and thought he could escape consequences by going into retirement, the golden rule is in effect.

Griff 03-18-2018 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 1005876)
Saying that it's a dick move to fire someone the day before they retire is hardly going out on a limb.

Firing someone for a fire-able offense on the recommendation of the Inspector General is not necessarily a dick move (granted Sessions is by and large a dick). When the IG's report is released, we'll have a better idea. Even assholes do the right thing now and again.

link to NYT stating recommendation by IG

Griff 03-18-2018 09:40 AM

As an independent voter, I want Trump out as badly as anyone because he is obviously corrupt and a threat to the Republic. This does not excuse Democrats when they do things that undermine the integrity of the various departments. I recognize that some in the GOP are actively trying to undermine public confidence in the Justice Department. My confidence is bolstered when an internal review recommends that neither party be protected from the truth. We can come out the other side of all this with integrity intact.

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