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Griff 10-14-2011 04:42 PM

Need a fucking drink... I won't, but just fuck you know?

ZenGum 10-14-2011 05:10 PM

I was just about to bump this thread. Really.
Be strong, Griff.

Rhianne 10-14-2011 06:23 PM

Don't say 'need', say 'want'.

I bet there are a lot of things you want.

ZenGum 11-19-2011 06:46 AM

How are we all going? How do we get through the "festive" season?

Griff 11-19-2011 07:02 AM

I'm getting more comfortable with not drinking at social gatherings. My real issue is avoiding booze when I'm stressed out. In an odd flip, my avoidance of religion has made it much easier to remain sober. I don't have some organization's concept of God judging my actions and beliefs. Life is a lot easier when you are not trying to force your mind to believe things which are obvious bullshit left-over from medieval control freaks derived from desert dwelling insanity. ymmv but mine is pretty good.

Trilby 11-19-2011 07:24 AM

"Medieval control freaks" is a pretty good description.

I go to AA about once a week. It's all I can handle. If I go too much I just get pissed off and I'm pretty sure that's not the intent of the meetings.

I try to remember that "some are sicker than others" and to shut my ears to some of the nonsense. Just b/c it works for one person doesn't mean it will work for another.

I am taking steps to reduce my time with my mother. For some reason her anxiety triggers my anxiety and she is a Very Anxious Person.

classicman 11-19-2011 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 774132)
I am taking steps to reduce my time with my mother. For some reason her anxiety triggers my anxiety and she is a Very Anxious Person.

Wow! ding ding ding. We're in the same boat on this one. I'll row over here, you take that side.

Stormieweather 11-19-2011 02:12 PM

Anytime I want a drink, I just remind myself of what the hangovers felt like. So far, so good.

9 years, 2 months, and 19 days.

Still, after a round like I just had with my D16, I think of de-stressing with alcohol. Grrr.

busterb 11-20-2011 11:15 PM

34 days.

classicman 11-20-2011 11:29 PM

Good for you BB... has it helped with the vision at all?

Aliantha 11-21-2011 05:35 AM

I didn't realise there were so many wagoners here. Hmmmm...

Griff 11-21-2011 05:38 AM

It is remarkable unless its different in the general population than we're assuming.

Aliantha 11-21-2011 05:43 AM

Yeah maybe. I don't know if it's much of a thing over here though, or maybe not as much as it is in the US and maybe UK.

People sometimes 'go easy' for a while, meaning they're planning on not drinking too much for a while, or they might give up completely, but I don't think there's as many AA meetings here. Particularly not in Qld.

I dunno. Maybe it's different down south. We're a bit less organised about stuff like that up here maybe. I actually don't think I know a single person IRL who's been to an AA meeting. I know plenty who probably should, or might benefit from it though.

Griff 11-21-2011 05:50 AM

I used to "go easy" on the booze to "prove" it wasn't a problem, but I finally decided to stop. I'm not in AA, I don't think it would be helpful for me as a recovering Catholic. I'm better with taking control rather than giving up control. Being out of control was the issue as I see it.

Aliantha 11-21-2011 05:56 AM

Yeah, I see what you mean.

Sometimes I wonder if I should give up booze, but I don't drink all the time and I don't use it as a crutch, although there have been times in my life that I have. I guess I just wonder when you know you need to give up, and what's the difference between that and thinking it'd be better for your health (useless calories etc) to do so, and if you do give up then, is there some kind of mind set you need to stop yourself from boozing again, or is it even necessary?

How do you know when it's a problem and when you're mostly just a social drinker?

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