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Aliantha 12-06-2006 07:47 PM


JayMcGee 12-06-2006 08:37 PM

I was always oppossed to Transportation.... we should have hanged them....

Aliantha 12-06-2006 08:38 PM

Yeah well, had you done that, you might have been able to win a match of cricket. :)

marichiko 12-06-2006 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by BigMcLargeHuge


marichiko 12-06-2006 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by jinx
Who are those people? Give me some examples of the strong echoes, ones that don't invlove multichiko.

You have to sign up as a member, though, and I warn you that they will not exactly love you if you show them the same attitude as you have me.

rkzenrage 12-07-2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
rkzen--I'm a specialist--I know how to score claims. My job as an occ. nurse was to try to deny claims..some claims just cannot be denied and other claims are too hairy to get into--easier to settle. PM me. As an occ health RN at GM AND AKSteel--I know what flies and what doesn't. You know that the average GM price of an auto is puffed up via three thou. b/c of ctd? (continuous truama disease)? Every time you buy a new GM auto you are subsidizing an elbow/wrist/shoulder CTD/surgery. With time off to heal. usual length --6 months. then, after said employee has been surgically fixed-90% come back with job-killing restrictions. You all expect GM to remain competitive after that? False claims have brought our production to it's knees. You wanna blame a senator for shipping jobs to China? Try blaming those who have fucked and sucked the system forever--

It's "funny" I have been told by the govt. and my ins. company that "eventually" they will have to pay and they know it, they are just putting it off for as long as they can because I am young (how long I have to live non-withstanding).
Problem is that what is wrong with me is so rare there is no name for it. What they are doing is taking each of my symptoms separately...
You can work with a herniated disk (I don't know about three, but there you go), advanced arthritis, osteoporosis, nerve damage, liver damage, broken bones, etc, etc... so they are denying the claim as many times as they can get by with.
I have one more time of just filing before getting into the review board with a lawyer with them... again.
When we get our paperwork together, I'll contact ya', thanks a lot.

9th Engineer 12-07-2006 03:37 PM

Rzkn, it doesn't matter how rare it is, if it's out there there's a name for it. What you are describing are symptoms which are isolated from each other, you would have to show that some common factor connects all of your symptoms for it to be a single 'condition'. The name for what you seem to have is 'Man with many painful injuries'.

rkzenrage 12-07-2006 03:42 PM

They are not isolated from each other, it is a genetic issue, not so easy to show in short-hand (they system is set-up to deny complex disorders) and how do you know so much about this? I have not discussed my disorder in detail here... you assume much, as ever.


Originally Posted by DanaC
'Those people' refers to the people I represent; the echoes, refer to this thread: the attitudes displayed to Mari's condition; the legions of armchair neurologists/psychiatrists/fraud detectors; the experiences brought to the debate by several other posters; and finally, the experiences I had during a prolonged illness in my childhood, teenage years and early twenties, which I started to post about and then decided to erase and start again, because a significant proportion of the people posting here cannot be trusted with details of such a personal experience.

I have, and will not, discuss all of my disorders or how I know about other's experiences with different types of illness.
There is a lot of the last acceptable prejudice in here...

9th Engineer 12-07-2006 03:49 PM

What I'm refering to is your statement about it being so rare it has no name, nonsense. If research has proven that there is a genetic corralation between those symptoms then it has been named. If you don't want to give details about yourself then that's fine, although you could just post a link to the medical journal that published the study on the genetics.

rkzenrage 12-07-2006 03:54 PM

LOL... I love that you are so transparent. My condition is genetic, it does not currently have a name. The only person who may have had it, that we know of was a great uncle. I am in journals for several of my conditions (a medical textbook for my brain) and could give a shit if you believe me. Your respect or belief in me is a thing that I hold in less regard than something I ate yesterday.

As for schizophrenia and what those that suffer from it can or cannot do, the degrees of that disorder are so extreme as to make that conversation impossible to have on that level. Depression is currently listed as a form of it.

9th Engineer 12-07-2006 04:10 PM

Why is this about my respect or belief in you? You said something I thought was out of whack and said so, all I asked was that you post some other information to clarify what you said. You must know the names of the journals you mentioned, I have access to all the medical journals at the university so it would be simple for me to look up this stuff for myself. If you aren't comfortable with me finding your real name (unless you somehow had it omitted from the study?) then just say so, don't make this personal.
You arn't going to win alot of trust by saying that you are the either the only person who has ever had this condition or a close second and then refusing to point to some literature on the topic. Now there's another posibility entirely, do these journals say that they have found that your symptoms are part of a larger genetic disorder? Or do they say that there may be a connection? Or for that matter is there one which covers this at all, you said several of your conditions which insinuates that they aren't talking about a singe genetic condition.
Having a disorder is not a licence to get angery and rude to anyone who asks you about it. Even if I was directly questioning the validity of your claims, then you should point me in the direction of the studies which support your statements, not claim that I am transparent because I don't take the word of someone I don't know except over an internet message board as infallible.

glatt 12-07-2006 04:23 PM

9th, you are fulfilling rkzenrage's prophecy that he will be turned on next after Mari. You're making him more nervous.

rkzenrage 12-07-2006 04:39 PM

9th, explain to me why anyone needs to show that they are, actually, sick? There is nothing "out of whack" about any of my statements.
I have a low opinion of you based on your actions in this forum, long before this thread.
You are showing that what I stated about what was to happen to anyone discussing their illness is true.

DanaC 12-07-2006 05:12 PM

The last acceptable prejudice. I think that's very well put.

9th Engineer 12-07-2006 05:20 PM

Do you NEED to show me that you're sick? No really, but what you're doing now is certainly not convincing me to believe you. You are asking me to believe that you have a genetic mutation of some sort which causes these symptoms, but is so rare that it has never been classified. Do you realize exactly what the odds are on that? This is not even something like schizophrenia which is a long standing and well documented disorder. You are saying you have something that no one has ever had before, or at least never in a developed nation. We have names and studies on conditions that affect only one in many millions of people, so if it is really genetic then either the mutation occured within the past few generations or you would be able to trace it back much further than your great uncle.
I'm a bioengineer, this type of stuff is my bread and butter and I know all about how stuff like this goes through the scientific community.
You are asking me to take a multi-billion-to-one occurence at face value (yes, that is the probability of what you claim happend, actually happening.)

Oh, and please don't go on about your opinion of me. This is an internet message board for crying out loud! You are not my coworker, my collegue, or really even an acquaintance for that matter. That's why this is not a personal attack and why I'm not worried about your reaction affecting me in any way.

EDIT: When did asking for more information become an attack?? Just send me the name of the journals

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