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wolf 06-30-2005 01:05 PM

Move the mouse pointer closer to and farther away from the image.

What I thought was interesting is what I thought was about normal rate was actually much, much higher.

Trilby 06-30-2005 01:16 PM

that is cool! (PUN ALERT!)

Poor little thing works its' "heart" out, doesn't it??

BigV 07-05-2005 11:31 PM

This is educational. My favorite part is this:


All of NYC was designated a Tow Away Zone under the State’s Vehicle and Traffic Law in 1959.

Elspode 07-07-2005 11:56 PM

What kind of Pocky are you?

wolf 07-08-2005 12:13 AM

I'm Chocolate, but what the hell is a Pocky?

BigV 07-08-2005 12:16 AM

Mmmmm. Chocolate pocky. How can you wrong with chocolate?

wolf 07-08-2005 12:27 AM

Chocolate automatically fucking rules, so I know the stupid little test got things right, but that still doesn't answer the question about the product ...

Queen of the Ryche 07-08-2005 09:43 AM

What the heck are "Cap Cap Ice Cream Cookies"? I don't want to be something I've never heard of, although it was rather complimentary.........I think I'd rather be chocolate.

Queen of the Ryche 07-08-2005 09:45 AM

Elspode 07-08-2005 10:29 AM

Last night, when I came home from band practice, my kids revealed to me that a friend had taken them to an Oriental market, and purchased about $65.00 worth of various Oriental snacks. A large selection was in fact laid out on my and my wife's desks for our sampling pleasure.

Most of the stuff was in original packaging, but some of it was in ziplok bags, having been doled out from apparent larger containers. One of these was a rather intriguing looking, sort of fish-shaped puffy cracker thingy, not unlike a puffy, curled up Goldfish cracker...which should have been my first clue.

I grabbed a small handful, shoved them into my mouth, and began to crunch...salty...a hint of teriyaki, perhaps? And something else...something not quite...crackerlike...but...familiar. Fish. It was a frigging fish (octopus, actually) flavored cracker.

Once I realized what it was, the compulsion to get the very, very lingering taste out of my mouth was rather pervasive. I yelled at the guilty kid, who thought it was pretty damn funny that he'd managed to dupe me into eating an octopus flavored cracker, and he came in a gave me a package of Pocky. Now, at this point, I am pretty suspicious of *anything* this monster is handing me, so I read the label. No eel. No tuna testes. No seaweed.

Good enough! I crunched down a whole package before I even paused. This then led me to research Pocky, whereupon I discovered that it was basically a pretzel stick with chocolate and other pleasant comestibles embedded thereupon. One site claims that it is the biggest selling treat in Japan, comparable to M&M's in the States.

Still, anything else Oriental and (allegedly) edible that comes into my house is going to be vetted for any signs of unexpected fish flavoring from here on out. I wish I could have read the package for those crackers, though, because I would really like to know...was it genuine octopus, or just artificial octopus flavoring?

Queen of the Ryche 07-08-2005 10:33 AM

one of the guys in my office ccasionally brings in "shrimp chips" - they're like fish flavored pork rinds or funyuns...........nasty.
(and where would you get artificial octopus flavoring? I guess from the same people who make imitation crab?)

breakingnews 07-08-2005 10:51 AM

You guys are lame. Shrimp chips, fish jerky (I bet you don't wanna know), dried seaweed - it's all soooo good.

My favorite is ... well, it's basically dry instant noodles with the seasoning on it. I eat bag after bag when I'm over there.

Queen of the Ryche 07-08-2005 10:58 AM

I do like alligator jerky - does that count?

Elspode 07-08-2005 11:17 AM

There was some mention of Octopus jerky in our subsequent, err...conversations following the incident. That stuff is like rubber to begin with. I would think that Octopus jerky would make a pretty good organic tire.

I have no objection to the instant noodles with seasoning. I have yet to find Octopus flavored Ramen at Wal Mart.

jinx 07-08-2005 11:21 AM

Mmmm.. alligator :yum:
My experience with octopus is limited to sushi. It's ok, very mild flavored, more of a textural thing. I don't order it, but if its in my combo or chirashi I eat it. I'd probably skip the crackers though.
I'm completely addicted to seaweed salad right now, but dried doesn't appeal to me unless its completely different than the little bit of dried wakame I tasted before I put it in the miso. :dead:

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