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HungLikeJesus 02-19-2008 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by icileparadise (Post 433457)
I am stupid but I don't get your point. Maybe I am pretty stupid but ici means here and paradise means happy (in this country) so why the semantics? ICILEPARADISE. Fair game for me. You question this?
Rather you quiz my intellect and I am up for the challenge: are you?

Anthony, your English is quite fine. I was not questioning your intelligence.

P.S. I feel like I walked into a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

You don't frighten us, English pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English K-nig-hts

icileparadise 02-20-2008 03:37 AM

That's okay Hung. No need to for me to get emotional, I think your'e reading it like icicle which it is not. Read it like: easylerparadee = icileparadise.

NoBoxes 02-20-2008 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by icileparadise (Post 433446)
It's French (dreaded) which is my second language, it tranlates as: here is paradise. Which it is.

Perhaps there was some confusion stemming from your apparent use of Frenglish: the words "ici" and "le" are French while the word "paradise" is English (it's "paradis" [sans "e"] in French). This may have led people to look for a corresponding English meaning to "icile" [possibly by way of a typo in which icicle could become icile].

Voici le paradis (here is paradise) would have been my first choice.
Le paradis est ici (paradise is here) seems to be what your nickname is base upon: ici, le paradis (here, paradise), without the verb est (is), perhaps functions as an idiomatic expression.

"Icileparadise" entails some artistic license with your nick; so, it's not surprising that others would take some license with their interpretation of it. :)

monster 02-20-2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by icileparadise (Post 433550)
I think your'e reading it like icicle which it is not. Read it like: easylerparadee = icileparadise.

yebbut, yebbut..... he's doing it deliberately. Playing with words. We get (=understand) ici le paradise. really. we do. But we get icicle paradise too. It started out as a reading error and ended up as an interesting concept.

icileparadise 02-20-2008 05:10 PM

I did want to keep a low profile here and I guess icileparadise is foreign to most non french speakers and I now get the icicle thing but in french icileparadis works - it's a selling thing like on a market stall: here is a good thing. I will change it if it's such a problem. I am English born so you know. French language is so romantic however, and icileparadise is like a holy grail, in it's own way. I am pleased and impressed that so many of you discussed my posts and helped me to experience this wynderful opportunity to speak to all people of all nations in our world.our posts have been very welcomed by me. Well done you cellar dwellers. We all benefit from all our own life experiences and sharing. Thank you.

HungLikeJesus 02-20-2008 05:56 PM

icileparadise, I think it's a good user name and hope you don't change it. I changed mine once, but eventually came back to the original.

DanaC 02-20-2008 06:06 PM

icileparadise, just so you know : once something starts getting discussed we have a tendency to pick it apart and go off on our own little drift with it. That's just the way we are, it doesn't necessarily mean we are taking exception to something if we start picking it apart :P

lookout123 02-21-2008 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 433711)
icileparadise, I think it's a good user name and hope you don't change it. I changed mine once, but eventually came back to the original.

Yes, this upsets me. terribly.

DanaC 02-21-2008 06:11 PM

A poorly dog. Pilau has a big lump on his neck which the vet is assuming (hoping) is a cyst under the skin that's got infected. He's running a temperature of 104 (should be 101) and is feeling very sorry for himself.

He's been off-colour for a few days, but I hadn't connected it with the little lump I'd noticed on his neck earlier in the week (he sometimes gets them and then they go) I knew something was up with him, wasn't his usual self. Then today I got back home and whereas normally he's at the door by the time I've finished unlocking it, this time I went in and no sign of him. I thought maybe mum had picked him up on her way home from work thinking I was going to be late back or something...just as I was thinking this he appeared from upstairs, a little subdued but happy to see me.

I gave him a biscuit, put in on the floor in front of him and he just sniffed it and looked at me. So I knew there was definately something amiss. I ruffled the fur on his neck and the little lump was now a massive swelling. I don't even know if the swelling was already there and I just hadn't noticed it because of the area it covered ... like it was so wide and gradual it almost didn't register as a lump. For all I know it's been there for ages and I just didn't notice it because up until a few days ago he had his thick winter coat. I cut all his fur off a few days ago. It's a weird swelling, hard to the touch too.

So, straight away made a vets appointment and booked a taxi and an hour later he was suffering the indignities of a thermometer and two injections. Poor little bugger. He's not at all well. Got to take him back after a week's course of anti-biotics and hope that the lump has gone down...i don;t even want to consider the possibilty that it won't, because that would mean it isn;t a cyst...

He's been restless and unable to settle for much of the evening. Occasionally grumbles or whimpers. Sat wth him on the couch for about an hour stroking him til he went to sleep for awhile. Seems to have perked up a little now though and managed to eat a little food. Apparently he's likely to feel really rotten for at least 48 hours whilst the 1st lot of drugs bring his temperature down and fight the infection.

I can't say I am overly concerned about the £58 it cost at the vets. They were really good with him.

Cicero 02-21-2008 06:15 PM

oh...poor Pilau! Is it swelling do to an allergy? He sounds so sick..oh!

DanaC 02-21-2008 06:20 PM

Don't think it's an allergy. It's too hard. Also, when I found the little lump earlier it looked like it had bled a little. Not unusual, he occasionally gets *thinks* herbatious? cysts can't remember what the word is now, but they're under the skin. They come and go and once or twice in his life they've been infected and had to be removed (like lancing an abcess). But the size of the swelling is a little shocking. It's basically the entire side of his neck. Which is why I am wondering if it was actually already like that and the 'little lump' was actually just a peak of that.

Aliantha 02-21-2008 06:23 PM

I hope it all works out ok for your puppy dog Dana. Try not to worry too much. As they get older, dogs are suseptible(sp?) to stuff like that. My dog Sheba is getting lots of cysts as she gets older. The first one I thought was a tic, but then found it wouldn't come off. Now she has several of them, but they're not harmful.

Anyway, that was a bit of a tangent.

Good luck for Pilau. I'll get my puppies to pray to the puppy god for him ok?

DanaC 02-21-2008 06:27 PM

*chuckles* thanks Ali, I am sure that'll help :P

Like I say he's had cysts before. From being quite young actually. What's worrying me atthe moment (apart from it feeling different to the usual ones) is the temperature. I know he'll be fine and the stuff the vet gave him will bring it down, probably already is doing....but 104 is very high. If a human had a temperature hike like that it'd be a hospital job. Dogs are pretty hardy creatures but I am sure glad I took him straight away. Otherwise it could have been a four in the morning job with a dog having fever spike seizures.....doesn't bear thinking about really.

binky 02-21-2008 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 433962)
Don't think it's an allergy. It's too hard. Also, when I found the little lump earlier it looked like it had bled a little. Not unusual, he occasionally gets *thinks* herbatious? cysts can't remember what the word is now, but they're under the skin. They come and go and once or twice in his life they've been infected and had to be removed (like lancing an abcess). But the size of the swelling is a little shocking. It's basically the entire side of his neck. Which is why I am wondering if it was actually already like that and the 'little lump' was actually just a peak of that.

Its "sebacious". I occasionally get them under my arm, probably from shaving, and they take a couple of weeks to go away without seeing a doctor. Just for grossness' sake, I was talking to someone once who said she gets them the size of a golf ball :greenface

DanaC 02-21-2008 06:32 PM

Thankyou! I've been mishearing that word for years :P

Actually I also get them under my arm, very occasionally. Once had one that turned into an abcess. Not fun.

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