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classicman 11-04-2011 04:47 PM

Oh ... I got that, I thought there was more too it.

classicman 11-04-2011 04:48 PM

Hmm ...

The lawyer for one of the woman who received a financial settlement after alleging sexual harassment by Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said that the woman stands by her allegations but is choosing not to discuss them publicly. The woman "sees no value in revisiting" the complaint, attorney Joel Bennett said, saying the woman and her husband feel it would be "extremely painful to do so."

classicman 11-04-2011 07:44 PM


The woman has been ambivalent this week about whether to go public and Bennett said she preferred to deal with the matter by reasserting her charges while staying anonymous.
Read more:

Thats pretty weak. She wants to have her cake and eat it too? Can't have both. Oh wait, I guess she can.
I still think the damage is done, no matter what the polls say.

ZenGum 11-04-2011 08:09 PM

Can we get back to talking about his nutty policies yet?

classicman 11-04-2011 08:14 PM

nein nein nein!

classicman 11-04-2011 08:14 PM

We could discuss the upcoming campaign finance scandal.
I'm still looking for some concrete reporting though.

ZenGum 11-04-2011 08:20 PM

So how about you and Lookout running, then?

classicman 11-04-2011 08:25 PM

I got a past and it isn't pretty. Heck the present isn't looking so good either.

classicman 11-04-2011 08:35 PM

Ohhhhhh just found this from 2 days ago. lol


According to a source who is friends with the Cain campaign, not only is the Rick Perry campaign involved but also the Mayor of Chicago and former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is likely involved with the sexual harassment accuser attacks. A friend of the Cain campaign believes a National Restaurant Association (NRA) employee out of the Chicago office leaked the story to the Perry campaign via information and influence from Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office."
They're actually blaming Rahm! Wow!

Lamplighter 11-04-2011 08:47 PM

You just scooped Merc with that one.

classicman 11-04-2011 08:52 PM

yeh - did you see the link? I fell dirty just having clicked on it.

Lamplighter 11-04-2011 09:28 PM


classicman 11-05-2011 02:06 PM


Just for the record, accusations of wrongdoing against Republicans are always the result
of an obsessively liberal media, left-wing conspiracy or rank partisanship.

Accusations of wrongdoing against Democrats are always the result of
an objective analysis of the facts. No exceptions.
From a friend of mine - sarcasm intended.

Lamplighter 11-05-2011 03:46 PM


Just for the record, accusations of wrongdoing against Republicans are always the result
of an obsessively liberal media, left-wing conspiracy or rank partisanship.
a waste of energy

Lamplighter 11-08-2011 08:35 AM

Bill O'Reilly interviewed all the GOP candidates last night.
As reported on CBS News, there wasn't much "news",
but at least O'Reilly did get to the bottom-tier candidates.


Second-tier candidates Santorum and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman were pressed
to explain how long they would extend their candidacies in the face of low poll numbers.

Santorum encouraged voters to remember former surprise victors
Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson from the 2008 election.
He said he could support Romney as the nominee,
but joked he might have to take an "antacid" if the nomination went to Paul.

Huntsman insisted that he'll either win New Hampshire or come in second, saying that voters will respond to his focus on jobs.

He also pushed back against O'Reilly's assertions that he was a moderate,
pointing to his anti-abortion and pro-Second Amendment record.
"Don't confuse moderate attitude with moderate record," he said.
Somehow those remarks seem a little weird:

Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson were surprise victors ?
Translation: I had a temporary blackout back in '08

Don't confuse moderate attitude with moderate record ?
Translation: I admit, I'll say anything to during the GOP campaign.

And besides all that:

Elsewhere, Herman Cain said his wife is behind him 200 % in all of this sexual harassment business.

We may still see the leopard-print dress show up during this campaign, after all.

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