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     Tuesday Jun 12 10:05 AM

This image shows the dark side of the Moon (insert floyd reference of your choice here). It's a long exposure shot, which explains why the crescent is so bright. But what's being studied is the dark part.

Turns out that the dark side is illuminated by the Earth, reflecting the sun's rays. Looking at that dark area, scientists have found that its darkness varies up to 20% according to season. They've also found that it's dimmer. A brighter dark side indicates a more reflective Earth, which indicates a cooler Earth.

For the last five years the "Earth shine" is down 2.5% which indicates a warmer earth. Global warming? Maybe, but also Sun activity; during the same period, magnetic activity from the Sun has increased from its minimum to its maximum.

But you may want to take all of this with a grain of salt after looking at this bonus image:

This is an actual shot of the Earth and the Moon taken from Odyssey, a spacecraft on its way to Mars. On its way, it is apparently taking pictures of what it's leaving. Odyssey will arrive at Mars on October 24.

Although they say the Moon looks a little smaller than it should, due to some sort of element of photography, I still find the scale surprising.

The dark spot at the bottom of earth is Antarctica.

elSicomoro  Tuesday Jun 12 12:10 PM

They are saying that Mars will be at its most visible in 10 years tonight, as Mars, the moon, and Earth will all be aligned (?). They said to look for it in the constellation Scorpius, in the southeastern sky.

I think I remember all that correctly. ;-)

  Tuesday Jun 12 07:21 PM

I forgot to add. From the Odyssey's photograph, the words "Earth" and "Moon" were added later.

Heh heh

  Saturday Jun 16 09:13 AM

If this was any other place but the Cellar, someone WOULD have conme along believing those were giant floating signs there.


  Monday Jun 18 05:20 PM

There are signs. It's a government conspiracy involving the Kennedys, marijuana legislation/cotton farmers, and an incredibly large number of Twinkies. Email me for details


Little do you know, but Mirriam-Webster tried to have Reagan killed, and I don't blame them one bit.

zeolite  Tuesday Jun 26 04:34 PM

"Turns out that the dark side is illuminated by the Earth, reflecting the sun's rays. "

I don't get it.

Isn't the dark side of the Moon the side facing away from us. At all times. The rotation of the Earth and the orbit of the Moon are synchronous so the dark side should never see any reflected light from Earth. Or is the dark side just reflecting the sun? I'm not sure how you read any data about Earth from studying the dark side of the Moon.

russotto  Wednesday Jun 27 09:46 AM

Originally posted by zeolite
"Turns out that the dark side is illuminated by the Earth, reflecting the sun's rays. "

I don't get it.

Isn't the dark side of the Moon the side facing away from us. At all times. The rotation of the Earth and the orbit of the Moon are synchronous so the dark side should never see any reflected light from Earth. Or is the dark side just reflecting the sun? I'm not sure how you read any data about Earth from studying the dark side of the Moon.
The dark side of the moon is the side facing away from the sun. The far side of the moon is the side facing away from us.

zeolite  Thursday Jun 28 12:52 PM

Duh. Now I get it. Typical earth-centric mentality. I just couldn't get the right picture in my mind. Thanks.

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