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   CaliforniaMama  Saturday Nov 24 01:26 PM

November 24, 2012 - Black Friday

Just a little bit of craziness as the official Christmas shopping season begins here in the U.S.(on the day after Thanksgiving).

from Starmedia

from Geek Sweat

glatt  Saturday Nov 24 01:41 PM

Good for them. Gotta keep the Chinese economy booming.

I'm going to try as much as possible to spend my money at local small businesses and through Etsy type sellers.

Lamplighter  Saturday Nov 24 02:47 PM

Marketeers have realized many, many people are nearly broke.

So by getting the $ on this uber-hyped shopping day, they get
what little there is, and any stores that wait for X-mas are S.O.L.

Ibby  Saturday Nov 24 06:37 PM

i literally forgot yesterday was black friday - and didn't know at all that it was the burlington town christmas tree lighting - so i went shopping, i ended up having to fight through the christmas tree watching crowd. Coulda been worse. After all, all I needed from downtown was some mouthwash, some nail polish topcoat, and some soap (and i ended up also getting a few LPs and a cigarette case and some tea). the mall wasn't really too crowded even.

Diaphone Jim  Saturday Nov 24 08:11 PM

Today was shop small business day. A great idea for the rest of the season.

Bottom photo, bottom right: Is that a Yeti hand? Do they wear gold rings and watchbands?

Big Sarge  Sunday Nov 25 10:03 AM

Black Friday? I didn't see that many African-Americans.

Griff  Sunday Nov 25 10:32 AM

How we look from away: The BBC websites top 3 stories for the good ole USA this morning.

1) US shoppers mob Black Friday sales- weird lead but accurate Americans are weird about spending
2) Dallas to go on without Hagman- not culturally relevant to Americans but for a British view of America probably relevant
3) UK calls for US lead on Mid-East- unfortunate but true, nothing gets done without waste of American dollars, but imposing British imperial outlook on USA is supported mostly by Borderlanders, Southerners, and Beltway types.

Lamplighter  Sunday Nov 25 10:33 AM

Sarge, Check in Section 4 under "Defoe"

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