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   xoxoxoBruce  Friday Jan 16 12:05 AM

Jan 16, 2009: Evolution Proof

Ever Since Charles Darwin published his revolutionary and famous tome,

"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"

in 1859, the "theory of Evolution" has been debated... sometimes hotly.

Although the Darwin developed the theory of natural selection in 1838,

and the basic premise goes back to at least Anaximander in the 6th century BC,

all the King's horses and all the King's men, haven't found the key.

The key, the one piece of irrefutable proof that moves the theory to fact

Anyway, the debate is over.

The theory is no longer a theory.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have proof.


SPUCK  Friday Jan 16 05:26 AM

Does show a striking brain size difference..

capnhowdy  Friday Jan 16 07:56 AM

"Can I keep her? Huh? Huh? Huh? I promise I'll take good care of her."

Pie  Friday Jan 16 08:31 AM

One will be sent to college. The other will fling her own poop.
Ya done good, Darwin!

Sheldonrs  Friday Jan 16 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by Pie View Post
One will be sent to college. The other will fling her own poop.
Ya done good, Darwin!
Yes, but which one will do which?

Trilby  Friday Jan 16 09:19 AM

I like the one on the left!

Gravdigr  Friday Jan 16 11:03 AM

You shaved her didn't you? This a before and after pic ain't it? Tell the truth...

leorolim  Friday Jan 16 12:49 PM

Superb photo... As always :D

Altough we are more close related to chimpanzees than orangotangs

The Theory of Evolution is still a Theory.
Well founded and proved with hundreds of real world cases and dozens of transition fossils.

As also still are theories the Theory of Gravitation, and the Theory of the Colours (tip: search Newton).

I get chills down my spine when people try to pass up mythology for science... Yeah, I'm talking of you right-wing christian fanatic nut jobs!

Even the Vatican as agreed and accepted evolution as a proven fact, by the great Pope John Paul II in 1996.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Pie  Friday Jan 16 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by Sheldonrs View Post
Yes, but which one will do which?
Once you figure that out, you know which one will be paying your nursing home bills...

sweetwater  Friday Jan 16 04:13 PM

That's one small step for ...

dar512  Friday Jan 16 04:21 PM

When I first saw the topic, I wondered why you would want to make sure you wouldn't evolve.

Evolution proof

DanaC  Friday Jan 16 05:54 PM

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
I like that.

capnhowdy  Friday Jan 16 06:42 PM

"The Theory of Evolution is still a Theory." [leorolim]

But xoB has proof!

"..and them smartass sumbitches say we come descended from monkies". [o brother where art thou]

Chinditz  Saturday Jan 17 01:58 AM

Personally, I think Kile from Southpark said it best:

"Maybe evolution is the answer to: How? And God is the answer to: Why?"

Oh and Leorolim: I always enjoyed the Cellar as a place where I can come and not be bothered by the left-wing-right-wing controversie (and associated namecalling) wich ruins to much of the conversations online, please, lets make an effort to keep it that way.

xoxoxoBruce  Saturday Jan 17 02:21 AM

@ Chinditz... I appreciate the sentiment, but it makes me wonder if you've ventured away from the IOtD and visited the other threads?

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The Cellar Image of the Day is just a section of a larger web community: a bunch of interesting folks talking about everything. Add your two cents to IotD by joining the Cellar.