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   Undertoad  Monday Feb 6 01:00 PM

2/6/2006: Face transplant patient appears

Face transplant patient Isabelle Dinoire is being shown in video a lot today. She's the world's first face transplant patient, after her pet dog mauled her. The hospital had their first press conference with Dinoire, so the public gets the first look at the results.

This shot shows much more than the videos, although the videos seemed to make her look much better/prettier. Her lower lip does hang down constantly like that, although she seemed able to drink normally from a cup of water. They say she'll be in physical therapy for quite some time, but she'll also be getting psychological help. They don't know exactly how someone will react when the face in the mirror is not their own.

AureliusVin  Monday Feb 6 01:56 PM

Wow, it is amazing that modern medicine is capable of doing such things I previously thought of only happening in movies. She does, however, have a long way to go before before playing in a game of Charades. Truly unbelievable stuff though.

Emrikol  Monday Feb 6 01:59 PM


Just wow.

/looks down his pants.

Hmm... if they can transplant a face. . .

wolf  Monday Feb 6 02:07 PM

You mean this?

Leah  Monday Feb 6 05:00 PM

That's one lucky lady, I have to wonder if she still has the dog .

moonspider666  Monday Feb 6 05:35 PM

hmmmmm,a 2 faced woman;i heard of those


xoxoxoBruce  Monday Feb 6 06:43 PM

It would appear that this is not yet an option for people that want to be prettier.
I think there is an awful lot of nerves and blood vessels in the face so I wonder how much of that they can get working. The muscles beneath the skin do the moving and cause expressions but I wonder in much of the skin is coming from the dentist?

AureliusVin  Monday Feb 6 07:15 PM

This is totally off topic, but as I was perusing through the list of "smilies", I came across the "doit" one and I think it might be one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen.

capnhowdy  Monday Feb 6 07:16 PM

Who cares about the face?

That's what underwear is for.

Just joking.

AureliusVin  Monday Feb 6 07:19 PM

Wait, scratch that.

Clodfobble  Monday Feb 6 07:35 PM

What's with the teeth?? I would think they could give her normal-looking dentures.

footfootfoot  Monday Feb 6 07:45 PM

Transplant in my book implies donor. can we get a liiiitle more info, but not too mcuh info. I agree with the teeth comment. that is old technology. reminds me of a joke that is too long to type tonight. if this thread lives on I amy attempt it later.

maybe someone already knows the one about the guy who buys the hand tailred $3.00 suit.

xoxoxoBruce  Monday Feb 6 07:57 PM

I suspect they are her own teeth. The problem is the drooping lower lip.
BUT, she still looks better than Michael Jackson.

Jordon  Monday Feb 6 08:47 PM

Oh, and get this:

She started smoking again, knowing that it could lead to tissue rejection. In other words, she just needs that ciggie so bad she doesn't care that her face could just decompose and slough off. That's why they call it an addiction.

footfootfoot  Monday Feb 6 09:05 PM

don't underestimate the power of nicotine. I know two former heroin addicts who smoke. they said kicking junk was a walk in the park compared to quitting cigs. both still smoke and have been junk free for a couple of decades.

In the book "the sticking point" get it at your library, the author explains some of the chemical reasons for nicotine's powerful wonderfulness on some people. (my sarcasm)

I think welbutrin has similar effects on neurotransmitters. Where's our neuronurse? Bri? is that you?

wolf  Tuesday Feb 7 03:04 AM

I'm wondering about the "before" pictures.

puquak  Tuesday Feb 7 03:32 AM

Didn't find an after-dog attack, but here is before dog attack:

tang  Tuesday Feb 7 09:22 AM

Not the best shot, but it gives you an idea of the "before". I think the new face is an improvement.

Karenv  Tuesday Feb 7 03:19 PM

It isn't exactly someone else's face. It has her bone structure and musculature, and the skin is fairly plastic, so it probably looks more like her than the donor. Not so many freckles though.

As for the smoking, the French basically don't accept our medical take on it. Of course it will slow the healing, but they are basically in denial.

Karenv  Tuesday Feb 7 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by AureliusVin
This is totally off topic, but as I was perusing through the list of "smilies", I came across the "doit" one and I think it might be one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen.

So where did you get the cunnismiley from? And why are you disturbed?

pinkrose12  Tuesday Feb 7 04:04 PM

it may be very hard to quit smoking but that doesn't mean it can't be done. I did it and survived. I was very addicted. People quit smoking everyday. Given what this woman has at stake I think she would care enough to quit.

footfootfoot  Wednesday Feb 8 12:25 PM

OK I still want to know where the donor came from.

Happy Monkey  Wednesday Feb 8 01:13 PM

Maybe a retired politician didn't need their second face anymore.

dar512  Wednesday Feb 8 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by footfootfoot
OK I still want to know where the donor came from.
Why? Do you think you recognize them?

Like most donors, this one was dead and had no more use for the parts.

wolf  Wednesday Feb 8 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by footfootfoot
OK I still want to know where the donor came from.
One of the articles indicated that the donor was a suicide.

footfootfoot  Wednesday Feb 8 02:21 PM

Thanks. that is exactly as much info as I wanted/needed. I will now be able to avoid this thread.

I just didn't realize you could donate a face.

wolf  Wednesday Feb 8 02:38 PM

Neither did the donor.

capnhowdy  Wednesday Feb 8 05:27 PM

Personally, I'd want the face of someone who was

Sun_Sparkz  Wednesday Feb 8 06:54 PM

but she looks the same? i mean the before attack and now doesnt look like anyone else to me? just looks like she has a homer simpson style beard-scar thats all. I dont see why she would feel like its not "her face" any moe than a car accident victim with reconstructive surgery would. - i mean the donor donated skin obviously i understand that skin on her was once on someone elses face. but i mean.. so? My parents both have someone elses heart after open heart surgery. My mum had blood transfusions when i was born for near 2 months and noone gave her "therepy" because OMG its someone elses blood inside her. I just dont "get" the whole big deal. People have ears on them that grew on mice backs for gods sake.

capnhowdy  Wednesday Feb 8 07:32 PM

After a mass transfusion as a result of a GI bleed, I wondered about whose blood I had gotten. Must have been an alcoholic, tho... I tend to drink more.

Surely SOMETHING carries over through DNA or chemical makeup. It's kinda weird when you think about it.

Sun_Sparkz  Wednesday Feb 8 07:52 PM

I guess whith blood though - it probably just came from a live donor - not a dead one, so its not AS creepy.

busterb  Thursday Feb 9 07:08 PM

I found this while looking at past IodT. Don't remember how it turned out. Must have been a flop?

Aliantha  Thursday Feb 9 07:30 PM

Ethical debate has been stirred in France over groundbreaking facial transplant in which both the donor and the recipient had attempted suicide.

Transplant patient Isabelle Dinoire, was reported to have overdosed on pills last May following an argument with one of her two daughters. As she lay unconscious, part of her nose, her mouth and chin were bitten off by her Labrador-cross dog.
Does it make any difference that she 'lost her face' because she had OD'd? I had heard that it was heroin she'd OD'd on, but couldn't find any evidence to support the claim.

xoxoxoBruce  Thursday Feb 9 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Sun_Sparkz
My parents both have someone elses heart after open heart surgery.
Both your parents had heart transplants?

Sun_Sparkz  Thursday Feb 9 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Both your parents had heart transplants?
yep. and i have 3 surviving grandparents with 2 with pacemakers, one with heart trasplant only and 1 deceased granparent who died of.. yep, a heart attack.

yes.. the odds dont look good, but damn it Kfc just smells SO GOOD!

Beestie  Thursday Feb 9 10:20 PM

I'm going to hell for this...

xoxoxoBruce  Friday Feb 10 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by Sun_Sparkz
yep. and i have 3 surviving grandparents with 2 with pacemakers, one with heart trasplant only and 1 deceased granparent who died of.. yep, a heart attack.

yes.. the odds dont look good, but damn it Kfc just smells SO GOOD!
You'd better start looking for a donor you can run over with your car when you need it.

Beestie, yes.

wolf  Friday Feb 10 02:00 AM

Transplant patient Isabelle Dinoire, was reported to have overdosed on pills last May following an argument with one of her two daughters. As she lay unconscious, part of her nose, her mouth and chin were bitten off by her Labrador-cross dog.
Important safety tip ... if you're going to commit suicide, don't forget to put out enough food for the dog.

Undertoad  Tuesday Sep 6 04:13 PM

Face transplant patient dies:

Dinoire died in April, Le Figaro revealed, which was confirmed by doctors in Amiens who said they had not previously announced her death to protect her family’s privacy.

Doctors did not reveal the exact cause of death. Le Figaro reported that Dinoire’s body had rejected the transplant last year “and she had lost part of the use of her lips”.

The drugs that she had to take to prevent her body from rejecting the transplant left her vulnerable to cancer and two cancers had developed, the paper said.

glatt  Tuesday Sep 6 04:24 PM

well, thanks for the update, but that's too bad.

Hopefully the decade in between the operation and her death was worth it for her. I imagine it was. But my imagining isn't worth much.

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